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Television and Film #920
Television and Film
*Saves Star Wars*
Remember when the Imperial officers were just bureaucrats doing their jobs and had feelings and doubts just like real...
Why was a franchise beloved almost exclusively by males handed over to an all female working group who idolized Leia...
Cast him
/bant/ Christmas movies livestream
Are these the only redeeming thing about TLJ?
STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Suffers Record-Setting biggest week-to-week drop in box office history
Is she our Batgirl Sup Forums?
What are some good movies with snow?
Why did they turn Star Wars into a franchise for little girls?
Why have no YouTubers successfully made the crossover to mainstream films yet? Will it ever happen...
Is cinema a dying art form?
ITT: Surprisingly dark Simpsons moments
Have to admit, this is pretty good so far. (46 minutes in)
Many established, young, and handsome actors apply for the role of young Han Solo
Cast the upcoming Half Life movie
Merry Christmas, Sup Forums
WebM Thread Elf
Lets finally settle this, who does it best?
When do we get this?
Take down the shields or I'll shoot your blaster-proof armor
ITT: Openly Christian actors
Hypothetically, how much of your wage would you pay for an annual subscription to JOI
What is the message behind the thala-sirens?
How can Mary Elizabeth Winstead live with herself?
So who was he?
Why haven't you watched this year's kino?
Eyes wide shut
/trek/ - My favorite series is better than your favorite series edition
Dont play that aww shucks shit with me youre getting on that plane
The power to spend billions in advertising is insignificant next to the power of the JUST
JL made 94m opening weekend
The Witcher Netflix
Reminder that there was never Rebel infighting in the OT except for Han and Leia doing the Moonlighting thing...
Why was Luke wearing a Jedi-uniform before he became a Jedi? Is this foreshadowing or is Lucas a hack?
About to watch this, what should I expect?
Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew (...)
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
Huh, isn't that interesting
Only a Sith deals in absolutes
Gal Gadot has no as-
Are matt and trey ashamed of this episode now that they are full sjw?
"If I wanted to see two NEGROS fight I would throw a dollar bill out the window."
Why is there such a big disconnect between critics and the GP in regards to this movie?
How would Disney add humor to this scene?
What exactly did he mean by this?
The only good scene in TLJ was copied from the prequels
Will humanity ever produce a finer specimen?
What's some good Christkino to watch on this, the day of our Lord?
What's the best editing software? I've been using Final Cut for ten years...
Was Spike a cuckold?
The thinking man Stars War movie
And yet it still made 800 million in two weeks
Orcs are just like black people! they're hated and discriminated against so that makes gang violence something they...
Memes aside, why does Sup Forums like this guy so much? Seems like a fairly normal actor to me
Rate my Christmas gifts
Tfw no gf to drink wine and watch Eyes Wide Shut with on Christmas Eve
Its ok only if japan does it
Hollywood is dying
What's his famous line again?
Christmas /Jenneral/
How are you going, bro's?
What was Sup Forums's reaction to this?
This guy is great!
Why are the creature designs for Nu-Wars so shitty and strangely...lewd?
Happy chanukka, marv
Webm thread
Memes aside, Why exactly is this a thing?
Pretty sad, Scorsese should have just got younger actors for the parts
Sup Forums BTFO
1999 Kino
Meanwhile on 2008 Sup Forums
The Fate of Rey
Got dumped by gf this week. Worst chrismas and new years that i know of. Any movies to cope with this feel?
Quick, mods are here
I can't fucking believe it, hahahahhHAHAHAHAHA
Who is the manliest actor of all time?
Move you head and pass me the popcorn, Peter
The girl character can do no wrong
ITT: Actors with the most punchable face
Do people actually enjoys these junkie movies?
Remember when Star Wars used to have good looking people in it?
What thoughts went through your head during the Poe/Hux prank call scene?
Instead of rebooting it with other actors, can't they just make a continuation series with CGI...
2 has always unironically been my favorite, and i know i'm not the only one
It's Christmas Eve. What are you watching?
What is objectively the best christmas movie and why is it pic related?
How the fuck did Anakin not sense that Leia was his daughter though? I mean, with his connection to the force...
Thank you, Sup Forums. Thank you for shitting so much on TLJ and lowering my expectations...
Childhood faps
What are some Kafkaesque movies?
See fit man walking towards me in grocery store
Louis CK will never work again
Has the debate gone too far?
