4 on 4 Survivor Series Style Match (with death instead of pins to be eliminated), all 8 characters are at the height of their powers
Who would win?
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dark side bc sheev has UNLIMTED POWAAA
Yoda can solo all 4 with his force thunder
Dark easily
>couldnt even beat Sheev when Sheev was just playing around
>can solo all 4
>Who would win?
>The Chad Sith vs The Virgin Jedi
ITs not even fair.
Qui-gon is a klutz and Ben is a grandpa who can't even fence.
Light because Vader would end up converted like the huge pussy he is.
is being left handed a requirement for sith training?
why did you choose such weaklings for the light side. Obi-wan is old as fuck and qui gon is complete shit
Younger-Obiwan and Mace windu might have made this semi interesting
Sheev alone could take all of the Jedi, how is this even a contest?
>all 8 characters are at the height of their powers
i literally wrote it in the OP
eu luke would dominate all
Yoda = Sheev
Luke > Vader
Obi-Wan > Maul
Dooku > Qui-Gon
The Jedi take it.
>Yoda = Sheev
>Ben is a grandpa who can't even fence.
This is Disney canon, btw.
You conveniently left out the part where Yoda reflected one back and Sheev shit his pants. Yoda only lost because of bad positioning.
Sheev > Yoda
Dooku > Obi Wan
Maul > Qui-gon
Vader < Luke
fukking lol. Luke, Obi and Qui are trash tier. Prime Vader + Palpatine would solo the entire light roster.
>Sheev was so powerful he singlehandedly clouded the minds of the entire fucking Jedi order including Yoda and still won against Yoda in the force 1 vs 1
>I-It was bad positioning is all!
>Yoda only lost because of bad positioning.
>bad positioning
you mean... sheev has the power of high ground?
A ship rams the planet at lightspeed and kills all eight of them.
lukes green lightning was insta-kill. literally
Matchups are key here, yes.
Sidious lost the lightsaber duel. In a flat terrain Yoda would have killed him.
>lol guise i don't even know how this glowstick works but come at me, you'll all get fucked
Please do tell me how Luke is more powerful than Vader? Canon already showed young and old Luke as a trash jedi
This, sadly.
how do you figure he lost it just randomly cuts to him using the force instead of lightsabre
It really bothers me how high up she holds her lightsaber, if her grip slid even slightly she'd lose a hand.
Luke beat him that's how. If we're using Luke at his peak (presumably TLJ) he'll have no problem dismantling him.
B-but she knew how to fight with stick and had a rough childhood
The script and the novel both say Yoda disarmed him, that's why he's keeping his distance from Yoda in the second half of the duel. He looks terrified at one point when he loses sight of Yoda. Too bad Yoda was too much of an honor cuck to shiv him from behind.
There's this scene in a really old movie called Return of the Jedi where Luke kicks his ass. Perhaps you've seen it?
Luke > Vader (as shown in RotJ)
Sidious > Yoda
Dooku > Obi-Wan
Maul > Obi-Wan and Jinn (shown in TCW)
There's this part in a really old post called the OP where it's stated that all are in their prime. Perhaps you've seen it?
>Maul > Obi-Wan and Jinn
So this is why he died ?
Sidious never lost the lightsaber duel with Yoda. He just stopped using it while Yoda kept trying to fight him close showing that Yoda knew in Force power he couldn't beat him.
Vader at his strongest is in RotJ. He straight up states in the *still* canon novel he was at his strongest peak of power even higher than before his pre-suited self.
Did you not watch TCW? Maul completely shits on Obi-Wan in every fight they have after he comes back.
>Maul > Obi-Wan and Jinn (shown in TCW)
Are you insane? TCW Obi-Wan beat Maul and Savage on his own. Rebels Ben killed Maul in 3 moves.
Not him but Luke's prime would be TLJ, so he'd be even stronger than ROTJ.
Vader was at his prime. Unless you mean before he got his suit but OP should've said Anakin if that applies
>Sidious never lost the lightsaber duel with Yoda
Script and ROTS novel disagree.
If you consider RotJ Vader stronger than RotS Anakin there is something wrong.
