Astral projects himself to troll with Kylo

>astral projects himself to troll with Kylo
>still dies

Can some please explain this scene? How the fuck did a ghost Master Yoda back from the dead control lightning to destroy the ancient Jedi texts without breaking a sweat but Luke died by just projecting a hologram of himself without doing any actual fighting?

Yoda is an actual master while Luke is an 'okay' Jedi pretending to be a master. The only reason he's a legend is because he's the only Jedi left alive from that time, and the only reason he's even alive is because he went into hiding like a pussy bitch.

>Yoda is an actual master

yoda couldn't even beat count dooku and sheev in a lightsaber fight.

rian Johnson has clearly never watched star wars or is a massive cunt who just couldnt give a fuck

Dubs of truth, if you look backwards on canon siths always kicked the ass of the jedi, even vader could have been victorious if he didn't doubted while fighting luke

Luke in the real EU went on to be the most powerful force user ever

Because Rian Fucking Johnson is a hack who pitched the worst possible sequel to Disney and they bought it. Johnson was clearly trolling everyone. Now he has killed Star Wars. Bravo.

can't believe Yoda found luke
or did he just fallow his all this time and just showed ups to burn the tree?
that means he was even watching Luke taking a show and everything
he's a little green pervert

This. The goal of the latest trilogy was to subvert SW, completely destroy the established story and make it "inclusive"

It was actually two different projections all along

Green alien milk finally killed him.

being a master jedi doesn't make you a master lightsaber fighter

because he's the last jedi

Why Luke died?
Becasue Kennedy hates him nad had him edited out post-production.
Why Yoda can influence the real world as a ghost?
Because Johnson and Kennedy are hacks and have no fucking clue about SW.

It was made by a talantless hack.

Also, Luke was meant to survive into IX, but they decided to kill him off with Windows Movie maker at the last second.

He forced Dooku to run and straight up disarmed Sidious.

>note: luke died on the way back to his home planet

Like the hyperdrive ram, Yoda's appearance in TLJ was the worst plot device ever and it opened another can of worms. How could they think they can conveniently put Yoda only in that moment in the story and not during other times like Kylo's training or smth? And how about Anakin? How powerful can a force ghost be?

What's worse is that that's what LITERALLY happens.

Maybe Force ghosts can appear only to those who saw them die? Leia couldn't see any of the three at the end of RotJ.

Because EU was written by autistic powerlevelfags who think the force is about blowing stuff up

Says who? Also, Yoda affected the physical world, shich is something ghosts couldn't do before. Why doesn't Yoda just nuke Kylo and Snoke?

So he changed his clothes during the movie?

If that's the case then they can say goodbye to using Luke as a Force ghost in the future SW movies since he died alone.

I figured they were just appearing to who they want. Even in real world ghost lore they have the ability to do that.

He didn't die, he ascended to become one with the force.

There are Force ghosts all around you at all times. Affecting weather, pissing off dogs, watching you masturbate. But you can't see them because of the anger you have over fictional stories not going the way you wanted them to.

Yeah, that's called "death" in the Star Wars universe.

Except Luke currently in the comics post-RoTJ has the ability to fucking wreck a Star Destroyer.

Hey JJ, I see you're already trying to find a way out of the mess Rian left you

Yeah, Disney comics Vader casually wrecks AT-ATs with the Force. Power levels haven't changed much, so I don't understand why they didn't give Luke that epic final battle he deserved.

Yoda didn't use the force, the lighting strike was a coincidence
do you guys actually watch movies?

Rey stole the books, OP. Yoda burned an empty dead tree.

He very clearly made it happen

Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't.

why didnt they kill carrie fisher instead of luke??? seems like a mind bogglingly stupid decision

>those faces
Nice tracing skill.

>implying dead Jedi showing up in the next movie hasn't been a thing since ESB

sUbvErTiNg ExPeCtAtIoNs

The plot, i mean force, has no reason for him to be alive after Snoke died because Rey is strong enough for Kylo.

Because Kathleen Kennedy is retarded. They probably wanted Leia to be Rey's mentor in IX for muh gurl power.

Unless Disney put a hit on her, they obviously didn't know she was going to die. The plan was probably to have her come face-to-face with Kylo in 9.

CGI Leia

How the fuck does this scenario happen? And they said the old EU was stupid.

If the force is the... driving force of everything then that lightning (like any lightning in the galaxy) was directed by it.
And if Yoda became one with the force then its no matter who sent it - nature, force or jedi ghost.

>Because EU was written by autistic powerlevelfags
Unlike the movies and NuEU.

The EU isn't canon, deal with it.

they found out long before the movie was released, could have easily edited her death in considering she had a scene where she literally ALMOST dies

if he is astral projecting, and the force only works on living things, how does C3PO see him?