Hollywood belongs to the Chinese
Doctor Who General - /who/
Did they really need this in the movie? Was this some sort of stunt to get young teenage women to swoon over him?
Gantz O
ITT: Predict the headlines when Black Panther inevitably fails due to capeshit fatigue
Spell his name without looking it up
It's Xmas eve did you make sure to buy some Porgs?
Boyfriend wants to watch a tv show
Name a better Christmas movie
Why are you wearing your shirt at the beach, user?
Why was Disney going to have Kylo shave his head?
Me on the left
Will Based Shatner make a thread to wish us all Merry Christmas?
Actors who are also black people
Uh, what should we do to stop this?
He can't be getting away with this
I mean, at least it looks good...?
So apparently hating the podrace is a thing now
How do we kill the mouse
Top 5 hottest actresses right now
/rlg/ - Reylo General
$745 Million?!
Sup Forums Christmas card thread #2
That fucking gap between critics and audience
Im diamond hard
Take that
Reminder that the Shape of Water is nothing but an Alan Moore ripoff. Why can't movies be original?
No memes
6 > 8 > 3 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 2 > 1
What's nina dobrev's best movie?
What are the bet Plinkett reviews ? What are the best moments?
The Great Debate
Kill your libido for a moment and think about it for a moment. Sex is disgusting
Are him and Mel the only non-soy goy actors left in Hollywood?
I met 4chans favorite inspiration for a meme last night
Best of Sup Forums 2017
What went wrong?
There's still star wars threads
That episode where the guys punished Sal by fucking his mom in front of him
Whats the point of having ships so big when an X-Wing can render 90% of your defence mechanisms useless
Best comedy of the generation
Actors/actresses that are both hot and ugly
They wasted Liam Neeson/Qui Gon
Why didnt they just ram everything in any other movie? Its pretty effective and useful
Lets have a comfy christmas sheevposting thread
Was his father supposed to represent God?
Holy shit why is that yellow robot making jokes every scene, even the serious ones?
ITT: Film moments that made you go nani
This doesn't deserve the hate
You're welcome. Now donate to our Patreon and remember we don't want to be friends with you
They ruined Star Wars
Hollywood belongs to the Chinese now
Since the previous OP was an abject failure, let's get a new Christmas card thread going. Post what you want added
Netflix already ordered a sequel to BRIGHT
Damn, his body language says it all in that moment
How did no one during production point out that the entire Casino sequence was a terrible, terrible idea?
I just saw Jumanji
There are people who believe cinema evolved as a visual medium
How do you go from this
Why did it fail bros?
1,090 days until Avatar 2
Do American women really do this?
In which kino did you have your first kiss with a girl lads? You DID pull the moves on a girl in a movie didn't you?
It's Christmas eve. Why are you here?
You turned her against me!
/christmas eve/
Regular Reminder that the so called "television and film" board can't even work out how to defeat the Thing
What are your sincere thoughts about this woman?
We did it
Are these soyboys mentally deranged ? They're literally blaming Lucas for TLJ
Are you guys ready?
Hi there, I'm Olga Kurylenko
What did they think of it, Sup Forums?
Its Christmas Eve why are you here?
..thats all, any questions?
You have 48 hours to prep
Reminder that even if you are sad and want to kill yourself just remember that you are loved...
It's over Anakin. I have the high ground
Star Wars 8 Last Jedi box office PLUMMETS in second week - but how bad is it?
ITT: Terrible film criticism
Astral projects himself to troll with Kylo
Total Recall on TV right now. Tahnk you, Jesus
Which Fast and Furious movie is the best?
Buys one of the most successful franchises for $4 billion
"we've seen hundreds of girls for the character of Rose"
Chandler, i sensed it was you
Um, no sweetie
I don't believe it. I don't believe it! You're meant to come down here and defend me against these characters...
What does Sup Forums think of Chris Stuckmann?
Go and try to write a one page review of TLJ, you'll realize you have no good points...
Having sex for money is just as bad as losing an arm, going to prison and being tortured in an insane asylum
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
"Merry Christmas son"
It's Christmas, everyone will be getting dubs ITT
Killing of sacred deer
Been up since last night finishing season 3
Do normies only hate this movie because it makes all their stupid theories worthless?
What went right?
Am I the only one who wants to fuck her?
Recommend me some operator-kino
Star Wars JUST'd him
What are you masturbating to Sup Forums?
How did they get away with this?