>Obi-Wan beat Maul
Confirmed for being a brainlet. Every fight he has he got ass kicked by Maul in TCW, and Obi-Wan confirms Maul was also more powerful than ever. Rebels is non-canon Disney trash.
Film > script. And the novelization straight up has Yoda admitting he lost the fight even before it began against Sidious. Try again.
I literally made the differentiation in my post
ROTJ Vader is more skilled in the Force than Anakin. Not quite as good of a duelist, however.
Vader states in the novel for Return of the Jedi he was at his strongest unless you think Anakin is so retarded he can't perceive in his own growth in 20+ years. RotJ Vader > RotS Anakin.
>Every fight he has he got ass kicked by Maul in TCW
Explain this then.
>Rebels is non-canon Disney trash.
>Film > script.
Films are based on scripts, brainlet. And nothing in the movie contradicts this.
> Yoda admitting he lost the fight even before it began against Sidious.
He's talking about their ideologies, not their personal battle.
They have like three or four fights in TCW. Each time they fight Obi-Wan is getting his shit pushed in by Maul. The last duel they had before season 5 was Obi-Wan taking advantage of the fact that for all Savage's power and strength, he sucks as an actual duelist and Maul literally rag-dolls him away to prevent Obi-Wan from killing his brother. Obi-Wan never won a single fight against Maul. The fact Maul could stop dueling and TK his ass around tells me Obi-Wan was his bitch.
Also remember Maul gave his ex-girlfriend some of his BSC.
Right side ofc.
>Yoda was BTFO by sheev
>Qui Gon did nothing
>Obiwan defeated Anakin but barely
>Luke didn't defeat anyone in canon.
Meanwhile maul, dooku, and sheev have all proven that they can fight 2v1 or more and win.
You mean the episode where both Obi-Wan and Ventress together admit they can't beat Maul or Savage? Where is the winning there? Or the same part where Maul taunts Obi-Wan about Jinn's death and he temporarily tries to use the dark side and gets owned again?
Thanks for proving my point, mouse fag.
>films are based on scripts
Yeah but no conclusion to Sidious' duel with Yoda in the saber fight is shown in the film. so visuals > your bullshit neglected script part on that aspect of the movie.
And power. And Yoda couldn't even TK one senate pod without effort while Sidious was chucking several of them without trying. Also when has Yoda ever force-choked someone from across the galaxy like Sidious has?
Oh that's right never. Suck it bitch.
That's not how it works
He pushed him away and ran. That's a victory for Obi-Wan. And then there's old Ben pushing his shit in in Rebels, which is canon no matter how much you screech.
Nu star wars isn't canon, deal with it Igor.
Luke straight up beat Vader in RotJ.
>He pushed him away.
He pushed him away from Savage. He also has literally choked out Obi-Wan who couldn't counter his power, you cherrypicking retard. So let's recap:
>Obi-Wan gets owned by Maul in their first fight since TPM
>Obi-Wan can't beat Maul in their second fight and gets owned
>Obi-Wan in their final fight has to go after Savage since he can't beat Maul
>Obi-Wan's master and ex lover are both killed by Maul
>Same Maul can hold his own against Windu in a short duel in Sons of Dathomir
>Maul can match Dooku's power
>Same Dooku repeatedly trashes Obi-Wan 1 on 1 every time
>Same Dooku has matched Yoda as a duelist and in Force power
>Same Dooku can't touch Sidious
Non canon, deal with it.
Mace Windu and Young Obi-Wan with peak Anakin Skywalker could defeat any Dark Side team.
Sheev would rape them all solo in a fair fight.
>You mean the episode where both Obi-Wan and Ventress together admit they can't beat Maul or Savage?
No, I mean the one where Obi-Wan crippled Savage and Maul ran away like a bitch.
>Thanks for proving my point
What point? Disney decides what's canon and Rebels is made by the same people who made TCW anyway.
>so visuals > your bullshit
Okay. Post a pic or video of Sheev still having a lightsaber after the senate pod throwing starts and I'll agree.
>And Yoda couldn't even TK one senate pod
Brainlet. Yoda was spinning it so he would increase it's kinetic energy. You'll notice Sheev didn't even try to stop it, while Yoda easily caught it when Sheev threw it.
