I received a copy of Waterworld today, is it bad as people make it out to be or should I not even bother watching it?

I received a copy of Waterworld today, is it bad as people make it out to be or should I not even bother watching it?

i actually like the movie

It's Road Warrior, where all the cars are board and all the sands are waters.

I like it.

It's one of those 'bad' movies everyone should see once. For funsies.

it's just boring and also kinda shitty

think the biggest problem it had was costner was on a roll then, had big crossover appeal, too many people came in with high expectations when it was pretty campy

It's amazing.

It's it's post-apoc kino

It's good as fuck senpai

No it's not, watch it

It's a fun cheesy 90's kino.

The problem was it was hyped too much, it's not a bad movie. Not quite Mad Max on water but still fun.

Is this bait? Waterworld is great.
>I give you some scraps of paper for fifteen minutes with the loli

It's fun as fuck, I love it, just don't expect realistic use of gasoline and cigarettes in a post apocalyptic world

it's not an action packed movie if that's what you want

The main problem is Kevin Costner's acting, it's absolutely dire in this one.

Waterworld is another proof that critics are shit, always were shit and never should be taken into consideration

At least we get to see some prime Tripplehorn ass.

>I received a copy of Waterworld today
someone must really hate you


Some times it's not about whether a movie is good or not, but instead whether you liked it.

It's honestly a movie everyone has to see for themselves.