Big Trouble in Little China
Driver’s in-the-zone solemnity is something his castmates can’t help but take note of...
Daily reminder that it's okay to disagree with tumblr, reddit, and Sup Forums. The Last Jedi was a good movie...
Why didn't Jerry just ask for the seafood option...
For a series that has some of the most iconic music in film-history they sure fucked it up in the sequel trilogy...
Who is best-boy Sup Forums?
Welcome to the special Christmas edition of Adventure Call! Remember traveler I cannot hear your request if you do not...
Sup Forums‘s secret fantasy
Sup Forums sucks
It’s christmas and so every 10/10 girl in the world will be getting fucked today
5 minutes in
Top this list
Obi-Wan never told you what happened to your father
Why do people who are rich, famous and have fresh wet pussy on speed dial, kill themselves?
Who does Sup Forums support?
Is 30Rock worth my time? It looks like libtard propaganda to me
/who/ doctor who general
You autists realise that Star Wars physics has never made sense right?
What purpose did this scene serve. Just seemed fucking weird
Christmas Card Thread #2 - Return of the Image Hoarder
Roman kino?
Don't tell me anyone of you do this
ITT: liberal propaganda films
What are some films with ligers in them?
What did the Empire do that was evil, exactly? Why are they the villains?
New meme
ITT: We predict movies and shows that will get remade with a female lead
Budget $300 million[2]
ITT: Actors with surprising conditions
Who is in the wrong here?
Sup Forums hates this
Christmas Movies
In the context of this movie...
Why the fuck wasn't his arm cauterized?
"Neon genesis evangelion"
Christmas Karen thread
Slow as shit
What are some good Christmas movies?
Marvelcucks unironically think Avengers is a good movie
Choose one
Why is there now a "light side" of the force?
Has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Lauren Southern, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS in debates
Disney bought out Angry Joe
Rian Johnson shitting on yet another of JJ's idea
That son of a bitch brought the war to us two years ago. Jesus, Alfred, count the dead. Thousands of people...
Do filthy Americans really put their dirty feet on the dash when in a car? I thought the great USA is a civil...
TWD no whisperers
I just wanted to congratulate my fellow pedes and /poltv/ posters. Together...
"I'm sorry Yoshikazu, but that Rey gaijin's sushi-making skill is already far greater than me...
Watching movie with family
It's a Vegeta episode
Now that the dust has settled on The Last Jedi, what do we think of this?
Why has Jason Todd never been in a live-action Batman film? His tarnished suit in BvS doesn't count
Name 1 (one) Wesley Snipes kino
Who was in the wrong here?
I want to see her in more films
Netflix paid Max Landis 7 million dollars for this pile of shit
What the fuck are these Alt-Right Groups?
What was the funniest joke in Rick and Morty?
Born December 4, 1964 (age 53)
Why does gay media so often idolize relationships between older men and adolescents?
In January 2016, a shortlist of actors was revealed for the role of young Han Solo, including Miles Teller...
Star Trek TOS
Audits? Four audits, and what's more, out of the the Shire by your talk. What business brings you to Breece?
Help me lads
25 minutes in
Be humble. Sit down
What non actors do you think have potential to be hollywood stars...
Walking down the beach
We rewrite the opening crawl for the Episode 7
Your popcorn & soda, sir
Why does Hollywood insist that gigantic fake chests are attractive? Like Kylo Ren in TLJ
I just wanted to congratulate my fellow pedes and /poltv/ posters. Together...
ITT: Actors who would have sex with you if they weren't famous
Say something nice about Chloe and her career. After all, it's Christmas! Time for miracles!
Name just ONE movie that got the race of Egyptians right
Can we discuss this masterpiece?
Why am I not allowed to like these?
What are some films about fat pasty losers?
This movie was really fucking good and I'm here to defend it
How did he get to the top of the order whilst being so young?
Why did he kill his father?
Gets limbs chopped off my Dooku
Last Jedi's 77% Fri.-To-Fri. Plunge Is Worst Ever For A Star Wars Pic
"At last, the force truly is female."
Special Effects Thread
Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the board
"We're going to say merry christmas again!"
Does Rian Johnson still have a career in Hollywood as a movie director after The Last Jedi disaster...
That Time Crisis/House of the Dead gun technique
/Bright/ General
>Married with children was BASED!
When and why did everyone start to hate George Lucas?
Sup Forums is making fun of us again
Was this supposed to be a good movie?
