>that fucking gap between critics and audience
That fucking gap between critics and audience
The critics turned it off as soon as they saw Trigger Warning Entertainment and wrote their reviews.
>But I’ll be damned if I have any idea what this movie is on about, or why. Halfway through, I broke one of my cardinal moviegoing rules — “never talk” — by leaning over to ask a colleague if the movie was supposed to be making sense by now. He winced. After the screening, I repeated the inquiry to a half-dozen fellow critics; everyone seemed a little stunned by the experience.
>There is some kind of racial metaphor aching to get out here, but it’s either incredibly dumb or kind of evil — particularly because Jakoby is the first orc to be admitted to the LAPD (which nevertheless polices the whole city and all three species) and gives speeches about how orcs, who in days past chose the “wrong side,” need to make better choices now.
mind you this is a top critic on RT
Do you really believe this flick is 90% 4.3/5?
All this is just proof only braindead faggots waste their time voting on RT
what does he not get? it's just a fantasy alien nation.
the critics say it's the worst movie of the year look at that 3/10 rating on RT
emoji movie is 2.7/10 for reference
RT is hyper SJW. They're a propaganda outlet that approves movies that fit within their ideology and trash movies that don't. They don't even enjoy movies, they're just trying to spread their leftist religion.
The great divide is real.
the audience score is a reliable metric and most people aren't fucking retards!
Based democracy!
>RT is hyper SJW. They're a propaganda outlet that approves movies that fit within their ideology and trash movies that don't. They don't even enjoy movies, they're just trying to spread their leftist religion.
they can't fit the racial split in Bright into their neat little box of racial power rankings
Transformers is a good movie, what are you on about?
this is a score of 3.9/10 which is higher than Bright though
it's literally just a compilation of reviews. it doesn't have an agenda.
maybe the critics have an agenda, but the site itself doesn't.
To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to appreciate the rich cinematic opuses of Max Landis.
Oooh boy. I know you both and u missed proper context
Fr*cking thank you I'm sick of seeing morons on here thinking they know better than people who do this for a living
There tends to be a gap when a film is made for a specific audience/interest and the reviewers, whose career is to review all relevant films, aren't necessarily that category.
it's a site which is the sum of it's critics RT never reviews anything themselves
No way is Bright a 3/10. Like, a 5 or 6 I could understand, but a 3? Wtf?
It was shit.
Why do you guys put so much stock into dogshit sites like rotten tomatoes?
I liked the movie. I like cop movies and I like alien shit so it was cool. Nothing complicated to understand. Orcs are niggers and elves are Jews.
If anything the movie was too simple. It was literally just Will Smith and some orc shooting things to stay alive
Exactly. Plus, who watches Bright and think "that was shit" and waste their time going to a site that nobody uses for audience reviews just to give it a low score? If they are bothered at all they will go to IMDb.
the 30% actually makes sense. it's a completely mediocre film, and with the retarded fresh/rotten system it's reasonable that it would be just on the wrong side of mediocre for 70% of critics. similarly, 90% of people enjoying it but not necessarily taking it too seriously is understandable. I would say I "liked" it but it's still a 6/10 at most
the problem is the 3.7/10 average critic rating being unfair, and the 4.3/5 audience rating being fucking ridiculous. I don't know why people use this website, it's awful in every way possible. I don't particularly want to know what the lowest common denominator thinks about a film, nor do I want an aggregation of what paid critics with an agenda and a particular audience to keep on side think
>implying some SJW soyboy is going to have the same tastes as an actual person
The critics are right, it's a piece of shit flick. Ayer's very own End Of Watch does cop drama far better. The "social commentary" falls apart when the orcs are depicted as actual subhuman trash. And then there's the contrived, cheap writing, e.g. the elves being able to take out an entire tactical squad, the squad not firing at all and they just die uselessly like puppets, bur then the elves not being able to immediately eliminate 2 cops and in fact die to them. It's low-brow entertainment, for those who value cheap ideals of consumption over actual worthwhile film.
>This movie doesn't have a clear, browbeating metaphor about race that fits into the Overton window I and my rarefied clique subscribe to, so I have no idea what to think.
>Professional intellectual coming through here, people.
