Disney literally paid Angry Joe to backtrack on how much he hated TLJ
Disney literally paid Angry Joe to backtrack on how much he hated TLJ
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Fucking kek
Some petty people will do anything for money. Why are you acting like it's newsworthy?
>caspar noe
>Somehow didn't realize Joe's a shill.
>Somehow didn't realize Joe's always been a shill.
>Somehow didn't realize Joe's going to continue being a shill.
Flustered Fernando's using the same backtracking defense he did for BvS and Man of Steel. He's a shithead spic he's only in it for the money like all of these other Jewtube nobodies who'll be gone later down the line once JewTube purges them eventually.
Fuck, I can't wait until Trump's wall is completed so we can deport this beaner's ass.
Also, why do you need to go see a movie multiple times to convince yourself whether it's "good" or not.
The Last Jedi is shit and will always be shit. I swear, these Disney cocksuckers are the worst.
> I can't wait until Trump's wall is completed so we can deport this beaner's ass.
Problem is, you'll have to deport almost all american population. 56% meme is very much real.
That fucking spic. I should have known 7 dollars Dario would get bought so easily.
Watched the video. It doesn't address most of the actual criticism but just the minor things he got wrong in his previous video. Says Top 10 but it's 12 so he can't count. Most of the things that are debunked are mostly speculation on his end like Snoke and Phasma being alive in 9, Kylo was angry so he didn't notice Luke's hologram. He has to actually use the books for TLJ and TFA to explain stuff that the movie poorly explains. I think the best explanation he could have for Holdo not telling the plan was because she learned to be secretive from Leia as explained in the book. I'm sure he doesn't like the movie, he's just trying to milk the TLJ hate train.
>fat pride
which one of you is this?
>H-h-he still didn't actual lee like the film, guiz!
>I-it was just his speculation, guiz!
Hi Joe! What does does it feel like getting dumped by your Swedish whore? You regret dumping Megamanda yet?
>Needing an instruction manual to explain why the movie isn't shit
kek, fucking Disney. Is this going to be the DLC of cinema?
>Watch movie
>Get a digital download code with your ticket
>You can stream the short film "Snoke: Origins" at home for only 5 dollars!
>Plot hole?
>It's in the e-book
joe has alot of thots on his dick
So when are we deporting this wetback?
>Disney dont pay critics for good revie-
It's almost as if repeated exposure and peer pressure can make you like things more.
>new Star Wars movie comes out
>all the paid shills are singing it's praises
>shit on the film
>Disney panics and pays you a ton of money to change your mind
>make more money than you would have just sucking the Mouse's cock
you could say this for literally every film, hating something and going back to it , seeing it in a new light is a common phenomenon. However this early from last watching it it probably has more to do with the reaction online and Joe choosing to be on the "right" side
It's spelled Caspere Knows
who controls the narrative, controls the sheep
these numbers are not from the same opening night, not even from the same week
>if everybody says they like it I should like it too!
Maybe he just changed his mind.
>Replace "game" with "movie" and it directly applies to his TLJ video.
Joe's a hypocritical cocksucker.
>joe got views from the people who hated the movie looking for confirmation bias
>he now gets views from people who loved the movie/think they swayed his opinion on it
>To be fair you need an incredibly high IQ to enjoy Star Wars: The Last Jedi
>The movie needed 3 viewings and a companion novel for me not to hate it
It's hardly glowing praise
Really he fucked a hot Swede? I bet his beaner bitchtits feel pretty good about fucking good about that.
It's like when someone says a game gets good after the first 20 hours. Are you fucking serious with that argument?
>Girl in pic = Megamanda (AKA Jose's first GF)
The swede was some flat-chested twig who latched onto his man tits briefly for fame until she left until she dumped him.
Also, Jose's reasoning for dumping his first GF was because she was being "too sexy." I shit you not.
>gets good after 20 hours
>good after 20 hours
>after 20 hours
>20 hours
The reason people say that is the same as with the multiple viewings. The more time or money you invest in something the more you need to convince yourself it's good, otherwise you're an idiot for wasting so much time and money on something you didn't like.
I can understand watching a movie again and then having a different opinion, but this is just downright brainwashing yourself. No movie should have you read what is essential footnotes you have to purchase to make the movie seem better to you. When you view a film it can very much be an individual and intimate experience. If you watch it and things dont connect or feel poorly done because of limited information presented to you on screen, you are not wrong for disliking it even if theres a $30 viewing guide telling you the information not on screen. The film is wrong for you personally because it didn't work on you.