Been a pussy my whole life. Want to git gud. Should I watch the ring (my grade 7 fear...
So honest question, not even trying to bait but why does it matter if a film has "forced" minority roles?
Is it overrated?
What did she mean by this?
Why do they hate Jim Davis so much?
Welcome to class. I'm your teacher, Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo. What is your favorite film?
70% second weekend drop
Wow user! I didn’t know you were a fan of documentaries...
Why didnt he bail over the beach?
Cast it
What are some nominations for Sup Forums's meme of the year for 2017?
Having to sleep
So where do the non-mexican people go?
Ok lets settle this,wich one is better and why
So recently downloaded the HDRip of Justice League. but its fps is 30 frames per second
The Last Jedi deleted scenes revealed
Are we just taking this too far?
Jumanji Thread
I hope this piece of shit bombs next so we get rid of MCU cancer aswell
Sheevposting thread PART TWO
Is great spy
Muh diversity
Jake Gyllenhaal
Who was he?
So, you come here after posting on Sup Forums about me? You think my sushi is overpriced...
So orks are blacks and mexicans and elves are white people?
What are films about true love?
Is there anything left for them to ruin?
He goes out an hour before the party
Jyn Erso
Quick, mods are asleep
One doorway to guard
Who are we supposed to root for, everyone was a piece of shit
How would this movie be handled today?
...what the FUCK was her problem?
How many years until Christmas is ruined by liberals and isn’t celebrated anymore?
Battle of the Sup Forums composers
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
BvS - JL
Damn... Is that who I think it is?
Movies that you will always associate with a certain product
How do you rate her body of work?
Would the Star Wars sequels be any better if Rei was the protagonist and not Rey?
Shape of Thicc
Who is the best actor born post-2000 and why is it Millie?
If you could pick a jedi master to train you, which one would it be?
Hello my name is Riley. Recommend me a movie
Quintessential Christmas Kino
Say it
The "Steamed Hams" scene was written by Simpsons writer Josh Weinstein
Why are soyim and bugboys so afraid to accept Jarjar was a sith before the fan backlash forced a production decision...
Best War film to come out in the last 10 years
Nebula if she were human
Welcome to earth
Film has niggers in it
When did they do a New Season For MST3K?
ITT: Underrated 2017 kino
Ok which one of you did this?
Hurry Sup Forums!
All this board talks about is gay wars. You nerd wars virgins aren't welcome on the Chad board...
Why do girls pretend to like boy things?
What went right?
What went wrong?
Is there any actress out there purer than Kiernan Shipka?
Who is your mommyfu Sup Forums?
/Bright/ General
ITT : settings/characters/plots wasted
Male character walks into bathroom
How heavy will damage control be for Episode 9, assuming it can be salvaged?
Star Wars fanboyism aside, can we acknowledge that this is just a garbage film...
Lol lets waste this cool and interesting character again
This guy has signed up to be in your film!
/rlg/ - Reylo General
*enjoys The Last Jedi in you’re path*
I've watched this series probably 10 times now and I still don't know what the ending means
Is this show a parody of shitty fucking liberals
ITT post the scenes that made you realize you were gay
ITT: Actors who on their own can make any film, no matter how shitty, watchable, even enjoyable for you
ITT annoying movie watching habits of other people you know
Why didn't C3PO have his red arm in TLJ?
My life is hard because girls wont talk to me!
Happy Luke?
ITT: we predict how disney is gonna fuck up this one
How does this thing stay airborne?
Top 10 Things I Got WRONG about The Last Jedi - 2nd Angry Review!
Eyes wide shut
It's j-j-j-just business
What was the worst movie you saw in 2017?
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
We need Jennifer Lawrence but we're out of budget
You idiots actually recommending viewing in """machete""" order
This is a legitimately fucking brilliant show and I'm glad it's recent meme-phase was short lived
I'm not exaggerating when I say that this film was a franchise killer...
How come everyone hates Finn? This honestly cannot just be because he is a black man, can it...
What does Sup Forums think of Guillermo del Toro, the greatest director of all time?
I'd like to watch the original series, but I heard george lucas went back and tried to ruin them. Is this true...
No MAN can kill me!
Jonah Hill's brother dead 40
Would you fuck an orc? I prolly would
Why were the prequels so politically involved...
Try to name a worse fanbase than Star Wars
Rey or Padme?
