Is there anything left for them to ruin?


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Yea. As soon as the institutionalized creative incompetence creates a vacuum that will be filled by individual artists, they'll swoop in and buy out gobble up any spark of originality that arises.

Oh shut up CHILD. Nothing has been ruined. Are you going to tell me you can't just go and watch all the old stuff that is already out there?

What's on the far left?

>What's on the far left?


Also MST3K

Potential future enjoyment out of a previously reliable hobby you've invested a lot of time in has been ruined, you dumb faggot.

Bet he liked the Ladybusters


You can report your opponent to the judge for microagressions. If you don't refer to a shitty tranny with their preferred pronouns, you can be given a gameloss. Removal and counterspells were taken out of the game for a while because the SJW test audience hates those two. Badwrongfun they said. Card quality went to shit because of lowered standards across the board. If you're not a leftist on social media, WOTC can ban you from their game. WOTC would rather virtue signal than actually made a good card game. Standard is dying and the mention of 8 million players dropping will trigger the wotc shills.

Warhammer 40K remains last unruined sci-fi setting.

It was the least egregious offender here. Worst call was casting a diversity hire Tom Servo who sounded NOTHING like Tom Servo

Here's hoping for a reboot of Babylon 5 with more diversity and stonk wimmins

Gundam is still pretty alright. No one cares about your politics as long as you're building dioramas of ruined Zakus and candy coating the millionth Sinanju.

This is a shame, I liked the Kurt Russel one.


Two dead franchises and a failed reboot?

LOTR - coming next year from Amazon.

They just did this to Stargate

There has been way more bad gundam than good.

HEY! Be fair, you cunt. He-man also had a failed reboot.


>plastic glasses
>open mouth
I don't know who this is and have never seen him before but I want him to get drafted.

Wait till they finally make a good high budget WWI film and half the cast are minorities or females.

Don't worry, he dies at the end of the season.


Hey whore, shut the fuck up. You and the likes of you will soon be nothing but dust atoms in history. Thankfully liberal fag whore shits like you rarely have kids so aside from brainwashing and raping younglings your pathetic weak beliefs will never propagate further from this age.

Your time is coming
Your kind will gorge on itself as it dies out
Enjoy the twilight of the sunset for when sun sets no one will be around to protect you from the horrors of reality

thank you for your sacrifice


Nah, Seed/Destiny, Age, Build Try, and arguably Reconguista are really the only truly bad series. The good UC stuff alone probably has a longer run time than that. Throw in the manga and the model kits, and it's a solid way to spend your time.

i got you senpai

are you that guy who just got banned by WOTC for being a total piece of shit? You sound salty.

These aren't the threads you're looking for.



The Emperor Protects

Japanese sci-fi will remain good so long as Nips continue to say no to social justice.

Then again, they do a better job with their "diverse" characters than most western shows do anyways.

After Bladerunner 2049 I think we can all rest easy that the remake is gonna be good.

Dead. the 02 reboot sucked until the second season. It's not being touched by a long shot
Dead. Not being touched for a long long time.
Had a nice comic revival run 10 years ago. The license fees were too much. Thanks Disney.

>defending sprankle
She's got fake tits, you white knight. She's a thot.

Star Trek Discovery is kino you braindead pleb

I completely forgt about the MST3k, it must have bombed horribly.

Because no one gives a shit about 40K

I could never get into 40k. The story is kinda neat, but the designs are so ugly and lumpy.

The Godzilla movies are next. The American ones at least.

Didn't they recently start doing all-women sets to bring some colour into the 41st century?

Yeah she's a ho but so are you

Can’t we just make something new?

I agree. One of the most problematic areas that is yet to tackled by Hollywood involves the lack of diversity in WWII films. For example, consider the worrying under-representation of Africans and Arabs as death-camp prisoners. When are we as a society going to address this injustice?

I guess LoTR is next.

>hasnt heard of fem40k

Fuck i dont even play warhammer and yet i know about that shitshow

anime is next, they will keep trying until they hit big.

MST3k restart was good past the 1st episode, though.
Star Wars was only recently messed up from TLJ.
I've got nothing for discovery.

>Is there anything left for them to ruin?

Lord of the Rings
Won't be long