Also there is nothing in the book tjat makes the plot of the movie any better
I was kinda pissed after watching Bronson because I thought he was a sick man and I was just disgusted with the entire situation, a guy who only knows violence and keeps terrorizing society for no reason. But then the same week I rewatched scenes without thinking too much about the message but just enjoying it as a film and it's one of my favorites.
>Jose's reasoning for dumping his first GF was because she was being "too sexy."
Fucking Juan, that woman's body is made for breeding, instead he went for a gold digger, but I guess a manchild couldn't handle having children
>trust us goyim pay to see the film thrice and you will simply have to convince yourself that you enjoy it in order to justify the money/time investment
Mentally ill cultist shit, it's as if people simply cannot cope with the idea of not enjoying a Star Wars movie, or the realization that Star Wars was never that magnificent to begin with
In the video he's telling people to buy and read the books and comics...
Come on now.
You can just tell by his tone he really has no passion to do this, Hell have of the things he said are backhanded, like he's being told to say them but then snarks about how bad they are.
No, you misunderstand. The gold digger who was pictured? THAT was Joe's first GF.
The fugly Swede with a washboard for a chest was his 2nd GF (pictured).
That's the thing about IRL bronson vs film bronson. Refn didn't really have a choice but to portray a mental illness to make bronson at least some what relatable. Only problem is IRL bronson has never been diagnosed with anything successfully. As far as we know, he really just is hell bent on punching people.
stop shilling your lame ass video you stupid fuck
I'm not a fuck, you cuck.
I understood your first post, like I said girl thicc girl is made for breeding, blondie on the other side...
Great movie
Are there webms of Megamanda?
No problem with that
I'm watching the video right now, yeah he must have been paid, you can notice him struggling being positive at some points lol
But hey, a man gotta eat
>It's not really bad you filthy goyim, just pay to see it three times and buy this book and you'll see how you're wrong, how dare you disagree with your masters!
Angry joe is a shitty critic that only retards take seriously after all
well ... you don't fully get to the meat of some games untill that mark. With movies you have a complete experience the first time, saying multiple viewings does the trick is retarded
>Brainlets literally can't argue their case so they have to claim everyone who likes TLJ is payed
Yeah all gurls want a manlet spic who live of 5 thousand of youtube welfare per month
Repetition and familiarity can make anything palatable. This is low-t shilling
The movie is shit, there is nothing left to debate at this point
Blacks next?
best refn movie tbqh
>Shills who have to attack everyone with a negative opinion of a movie
Oh my god, how dare people have opinions! I-I-It's the best movie evar!
>Bombs can't drop in space
lmao LITERALLY the opening point is objectively wrong.
They drop due to the artificial gravity in the ship and continue their trajectory upon exiting. I can't believe retards need this explained to them.
>pay to see it three times
I can't fucking stand when people use this "Just watch it again:D" brainlet logic. I can think of one film I have ever seen where I changed my opinion after I watched it again, and it wasn't a fucking children's action movie. Are they actually missing a bunch of shit while sitting there staring at the screen? Do their brains just turn off randomly?
I'd like to add that there was absolutely no reason for luke's force projection, if he was planning to die he might as well have been there in person, I seriously do not understand why that's a thing at all
>there's literally a pilot on the ship floating between them
>artificial gravity
there was not artificial bullshit you retard
It also continues to bothers me how increasingly arbitrary the Force is, Kylo and Rey can Skype, touch and see the past and future risk free while Luke dies from technicolor Force hologram.
>I think the best explanation he could have for Holdo not telling the plan was because she learned to be secretive from Leia as explained in the book
Ahhh so she really trusts Leia then?
So she should trust Leia's opinion of him.
And she should know Poe destroyed the new Death Star right?
Yeah she didn't tell him because men are "shitlords" and you know it.
There was a very good reason for it, and the movie spells it out in a really unsubtle way so you must be an absolute brainlet to miss it.
Luke wasn't just going there to save the resistance, he also wanted to reignite the legend of luke skywalker (in accordance with what Rey said to him earlier in the movie)
If he had simply gone there in person, he would've been immediately eviscerated by The First Order walkers. A weak, disheveled old man getting turned to dust right after stepping out the door isn't going to do much to inspire anyone.
By projecting there he was able to:
-Lengthen the distraction
-Solidify the legend of Luke Skywalker's last stand
-Make it so that Kylo would never truly know if he was dead, hence his last words being "see you around kid". Now the legend potentially lives on forever.
It makes a lot of sense and is foreshadowed quite well, deal with it.
>20 hours
try 30.
>makes alot of sense
why didn't ghost yoda just use his lightning to destroy the walkers?