You have thirty seconds to pitch me an idea for a sequel to a Groundhog Day that isn't shit
It's time
Women can't fi-
They removed the fake reviews! Sup Forums BTFO
Was it as bad as I remember? I remember the pacing being awful and jumping from scene to scene
I just started Voyager. What am I in for?
Tfw too intelligent
Lara Croft/TR general
Married with Children
Post your collections, Sup Forums
What's the greatest western?
Were audiences in 1980's confused when the Emperor did not appear as a space chimp?
My goodness you've grown!
Friendly reminder that Luke only had at most a few days of training at Dagobah, before leaving to save his friends...
Oh man, just finished this kino, I have nothing else to fill the void, The Wire thread I guess
This is way better than Phantom Menace, why does it get so much hate?
When someone says they like The Last Jedi
What was his plan here
I’m done with Star Wars
People who didn't like TLJ
*ruins your "perfect" trilogy*
What was he looking at?
What went wrong
John Oliver caught lying about Net Neutrality
Uh oh, the Chloe memes are about to go viral
Oh no oh no oh no
Are there any FUN, good TV shows? Everything seems to be so dark and depressive and serious these days...
Three songs in the first 15 minutes
Have you ever had sex in a movie theater?
Here's your popcorn you fat piece of shit
Bombs released in space somehow fall as if being pulled down by gravity
Why did the FO not hyperspace ram the resistance?
What's your opinion of this movie?
How would you go about adapting NGE?
What are some politically incorrect movies made in the last 3 decades?
Is David Ayer gonna be alright, bros?
What are the quintessential kino Christmas movies I should be watching...
Uh oh
Who had the better body of work?
Why did they cast so many ugly women in this movie? It wasn't just her, but there were tons of background ugly women
Sup Forums blamed for low TJI review scores
He tried to force an abortion with the force?
Arrive at party
Series similar to Skins
An artist respects the silence that serves as the foundation of creativity, Rey
Here's your Christmas gift, user
Steven Spielberg hasn't made a good film in over a decade
Vader Spin-off movie
What did Kubrick mean by this?
Any movies where a fat guy gets the hot girl?
Did Humbert ruin Lolita's life?
Scuse me pardner, comin thru
Who else is going to have the annual LOTR Christmas Marathon?
Michael Peña
Prequel haters btfo
Well guys.... the mandela effect is real
The Thing
What does your family think about Star Wars? Have they ever even seen it?
Hold on
Name ONE good film, i bet you cant
One copy of Mad Max : Fury Road please
What made his Force Awakens review so disappointing, and what do you want to see from his last jedi review
Can you post some good mommykino?
It's an older digit sir, but it checks out. I was about to double them
Mark, we need to reshoot the milk scene again
Last Jedi being weak in asian market
How do I achieve this body?
Find a flaw with the best Star Wars film of all - Episode 4 A New Hope
Mad Men
Fuck you, I liked it
Why doesn't Rey have a shirtless scene?
Are american audiences really this dumb?
So... is she up to her role in Oceans 8? what are your predictions?
Disney literally paid Angry Joe to backtrack on how much he hated TLJ
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
They hold ou up, to keep us down
"The " Why" of Zack Snyder's eye-widening, soul-stirring pop art."
Person of Interest
What the fuck is a horror movie?
*blocks your puberty*
ITT: Actor Deaths that will fuck you up
Ayy lmao
Chewie, we're home
Black Mirror Season 4
From 8 miles to this
Who is the bext Spider-Man & why is it Tobey?
What is her best movie?
Do you think the Mouse is nervous now? Do you think they'll make changes? Is the situation even that bad...
Will we ever return to a time as comfy as the 1930's?
This has a 100% rating on RT
Anarcho-primitivism doesn't wo-
Where is the "romantic tension" in TFA?
What are some films about unhinged people in power?
How would Disney have handled this scene?
Favorite Mainstream Movie of 2017
Think real carefully if you are marrying a white woman
Go see Shape of Water
Making fun of soyboys kino
/who/ Doctor who
ITT: films that could never be made today
Can a Disney Spideypool movie even work with such a big age gap between Peter & Wade?
The first two Harry Potter movies are great to watch on Christmas, they have such a comfy, Christmassy feeling to them...
Not just one...
What do producers actually do?
What are you watching tonight, user?
That's it whittu piggu, piece of sushi and some fish
You just KNOW
Why was this movie so good when it had no right to be?