Even post ANH/pre ESB comics showed Luke make a Star Destroyer shift with a force push, albeit unintentionally

the whole movie was made with the idea that if something is original and unexpected that means its good

The OT and ST are not about powerlevelfaggotry. Luke wins in ROTJ and TLJ because he chooses NOT to fight

If EU fags wrote TLJ Luke would have just killed the entire First Order army with his mind

> There is no ship and no way to get out of the Island
> He knows after Yoda talk that there must be a symbol of hope aka "Rey"
> So he projects himself to give time for the Rebels and Rey to go away
> He tapped again in the Force after years of shut in, the energy must be to much and he dies peacefully

Is really not hard to understand what happens in the movie, now the behind-the-scenes shit that happen to kill Luke that is a different reason but I do agree, this trilogy is Rey and Ben movie not Solo, Skywalkers.

Both the ST and nuEU have stupid powerlevels

>yoda more powerful than luke
>but he didn't go deal with emperor and vader himself
>made the apparently less powerful luke go do it
lazy little green shit

I don't care about old or new EU. ST trilogy does not have powerlevel faggotry and that's why prequelbabbies and EUautists hate it

>Kylo can stop blaster bolts
>Kylo can "force freeze" people"
>Snoke is more powerful that Sheev
>Yoda Force Ghost Lighting
>Luke can force projection
>Mind melds
>ST trilogy does not have powerlevel faggotry

>rey and ben trilogy
>not solo/skywalker
>mfw ben is literally half solo half skywalker

Real quick: I've only seen the film once so I might be wrong, but didn't they show near the end of the film that Rey had already take the Jedi texts out of the tree? There was a shot of Finn or someone opening a drawer on the Falcon to get a blanket and they were in there. Or am I remembering wrong?

>> There is no ship and no way to get out of the Island
What? They literally have a deliberate shot of Luke's X-Wing parked under the water. Everyone I know assumed at one point either Rey or Luke was going to fly off with it.

the entire film is pointless

>they try to do something
>they can't
>entire thing is pointless
>repeat several times

The force balanced itself after snoke died. Luke was his counterpart

this. Disneywars is horrible beyond logical reason but they did mostly get the force right. well, apart from Rey inexplicably being better with it than Jedi masters, but I see that as a characterization issue.

You forgot the most crucial element of powerlevel faggotry:
>In spite of godlike powers, characters routinely end up in situations where they get beaten like a pussy bitch for no good reason Even with the "Kylo was injured" thing, let's not forget that literally the first thing he does in the movie is show that he's so good that a hidden sniper he's no normal way of being aware of can't even shoot him, so where were his powers when he got shot later?
>inb4 "No you see the emotional turmoil of killing his father which is literally something that is meant to make him more powerful because those emotions are the source of the dark side, somehow made him weaker because neither he nor Snoke had any fucking idea what the important task of killing his dad would do"

Ach-to was a physical place that intersected with the force like Dagobah, so it made Force Ghosts more powerful where they could interact with the real world. it cant happen everywhere

You understand "HURR DURR KYLO SHOULD NEVER LOSE BECAUSE HE'S SO POWERFUL XD" is the DEFINITION of powerlevel faggotry right?

>vehicle you're in is literally being torn apart by space magic

Is this less dumb in context?

Similar happens in Rebels I think
PT/ST and LotS has things beyond her/snoke

That's not what I'm saying.
What I'm saying is that you don't get to do both. You don't get to show that a character is basically untouchable, and then just throw that factoid out the window whenever it's convenient for the plot.
Also, if you're a competent writer, you can get the characters into situations where they couldn't use the abilities they previously displayed to avoid harm. Hell, Poe was about to fly into the very same room and start shooting shit a minute or two later. They could have just had Rey and everyone else run for it, and then Kylo be caught in an explosion, so it's not utter bullshit that he's injured by something that we saw him casually avoid in the very first scene he's in.

This is like if you had a scene with Obi-Wan on the Death Star where he runs into some soldiers and can't talk his way out of the situation, not even attempting to use the mind trick we saw him use on Tatooine.
That's the issue.

He was asking for consistency and making fun of it you dipshit

The movies never establish or even imply remotely that projecting yourself when you're dead is harder than doing it while you're alive, so your complaint has no basis.
Also there's a multitude of differences between the two that can be used as plausible excuses as to why Luke's would have been harder to accomplish anyway (it looked infinitely more realistic, it had to fool a lot of people at the same time etc.).

Just like how maul and anakin lost to obi?

He spent all his mana.

The whole point was that the emotions from killing his father didn't make him stronger like he thought it would. This is obvious, and if it wasn't, it's even straight up stated by Snoke in TLJ.