>Yeah she didn't tell him because men are "shitlords" and you know it.
Did you just assume her agenda?!
>Jose's reasoning for dumping his first GF was because she was being "too sexy."
IMAGINE being this soy...
>no artificial gravity
>one of the key dramatic points of the scene is where she falls off the ladder
Why do critics of TLJ tend to have such low IQ?
Why did you ignore the content of my post and move the goalposts to an entirely separate plot point?
God, these Disney shills are desperate.
Jedis are supposed to be humble monks, this legend shit is fucking retarded
You are right that this is what the movie was going for since it also shows the kids playing with luke puppets and shit, but it's just another retarded piece of meta post modernist writing in which since Luke is a legend for the audience he is now a legend for children across the galaxy, even though at the same time everyone forgot the force and the jedi were a thing
Too much soy.
In the book Joe is talking about those bombs are MAGNETIC.
>-Lengthen the distraction
Only needed for contrived plot reasons, they literally dismiss the idea of finding an escape until Luke needs to get killed
>-Solidify the legend of Luke Skywalker's last stand
I'm sure the 20 rebels remaining were quite impressed, surely everyone that didn't bother replying will believe them
>-Make it so that Kylo would never truly know if he was dead, hence his last words being "see you around kid". Now the legend potentially lives on forever.
Kylo should have been able to feel his passing.
Why doesn't she get sucked out of the ship?
The bombs wouldn't continue their trajectory towards the ship, but zero gravity would slow them down before that even happened.
Ok that's retarded, but the explanation isn't in the movie and is unnecessary either way. The ship clearly has artificial gravity which should be enough.
>zero gravity
>slow them down
wtf? he had some of the most accurate and hard hitting plot arguments against this movie.
I knew Joe was a zero intregity shill, but cmon
>Implying any object would continue its trajectory and velocity in space
Spotted the brainlet.
Did you two morons not look at these other posts?
Zero gravity is like hitting water.
You'll slow down inevitably.
Jesus, just typing that made me feel 10x smarter than you, bitch.
I found itfunny that he now complains about Yoda' personality in TLJ, and that he uses the same argument as RLM. Knowing that he is a huge fan, it wouldn't surprise me if he was influenced by their last review.
>what is a comet
Space doesn't have magnets in it.
>B wings and Y wings worked fine in the past
>even fucking games have missile boats and shit
Fucking why
This should have been explained as the bombs are ejected by magnetic rails, saying they're magnetic themselves is just stupid, like maybe the bomber is ceramic or plastic but why wouldn't the enemy just use the same material and make them useless. The bombers are also terrible designs that move absurdly slowly and have a massive profile to shoot at. Seeing as TIEs, X wings and A wings all somehow survived into the current era then so should B wings and why not even Y wings.
>The ship clearly has artificial gravity which should be enough.
>not having magnetic bombs that are attracted to enemy ships should be enough
>Zero gravity is like hitting water.
TLJ is definitely not the kind of movie you need multiple viewings to like it.
I'm defending it based on the information presented in the movie.
If magnetic bombs are canon then fair enough, that's retarded.
Not everyone has read Star Wars: The Autists Fact File.
>A comet is an icy small Solar System body that, when passing close to the Sun, warms and begins to release gases, a process called outgassing. This produces a visible atmosphere or coma, and sometimes also a tail. These phenomena are due to the effects of solar radiation and the solar wind acting upon the nucleus of the comet. Comet nuclei range from a few hundred metres to tens of kilometres across and are composed of loose collections of ice, dust, and small rocky particles. The coma may be up to 15 times the Earth's diameter, while the tail may stretch one astronomical unit. If sufficiently bright, a comet may be seen from the Earth without the aid of a telescope and may subtend an arc of 30° (60 Moons) across the sky. Comets have been observed and recorded since ancient times by many cultures.
>Comets usually have highly eccentric elliptical orbits, and they have a wide range of orbital periods, ranging from several years to potentially several millions of years. Short-period comets originate in the Kuiper belt or its associated scattered disc, which lie beyond the orbit of Neptune. Long-period comets are thought to originate in the Oort cloud, a spherical cloud of icy bodies extending from outside the Kuiper belt to halfway to the nearest star.[1] Long-period comets are set in motion towards the Sun from the Oort cloud by gravitational perturbations caused by passing stars and the galactic tide. Hyperbolic comets may pass once through the inner Solar System before being flung to interstellar space. The appearance of a comet is called an apparition.
is that patricia arquette
>Could have just said there is a launcher that gives the bombs a bit of a push, after which they carry on at constant speed until they hit something.