Last Jedi seems more your speed
>The "social commentary" falls apart when the orcs are depicted as actual subhuman trash
does it? I see it as similar to the florida project - they are very much trash, but that doesn't mean they can't be empathised with. you can see someone as lesser (for lack of a better word) without necessarily wanting to fucking kill or abuse them. it's like with animals
The movie was pretty meh. Very predictable, and bland. No character was likeable.
It deserves that 30%.
This. It's time the British Broadcasting Centre censored these subversive Russian posts. I only want to see happy beaming Muslim families celebrating Christmas this festive period!!
>writing your opinion for a living
Wow must take a lot of talent. Oh wait that is what everyone on here does also. God damn you are stupid.
Nice fallacy, but I dropped Star Wars at TFA.
>but that doesn't mean they can't be empathised with
Yes, but this is common knowledge, and there's no point in the film stating over and over that the sky is blue. It offers nothing, it's not thought provoking in the slightest. At best it aids the world-building and realism, but that doesn't constitute merit on its own as it should be a given.
>you can see someone as lesser (for lack of a better word) without necessarily wanting to fucking kill
Of course, but not when the orcs are shown as violent criminals who patrol the streets in gangs, and hold archaic, uncivilized customs that ostracize their own.
Yeah, it's weird that the very people who take the site seriously also fail to understand how it works.
Reminder that this is a concentrated effort to discredit Rotten Tomatoes as a reliable source of information.
big if true
he cant look past politics to see the movie for what it is...2 cops go on a routine call and have a wild night...hes reviewing the movie based on political themes, and since his politics of choice doesnt make a fluent transition to bright then that must mean bright is shit
there is nothing, only politics...this is your brain on liberalism
this a million times
>there is nothing, only politics...this is your brain on liberalism
Meanwhile on the other side...
Kathleen Kennedy also makes movies for a living
it still amazes me that this is real
It's almost like Orcs don't actually represent a entire ethnic group in the real world and are their own people, with their own thoughts, opinions, traditions, and culture unique to the setting.
And everyone hated it. It's legitimately too smart for people to understand.
Reminds me of how critics thought District 9 was about apartheid and so the prawns = blacks, but failed to also see that this dumb correspondence actually meant that blacks are meant to be a stupid, worker class.
Critics are bought off fucking hacks, they like and hate what they're told to like and hate. Their opinions are worthless, just like their lives.
Who pays Armond then?
armond is an opportunist who saw a market for contrarian reviews. he's the milo yiannopolous or however the fuck you spell it of film reviews
The black people that was the target audience of this movie liked it, how is it a surprise? What, you think the same people who hated TLJ or liked Bright also made a review for a Madea movie?
>Reminds me of how critics thought District 9 was about apartheid
It literally is
The opening montage of people talking about the prawns was Blonkamp taking to the streets to ask people what they thought about the blacks and then editing out mentions of the blacks. It was literally the point of the movie
This film was fucking souless piece of shit with no creativity at all, just lazy recycled ideas with terrible script and directing. 30% is too good for this shit. People who liked this are true brainlets, and im not even exaggerating. I cant believe people actually liked this
>what they thought about the blacks
It was about immigrants, retard. Blomkamp interviewed black South Africans as well who were upset at immigrants from other African countries coming to South Africa. Hell, even one of the antagonists was a Nigerian (immigrant) crime boss.
>Mother bird
That bird was a dude wtf
yeah and retards are the target audience of this movie, just look at all the Sup Forumstards who actually think it's somehow redpilled. apparently they have no idea who max landis is.
Those were the ones who got screwed over most by the apartheid
Yeah I'm tempted to spam his Twitter screencaps right now
Really? Worse than Transformers, Emoji Movie, Underworld, Resident Evil, Fifty Shades Darker, XXX Return of Xander Cage, The Circle, Bye Bye Man, Ghost In the Shell, Geostorm, Flatliners, Annabelle Creation, The Dark Tower, Despicable Me 3, Baywatch, Chips, Rngs, Pirates of the Caribbean 5, Justice League, or The Mummy?
