Best television show ever
debate me
Best television show ever
debate me
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Season 5. You lost.
The Sopranos. You lost.
sure, if you like watching niggers get away with murder, drug dealing, and the degeneration of society. Sure, if you want to laugh at how inept the law is at doing anything to stop said niggers. Sure if you want to watch HBO victimize any WHITE MALES with the balls to do anything about previously mentioned niggers.
As far as cop shows it’s definitely up there. Homicide comes close. Season 2 and 4 were kino.
Rome. You lost.
>sure, if you like watching nwords get away with murder, drug dealing, and the degeneration of society.
Literally everyone died or went to prison
>tfw normie co-workers talk about GoT or Peaky Blinders being the best TV show ever
>"Oh I tried watching a few episodes of The Wire, but I couldn't get into it"
No, those shows are just what the nu-soy boys talked about. the old-soyboys still don't shut up about the wire.
>>"Oh I tried watching a few episodes of The Wire, but I couldn't get into it"
>It's too complicated user. It's just bad writing when you can't understand what's going on, and I'm someone who can understand Game of Thrones, so I don't think I'm the problem here.
>censoring a quote with "nwords"
holy fuck go back to redit
Season 5 was kino, it just paled in comparison to the previous seasons
Sopranos is fucking overrated fuck off
Post favourite Wire moments lads
>I'm just a gangsta, I suppose. And I want my corners
I enjoy the contempt with which Avon describes them being businessmen
Well, tbqhdf, Band of Brothers
Also if you're into the "fuck off that's not a real series" thing, try out Oz, Shield, Rome, Twin Peaks: The Return, Mad Men for comfy, L O S T, Leftovers
-"Yeah Deez nuts"
somebody post it pls
Whoa hes a criminal but he like goes to business school..damn
Season 2 was passable but still weak
Pure kino
I liked this scene where Stringer loses it and orders Slim to kill Clay Davis
Band of Brothers is kino but "fuck off that's not a real series"
You got caught in the pleb filter
One of the few things I disliked about The Wire was the fact that they called that class "Macroeconomics"
Elasticity of Demand is literally a microeconomic concept.
Jokes on you, it was a reverse pleb filter
way too many black people (niggers)
>episodes 1-6 of season 1 block your path
Couldn’t even finish the season without shitting the bed at the end. Kys
Oz has some terrible acting and plotlines. Everything concerning Ryan Oriely and his brother were just dumb.
The Shield is a standard cop show, nowhere near the levels of the Wire in terms of scope and depth. Never watched Rome or Mad Men, but LOST and Leftovers are too try hard imo.
The Return, maybe, thats totally up to taste and preference. I think the ending sort of ruins and cheapens it.
Honestly if you ever liked GoT's first seasons for being more down to earth than other fantasy shit, Rome is just that but for /his/
Also it got cut before it could get bad
>inb4 I, Claudius
Stop being contrarian you fucks
Fuckin hell go back
There's nothing to debate, anyone who doesn't think The Wire is GOAT either hasn't seen it or is a massive pleb.
Sopranos was good but it had WAY too much filler.
hey let's all mass debate this guy
>Season 5 was kino, if your idea of kino is mailmen talking about meaningless events
>Sopranos is overrated, sure if you get cable from Mount Olympus
>unironically linking someone off the board to solve an argument
>"Oh I tried watching a few episodes of The Wire, but I couldn't get into it"
This, every fucking time, first two seasons of the Wire are the ultimate pleb filter
Do I even need to say it?
>solve an argument
What argument? That person didn't offer a single credible point to make. Racism aside it was just a flat out wrong depiction of what actually happens in the show.
if you watched the show, he's also ultimately shown to fail miserably at understanding the jew world
>As far as the federal money's concerned, he's everything, the faucet, the goose...
>What goose?
>The one that lays them golden eggs
Clay Davis was the ultimate gangster of the series
So I just got done watching the first episode of The Wire and I was blown away! There is a scene where D'angelo is explaining chess to the other kids and teaching them about all the pieces. I don't know if anyone else picked up on this, but when he was telling them about pawns, he actually meant THEY were the pawns! What an amazing allegory!
I've never seen such brilliant writing and I can easily say just by having watched the first episode that this is the best show ever made!
Also the acting is phenomenal! Idris Elba and Dominic West do a great job with their Baltimore accents.