You don't get to decide what's canon, EUfag. Even if Rebels didn't exist, Obi-Wan's prime is ROTS not TCW. Maul wouldn't stand a chance against Anakin.
Then you linked the wrong episode, reetard.
>Obi-Wan crippled Savage
Whose high off the Sith magic that Talzin used so he doens't normally feel pain.
>Maul ran away
Because the pirates betrayed the Sith brothers and they were massively outnumbered which is why they ran, not because of Obi-Wan you disingenuous liar.
>Disney decides
Nu Star Wars isn't George's Star Wars. Who created the franchise again? Oh that's right, George.
>Post a pic or video fo Sheev still having a lightsaber
Post a pic or video of Yoda not being disarmed by Sidious in their duel in RotS. I'll wait.
You are super retarded.
Your literally shown Yoda straining with one pod.
>increase kinetic energy
Retard head canon. He was holding one and took his sweet time to throw it back while Sidious is laughing his ass off.
the answer is pretty obvious
Nu Star Wars isn't canon.
Its Revenge of the Sith, not REVENGE OF THE SITH, you ESL third worlder. TCW is literally in its final season set only a few months before RotS you fucking moron.
Sheev > Yoda
Dooku > Qui-Gon
Obi-Wan > Maul
Vader > Luke
UNLIMITED POWER for the win. Sheev and any other dark sider there would solo in a straight fight.
>Obi-Wan cuts off Savage's arm
>Obi-Wan can't do shit about Maul ragdolling him with the Force
>Obi-Wan can't save anyone from Maul
>Obi-Wan literally doesn't win a single fight against Maul 1 on 1 in TCW at all
>"Obi-Wan is stronger though"
I bet you unironically think Episode III Obi-Wan is equal to Anakin just because the latter was emotionally fucked up fighting him too.
> he doens't normally feel pain.
He felt that, I don't care about the rest.
> not because of Obi-Wan
Why didn't he finish him of then?
>Who created the franchise again? Oh that's right, George.
Who sold the franchise again? Oh, that's right. George.
>Post a pic or video of Yoda not being disarmed by Sidious in their duel in RotS. I'll wait.
Yoda was disarmed, sure. Not before Sheev tho.
>Retard head canon
If you don't understand basic physics don't argue. Sheev ran from the pod because he couldn't stop it.
They are all dead, who the fuck cares.
You don't have to be an EUfag to hate Disney Star Wars. The fact you are also defending Rebels is pretty hilarious too.
>Obiwan defeated Anakin but barely
Anakin got decimated by bad positioning while Obiwan wasn't even half spent. Mace Windu had access to the fucking strongest lightsaber techniques known to forcewielders.
>Maul can match Dooku's power
Maul never fights Dooku.
>TCW is literally in its final season set only a few months before RotS
Plenty of time for Obi-Wan to grow before RRRRRROOOOOTTTTTTTSSSSSSSS.
>>Obi-Wan literally doesn't win a single fight against Maul 1 on 1 in TCW at all
He wins a 2v1 fight so yeah... Deal with it, screeching manchild.
I hate Disney Wars and Rebels. It's still canon, however. George shouldn't have sold the franchise.
>He felt that
He felt his arm cut off, he didn't feel Obi-Wan's kicks until his leg got dislocated you retard. Why do you think he can normally seem immune even to being shot dozens of times with blasters after Talzin's magical ritual transforming Savage in the first place?
>Why didn't he finish him off then?
Because Maul has repeatedly stated he wants to make Obi-Wan suffer for as long as possible if you actually watched the show.
>Who sold the franchise again?
Kathleen Kennedy manipulating Lucas, duh.
>Not before Sheev though.
Prove it from the film visuals. Oh wait you still can't fucking moron.
>basic physics
>magic universe with Force powers
Try again retard.
>He wins 2v1 fight
Obi-Wan never won a single fight against Maul in TCW, period. He was being toyed with by Maul every time they fought each other.
>Maul can match Dooku's power
Dooku is >>>> Maul as of Son of whatever his planet's name is.
>I bet you unironically think Episode III Obi-Wan is equal to Anakin just because the latter was emotionally fucked up fighting him too.
