Would you fuck an orc? I prolly would

Would you fuck an orc? I prolly would

>tfw no orc gf

is there an ork version of this?

I'd fug the shit out of an elf.

Orc's are punk rock af

None of us are fags. If you're gonna ask then post pic of orc girls.

Remember, it's not all orcs

Why didn't the Orcs just use guns instead of relying on Cave Trolls when trying to defeat the Armies of Man?

Theres barely any orc women in the movie desu

thats a good one


If you are white you are automatically a fag boi


Only when I'm horny

this will never be you

Only a small amount of orcs awakened the dark lord

Here're some, I think there was one more in the titty bar.

well yeah that's a woman

there were a lot of them in background scenes like the stand off with the shield of light dude


how are supposed to compete?

i'd fuck nearly anything to be honest


Of course I'd fuck them


>your face of PURE HATRED when orc is gonna die later today

Orcs would make black bois completely useless to every non-black chick.

If I were a white girl, I would.


what if you wanted someone who didnt sell out the earth to the dark lord

Would stick within your own race if you care about details like that. Keep your nose clean and your privates disease free.

blunder of the century

Am I supposed to ignore the plotholes and logical mishaps because this is a goofy fun B movie? I don't know how I feel about this movie. It was fun and entertaining, but there was a lot of nonsense, most of it which was entertaining because of how ridiculous and illogical it all was.

> plotholes

How the hell the feds and the inferni knew where will smith and orc bro were at literally every location.


Not only did they mention they were tracking any instances of mention of a wand; there was an explicit scene where we saw them tracking the sheriff's phone.

>narrowed down the call from the gas station to a few blocks before Leilah cut the connection
>saw the goddamn explosion while heading in that direction
hmmm really gets the noggin joggin.

Not really a plothole but in the strip club when will smith says they should give the wand to the mexicans i thought oh he is gonna let them explode themselves but then they decide to try and suicide fight them, why not just give the wand?

The owner of the wand knows where it is, that explains the Inferni. Don't have an explanation for the Feds though.

That was the only reason the inferni knew they were at the gas station, there was no other excuse. What about the orcs and the Mexicans? How did they know where they were at all times? It was obviously just written in to set up some entertaining action sequences and that was it. Still entertaining though.

Was there a single femorc in this movie? I don't remember one.

I also don't remember any male elves

Nigga the anti magic fed was an elf

There was a female orc at the strip club

i know there were elves in general, i mean a male elf

Are you blind?

he said fem orc not elf. also the task force elf was a man. the answer is still yes, they showed female orcs more than once.

nick didnt want to give the wand up

>9 races fought the dark lord

Orcs were obviously not one of them so we have at least 10 major races. Probably a bunch of rare ones too like vampires or dragons.

This could be a great setting for a TV series.

The fed was a male elf you mong


Let them touch it and explode then pick it up again

>orcs were not one of them

I swear people watch movies with the sound off

the leader of the united armies was an orc and it's obvious orcs fought on both sides. more probably fought for the dark lord though.

with that bone structure? i think not

In the strip club there was a woman who looked human but her eyes shut like a lizard, plus there is that argonian like street sign

the Fogtooth leader specifically mentioned dwarves in Miami. so naturally I pictured Gimli but dressed like pic related

Yet the entire race is blamed for supporting the big bad.

Jirak was a special case. A nobody other orcs didn't respect. Orcs fought for dark lord.


>one guy = race

If orcs fought on both sides they wouldn't be getting all this shit.

Was the big fat redheaded Fed anything else other than a human?

is Bright worth watching?

Definitely worth a watch. Especially if you're into fantasy or Shadowrun.

its honestly not as bad as everyone's making it out to be. its a lot more coherent than Suicide Squad.

This is basically the Shadowrun movie no one knew they wanted. Turned out pretty neat, definitely a fun watch, even more so now that Netflix greenlit the sequel and is thinking about making a TV series of the ip.

I was trying to figure out what this movie reminds me of. Fucking shadowrun. That's it. Good comparison.

is there a torrent or mega up yet? I don't do netflix

There were lots. All pretty modestly dressed though.

It's pretty good
there's a webrip up yeah

nvm found it, idk why I even ask when I can spoonfeed myself

>he wasn't an elf


>Dwarves mentioned
>None of them live in LA
Kinda disappointed but I understand why they'd stay away from LA

you're alright
don't goto the elf district tomorrow

*smacks lips*

>None of them live in LA
They never said that. Just because we didn't see any of them doesn't mean they aren't around. Everytime we saw crowds of people they were pretty homogenous. Its obvious that in LA most races stick with their own. Even the Fogteeth's leader's exposition about his monthly parties supports that.


That's true. Maybe that had their own community more north/east towards the mountains

this literally seems like shadowrun the movie

Its not a 1-for-1 but its certainly the closest we will likely ever get

>zug zug
good shit

Why didn't the Orcs just lightspeed ram the Armies of Man?

American women are already fucking apes, so. Seriously though American women would fuck anything. Degenerate subhumans.


Man that movie is really good looking, is it actually really bad?

OP didn't say anything about women, you fucking freak. Try leaving the house, like, ever.

t. low test beta

No it's actually really good.

Are you a professional critic? If so, they seem to by and large hate it.
Are you a normal viewer? Just about all of them will agree that at the very least it was worth a watch.

You cut the best line of the movie

Wait, there was a Shadowrun movie?

Are you someone with taste. If so, you will by and large hate it.
Are you an idiot? Just about all idiots will agree at the very least it was worth a watch.

>"One year ago I was living my "Hooker Orc" fantasy.. obviously I'm not shooting stars out of my tits, but I don't think instagram would approve of my orc nipples...
BRIGHT comes out tomorrow on Netflix!

>orcs and blacks at the same time
Wow, the crime must be sky high.

Not official but it at least pays it unintentional tribute. Go in knowing that it is modern day-ish and as a result there is no cyber anything.

That bad Asian elf chick was so fucking hot holy shit

fuck off to reddit nigger

this is what netflix needed to send to the critics

I busted a nut everytime she came on screen.


>etflix greenlit the sequel and is thinking about making a TV series of the ip

Source on the TV show?

>mfw she also played the fat gooks sister in The Last Jedi

Why didn't the Orcs just ask Detective Spooner to enlist the NS-5 to retrieve the ring?