Is Jumanji the true kino that the world needed to erase the god awful pile of shit known as The Last Jedi from our...
He would be a nice James Bond
Who would win?
Consumerist Whore
Is this the lowest moment in the franchise?
I-its okay, the goys uhh I mean the fans didn't like ESB when it first came out too!
CNN: ‘Thomas the Tank Engine’ and ‘Paw Patrol’ Are ‘Fascist Cartoons’
Promote strong female lead characters
Last Jedi adds another $25 Million in domestic box office
Was he right?
I don't plan on seeing The Last Jedi so can someone give me a quick rundown on why this character is so hated?
What is your biggest issue with Modern Hollywood movies?
I just don't have the motivation to find a movie that I wanna watch then download it and sit through it for 2 hours...
How do you feel this directing Metal Gear Solid?
Miss me yet?
What did you guys think of Bright? I think it tries to blend fantasy...
Damn, he's got a [b]oint although!
Imperial General
The film is obviously a classic, is the TV show any good or just a shameless cash-in?
Can we finally admit that this is the best film of 2017?
Was Misfits ever popular outside of the UK?
Why does The Phantom Menace feel more professional than the other two prequels?
/got/ general
What kind of role would you like her to play?
Why does Jay have such an awful taste in cinema?
Just finished watching this for the first time and holy shit, its absolute dogshit
They are the most well-rounded and developed Star Wars protagonists so far
Give me ONE reason to not see it in theaters
Explain this
Why are you still alone?
If Wolverine had to fight Magneto post Weapon X program, one on one, is there any way he could win?
Battle of geonosis
What's the scariest scene from a film you saw this year, Sup Forums?
Miss me yet?
Was she the only reason anyone gave a shit about this movie?
Why isn't she more popular?
So, how does it compare to Ed Wood? imdb has it rated slightly higher currently but...
Would you watch this movie?
Jonah Hill Feldstein
People are so caught up (rightfully) with flying Leia, Skywalker titty milk...
Can we have a Basil Brush thread?
Um sweetie?
Daisy Ridley is really pretty but I just can't get over her gross foot tattoo
Still the hottest they had
Black Panther: Early Box Office Tracking Predicts One of Marvel’s Biggest Solo Outings
Now that the dust has settled, I think it's safe to say that Sup Forums loves this film...
Best television show ever
It’s a 30 something white girl finds love in a quaint snowy town episode
Was it kino?
Holy sh*t, what is wrong with white people? Do they really do this?
The racist, homophobic pastry chef
Jonah Hill's Brother Dies of Heart Attack
The Post is the Mount Rushmore of the Hollywood–Beltway liberal alliance
Post yfw you saw this in theater
The perfect film
Anyone seen this? How good is it?
Watching the movie industry slowly die is one of my favorite hobbies
Who’d win in a fight?
What the F**K did I just watch?
Webm thread I guess
How to fix Episode IX
Cute guy makes a Lesbian turn straight
Who would you cast him as?
Should me & the family see see jumanji instead of the last jedi tomorrow?
What is with BBC and blackwashing?
What's the best space show?
Makes a SJW movie
Jurassic Park Hurricane Question
Star Wars friday box office
Fuck you Sup Forums, this was one of the best shows i've ever seen
/trek/ General -Babes of Trek Edition
Which is the worse fanbase?
What will replace consumerist geek culture?
Go to cinema
Why does she continuously get such a major push in Hollywood?
ITT: we cast a watchmen movie
Oh shit ur mamma name martha to?
Implying this scene isn't cool
*ruins Star Wars*
How long till Episode ZERO comes out?
Has there ever been a bigger fuck up than this? I honestly can't think of one
What are some good movies with JLaw?
What are some good snacks to eat while watching a movie?
What are some kinos with this aesthetic?
Who is your favourite vampire?
Lost and freezing in a blizzard
A small but important character that shows growth with minimum screen time
4 U Sup Forums
What an ugly motherfucker
Has anything come close to this masterpiece since?
Too far, Sup Forums. Shame on you
Online anti-matt damon petition reaches 20k votes
Why noone wanted to be with best girl?
They couldn't even get the facial proportions right
Recast it
Do Americans really wear outfits like
Why women and children first?
What did they mean by this?
De Niro has to wear platform shoes on the set of The Irishman to look taller beside Al Pacino
My does The Phantom Menace feel more professional than the other two prequels?
Is she a legitimately good actress of just eye candy?