Confirmed bait.
Obi-Wan owned Anakin because it's his specialty to use a defensive style while his opponent screeches autistically. Kinda like you right now.
None of it is canon.
Wrong. Dooku and Maul each helping Talzin and Sidious in their duel still had Talzin and Sidious equally matched. Dooku can not be stronger if the parity in power doesn't change despite both Maul and Dooku being there.
At the height of their attained or potential powers? Anakin could solo easily if it's the latter
>Why do you think he can normally seem immune even to being shot
Why do you think that matters? Obi-Wan beat him fair.
>Because Maul has repeatedly stated he wants to make Obi-Wan suffer for as long as possible if you actually watched the show.
No, I didn't. I'm not into children's shows like you autists are. He still lost.
>Kathleen Kennedy manipulating Lucas, duh.
>Prove it from the film visuals
Sheev didn't have a saber and was running away.
>basic physics
>magic universe with Force powers
Not an argument. Why didn't Sheev catch it casually like Yoda did?
>Obi-Wan never won a single fight against Maul in TCW, period
Except the time he did. And in Rebels when he murdered him in 3 hits.
>Obi-Wan owned Anakin
Never happened, turbo autist. The only thing that gave Obi-Wan the fight was the fact the fight's results were already cemented because of ANH and Obi-Wan having the high ground so Anakin leaping up like a retard is what gave him the win. Now go back to 99% of the fight where Obi-Wan is constantly getting his ass kicked, choked out, and thrown around. That's not "winning".
Obi-Wan never defeated Maul, hurting Savage does not equate to hurting Maul.
>nonsense non-seqitur the rest of your post
Thanks for the concession.
>killing Maul by baiting him into using the same technique that he had used to kill Qui-Gon
absolute pottery
>None of it is canon.
The EU isn't canon, yes. Shame Disney's Rebels is.
I don't care about EU but nothing nu Star Wars is canon to Lucas and only exists to sell toys (which its failing badly at too.) Try harder, Mouseshill.
Like said, Dooku is stronger than Maul and Anakin is stronger than Dooku, and Obi-Wan defeated Anakin.
Because reviving Maul would've made zero sense if Obi-Wan could kill him in two hits, writer made Obi-Wan incredibly incompetent in TCW as evidenced by like every other episodes where he's more often the damsel ib distress than the savior.
Keep putting your fingers in your ears and saying "lalalalalala" all you want, kid. Your butthurt doesn't alter reality.
Sheev solos.
>no argument
Everything after ESB exists to sell toys, retard. I don't care for the EU OR Disney's canon. If you wanna use George's canon then it's just the movies and Obi-Wan killed him in TPM. End of story.
>Dooku is stronger than Maul
SeeDooku and Maul each lent Talzin and Sidious power respectively and the duel between the latter to was still a stalemate until Talzin tells Maul to flee. Parity proves you wronger. Everything else your saying is nonsensically appeals to dismissing the fact that even Obi-Wan admits Maul is more powerful than ever and stronger with his revival.
Stop baiting.
>crying about Disney owning Star Wars
>accusses someone else of having no argument
o i am laffin
>Daddy doesn't try because he doesn't want to hurt his son
>Son spergs out and daddy takes it
He never said it didn't. He's saying (correctly) that Disney's merchandise is failing hard which it is. No one is buying action figures of Rey or Finn or even Rebels shit for that matter in particular unlike TCW which was a huge cash cow Lucas Arts milked effectively.
Try applying yourself for once.
Anakin just went all-out in that fight while Obi-Wan played the long game. Anakin was already dead after 3 minutes or so, reckless as usual. You can stop sucking Ani's dick now you hyperfaggot.
t. Kathleen
>Obi-Wan wasn't going all out
El oh el you are dumb.
>prequelniggers obsessed with powerlevel DBZ horseshit
Color me amazed. But in any case, George confirmed a while ago that Palpatine was the most powerful force user that ever lived.
Nigger, I don't care. I hope Disney burns. Obi-Wan > Maul and that's that.
>t. Kathleen
t. butthurt EU fag, who can't accept his favorite character is shit.
sheev had the high ground here