Pretty sad, Scorsese should have just got younger actors for the parts

pretty sad, Scorsese should have just got younger actors for the parts

Why can't costume designers make Pacino clothes that fit?

wait is that Al on the left?! fuck I'm old


what the fuck is even going on? this is so trippy

pigeon-toed as all hell

Those platform dress shoes

>another shitty Scorsese gangster flick
>but this time the actors are old and washed up!


Part of the reason it is getting made is because of those two.

it was the disco era, c'mon

>mfw Scorsese is still making his shitty crime movies even though his best movie was a psychological triller

He probably wouldn't wear them

Taxi Driver wasn't a psychological thriller

>psychological triller


then what was it?

Shudder Island

Taxi Driver

Zeitgeist Drama

Robert De Micro


Shutter Island

Shitter Island

Taxi driver is a pretentious thriller


What the fuck

Woman detected

>robert de manlettino

manlets, they never learn.


why are movies so afraid to portray actors with their real height?

Guy he's playing is 6'4

that doesnt explain Al Pachinos Exorcist feet

Is he playing Ralph Kramden?

Scorsese looks like a mafioso.

He looks like an aged homosexual


why are italians so fucking tiny?

Was looking like a Florida retiree part of your plan

>De Niro: I can do it, I've still got it!
>Pacino: Fuck am I doing here?

literally Geriatrics Goodfellas - the movie

both of them are probably wearing adult diapers, can't hear shit, and already showing signs of dementia. it's probably even worse with joe pesci.

>Scorsese should have just got younger actors for the parts
they're de-aging deniro and pacino with cgi

Please post more, I’m losing my shit

>Are you talkin' to me? I haven't got my hearing aid in.

>Didn't we already do this in Goodfellas, Marty?

>[disco music playing]

>disco music
wrong it's

Right before he repeatedly slams the phone against the receiver.

the virgin gnome vs the chad manlet

>ywn look this /fa/



Costumes and period detail look authentic.Those ugly 70s clothes look set to rival De Niro's parade of suits in Casino.


When did Pacino become a meme?

Kawaii desu ne.


He was already a meme at that point, otherwise it wouldn't have worked. I'm thinking Scarface was the start, then Scent of a Woman with HOOAHH cemented the 'yelling, over-the-top-Al,' caricature/meme.

character study

Pacino looks like my grandpa here, god rest his soul.

is his right arm smaller than the left?

fucken kek

pacino chan :3


holy shit, such a fall from grace