1,091 days until Avatar 2
What are you masturbating to Sup Forums?
Tfw too dumb for a star wars movie
Mexican eceleb insults drug lord for clicks
Unironically Loved the Prequels
Tfw to dumb for /sci/ and /lit/
Thanks so much for this screening guys, I'm a huge fan...
Which was the worse perversion of Yoda's character?
ITT : Actors you could beat in a fistfight
My sister beat my brother and I in FIFA16 in a bet to decide what we watch tonight...
ITT: Films that women will never understand
Is she right?
ITT: Sup Forums recasts Disney's NuWars one role at a time
/rlg/ - Reylo General
Name one thing he did wrong
You're welcome
How would he have handled RotJ?
Are there any unbiased films about what happened in Nanking?
The only one person who can save star wars
Would you say this is true for movies too? Can women really enjoy film?
Post yfw Kylo Ren took his mask off
Are all these movies for you? Oh I love this one. Good taste. :)
Can I sue poland for stealing Lord of the Rings story?
This is Rey and her pet, say something nice about them
Go into a random thread
Only white male nazis hated The Last Jed-
How are we going to ruin this, lads?
Surely he can do better, right?
Tfw you remember non-Americans post here
Best visuals in any Star Wars while also taking a dump on JJ's "mysteries"...
How do we help /ourguy/ Max in his time of need Sup Forums?
What is this hairstyle called?
So, what is Rian Johnson?
I can't tell if they're good looking or not
Star Wars Finn
Why did we get a cuter and somewhat hotter version of Jar Jar Binks?
ITT: actresses who aged like wine
Name a movie trilogy that goes 3>1>2, I'll wait
What christmas kino is everyone watching this year?
Did Millennials ruin Film/TV or Gen X?
Why does no one gives a shit that the First Order commit atrocities four times the Empire?
Why is Disney so shit at worldbuilding?
Post a jaw and guess the actor
He's *cough* bankrupt!
You are all going to feel like idiots for laughing at this South Park trash when Scientology becomes the biggest...
The time has come
What does Sup Forums think of Moonrise Kingdom?
Kino Moments from History
TFW 5'8"
Is it safe to say this is now officially /OurFilm/
Why's the media against this one all-female reboot, bros?
What do you think about Bjorn Lothbrok and the Vikings series? You make a meme of it
Cast the inevitable remake
Should he be in jail?
He’s kinda got a point
Just a reminder that he died pathetic, alone and a virgin on an island
"Hey Alan, move out LMAO"
Mel, 1989 31 years old
Is there any other actor/actress that lost more talent than her as her career progressed...
You guys weren't kidding when you said this fuck gets LITERALLY no backstory
Is he /ourguy/ this shitposter can't be stopped
Hunters, Slayers and Champions thread
Everything that transpired in Snoke's throne room did so according to his calculations...
Daisy Ridley And Boyega
Was it kino?
I'm sorry dudes
/porg/ - Porg general
Finally make it big
Daily reminder
Jabba, you ain't nothing but a fat-assed slug. Fake gold chains...
What's next for her career?
If Snoke cannot be betrayed then how did Kylo Ren possibly do it? Was it force betrayal or something?
Released in 5 months
New cast of Ocean's 8
Let's make predictions for Solo A Star Wars Story
"Father. What was mother like?"
Arrive to new region
Do Americans really do this?
Who's next?
ITT: We fix The Last Jedi
Stop trashing my movie
Sup Forums in one picture
All white males on board are to be castrated
What happened to Jar Jar Binks after Revenge of the Sith? Do you think Darth Vader killed him?
3x3 thread
No, it's the audience that's wrong
What colour light sabre would you pick? I always liked classic blue
Animals rights > human rights
There is no racial bigotry here. I do not look down on anyone. Here you are all equally worthless
How was her show even legal? All episodes basically revolve around her molesting her son...
She's a MARY SUE. Prove me wrong
Can we just agree this fight was pretty fucking cool
What are some films with this aesthetic
Why didn’t they just use Mara Jade and the Solo and Skywalker kids?
Not fair. Should have been Miranda ;_;
Why are people so bugged by this?
Explain this shit immediately
We need Emma Stone but we're out of budget
Fantasy Movie
What was his fucking problem?
ITT: Things you like and hate most about TLJ
Why does Disney hate him?
/trek/ Star Trek General
Are they supposed to be antifa?
The Last JUST
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...