You blew it
>The creative spark for District 9 came from Alive in Joburg, a 2005 short film shot by Blomkamp in a South African township. To give the short a realistic feel, Blomkamp interviewed real people about the influx of immigrants into real-life Johannesburg; their frank answers to questions about Zimbabweans and other refugees were transformed into documentary-style commentary on extraterrestrials unwanted by a fearful local population. (See Alive in Joburg below.)
>“I was not intentionally trying to deceive the people we interviewed,” Blomkamp said in a press release about District 9‘s South African roots. “I was just trying to get the most completely real and genuine answers. In essence, there is no difference except that in my film we have a group of intergalactic aliens as opposed to illegal aliens.”
yes, it is
>There is some kind of racial metaphor aching to get out here
>Jakoby is the first orc to be admitted to the LAPD and gives speeches about how orcs, who in days past chose the “wrong side,” need to make better choices now.
Replace orcs with niggers and you understand, Cucked critics can't allow themselves to be seen suggesting orcniggers might be responsible for their own problems
A minority with guilt? Not allowed!
A whitey has pride? Nazi!
Don't bother, I'm sure someone already told him.
Kill all niggers.
Rottentomatoes scores aren't a reflection of quality, just a proportion of who liked the film. A 50% score simply means half liked it and the other half didn't.
Except the Dark Lord literally was an elf and the elves don't get shit on for it. They live in a segregated area while shitting on the orcs because many of their ancestors followed or following an elf.
shut up fag
Wow, rude.
(They) have it in for Will Smith for some reason. Maybe it's because him and his wife have been lambasting the jewish academy.
They haven't said so in the movie but I would bet dollars to donuts the race of the Dark Lord is a historical controversy and portraying him as an elf is a deliberately provocative choice by the taggers. I bet a lot of people think Jirak wasn't real, too.
just kys, failure.
That 'gap' comes from a falce equivalence, since they don't measure the same thing.
You as an audience are still allowed to enjoy a film even if you consider it bad. Critics could enjoy it, but if it's bad they have to say it.
And Bright was pretty bad. Poorly writen. Every aspect of the story and the world had to be explicitly uttered instead of showing it in a natural way through the story. Will Smith was shit in this one. The orc can't act. Not like they could do anything more with those shit lines they were given. Too bad, because the world and the setting seemed promising.
I just voted a 9. I liked it.
I don't listen to game reviewers, I look at steam reviews. Professional reviewers were dead after GG.
>There is some kind of racial metaphor aching to get out here
You mean the one that is explicitly mentioned every two phases by all the characters in the movie, making it so annoying to begin with? What a subtle metaphor.
People can like bad movies user, it has allways beeg like that. You can also enjoy a bad movie and at the same time admit it's a pile of shit
ITT: people who look too much into politics, instead of accepting that bad movies can be also enjoyed.
It's a cool setting that is very underused in movies for some reason. The movie itself was fucking garbage though. I feel like people are just liking it because they want more similar urban fantasy stuff.
Well, I'd say it was 5/5 setting, 3/5 acting, and 2/5 writing and plot. I think it was enjoyable, but not great. Then Margaret Cho got shot in her smug fucking face, 5 thumbs up.
It's not a bad movie. The world building sucks and isn't believable at all. The dialogue is cringe worthy because of all the edgy swearing. It didn't do enough with the concept. You can replace any of the fantasy races with real races and the movie wouldn't be different. Big waste of potential.
God damn Alt-Right spamming positive reviews of a nigger movie.
...wait, what?
First transformers is superior to any Nu StarWars and CapeShit flick
>oh no a Micheal Bay flick , I better hate it
Critics don't even watch these movies
Most of the positive reviews were done by one time accounts. People who wrote one review and then never used their account again.
Same thing with the negative review scores for Last Jedi. Rotten Tomatoes has a big credibility problem on their hands.
Is dark lord an elf ?
Plus to be fair brights are almost always elves (and sometimes human). They have an advantage to make wish to be super rich
Orc's seemingly almost never are brights thus can't make a wish to be super rich and run the world
>2000 years ago
Was the Dark Lord Jesus ?
What you see is what it says.... It’s “B” flick, not “Unforgiven” Y’know ???
holy fucking shit, this actually makes total sense
i remember watching that movie and going "wtf?" at the bird playing an obvious jewish stereotype
I always knew it's a criticism of refugee politics, but never noticed to what extent.