The creator of the show is Jewish and it's about black people so I'm hesitant to watch.
vintage pasta these days
I got money to spend for the holidays, should I get the series off iTunes or Amazon?
not quite
It's one of the best tv shows ever made
Seinfeld is better than all these big, serious, socially conscious HBO(-inspired) drama tent poles. Don't get me wrong, the Wire is good. But people treat it as if it were on par with the best films or the finest literature, and it's not. It's a TV show. It's got a lot of shit in it, and it's not as smart as fans like to think.
Plus, Deadwood is better. Eat my dick.
See, this is how safe spaces are formed
Lel'd a little tbqhwyf
How much is the blu-ray edition?
Haven't seen it in glorious HD, I'm considering getting it
1. bad filming. it looks like shit. like someone covered the lense with shit every shot
2. corny ass dialogue. everything has an over the top "MESSAGE". Most of it doesn't even make sense
3. Insane plot holes constantly popping up
4. Has no understanding how the drug world works
5. Bad acting across the board.
Like how a guy walks up to a drug den with a shot gun in hand to rob drug dealers who have guns, have the high ground, have a clear shot on him and they give up. they literally can shoot the guy down
or where the guy crashes a car on a high way, pulls the car back, crashes it again, then crashes again and no one notices.
It's just bad
Not if we kill the Jews.
the leftovers is mediocre garbage though
bland, boring characters with a mediocre plot overall
But the jews already control you
They have a use for people like you, and they use you well
Your pussy smells like a ding-a-ling.
the senate insurance guy was in it. you know, kiss my bumper. just kiss it.
The Wire actually feels pretty cheesy now, has that 00s feel and not in a good way, I guess it was amazing back then but it has not aged well
>But the jews already control you
>actually believing this
lots of it, yeah. do you think it'd be possible to edit the main story down in to a godfather style series of movies? shits too long.
t. clueless tool
It goes for about $60-$120 on some sights, gotta really peal the orange on this one if you wanna save the dough.
>nah fuck off that's shit
You guys aren't very good at debating are you
I actually really liked season 2 shoot me
it's probably my favorite season. And not because I le hate niggers xd
I downloaded it off Extratorrent the day before it got shutdown. 44.2G. It is VASTLY superior to the DVD and is in 16x9.
I might be inclined to post side by sides if you arent too much of a dick.
Terrible opinion. The way the systems weave together, the parallels in structure and the social commentary is still relevant. The dialogue is how the black cast interact and many of the characters like Stringer Bell, Omar Little, Jimmy are iconic
My favorite season too. And not because I hate niggers either. I mean, I do, but it's besides the point.
It's also the only season were the antagonist was smart enough to fuck off before they could catch him
sneaky pete... if they finish it.
>the parallels in structure
Wow, so deep. They didn't hit that nail on the head over and over again.
>and the social commentary is still relevant.
Legalize weed, bro. Sheeeitt.
>The dialogue is how the black cast interact
The dialogue is phony poetic ghetto speak, comparable to doing a hip hop modernization of Shakespeare. "The king stay da king." In reality niggers just stay stupid meaningless shit that don't go beyond their own shitty ghetto lives.
>and many of the characters like Stringer Bell, Omar Little, Jimmy are iconic
So? Terrible opinions.
Why would i want to watch a shitty crime drama about irrelevent niggers in the city?
Thats not the Sopranos
t. brainlet
My penis is going into your pussy, that much is certain. Only question is, are you gonna be a little bitch about it?
This post triggered the fuck out of me.
>Avon muttering "faggot" when Omar walks by in court
>"Where do you get them hats that go over the ear?"
>"You want it to be one way, but it's the other way."
homicide life on the street
season 5 is great and the funniest
>inb4 muh realism
it was not as good as the wire
the finnerty arc is the best ever though
Will it ever get a Blu-ray release? I loved that show
I bring myself to a full male release every time I watch it.
boring, when does it get good?
i am a boy
made out of soy
i am a good goy
jenna von oy
Around S5E7.
I like to believe homicide and the wire exist in the same universe
*blocks your path*
Best dialogue in any show ever. Debate m- no. Don't even try. No point.
>tfw there will never be another TV show as good as The Wire
Imo Generation Kill. There hasn't been a series that I can go back and watch again without getting bored for one second. And I don't even like war stuff all that much, generally.
"Would you like a drink sir?
>Do you have Bourbon?
"Yes sir"
>Its free right?
"Yes sir"
>I'll take the MOST expensive kind
Raylan was such a shameless pirick. It was glorious
Based Timothy Olyphant calls Patton Oswald a douchebag.
Anybody read the Corner or Homicide: Life on the Killings Streets under David Simon?
Twilight Zone
thanks for playing
Shit! I’d do the same. It is free.
He's really hard to kill
They're both good. Homicide is better, good structure and very informative.