You have thirty seconds to pitch me an idea for a sequel to a Groundhog Day that isn't shit

You have thirty seconds to pitch me an idea for a sequel to a Groundhog Day that isn't shit.

Groundhog day, except bill murray WAS the groundhog

groundhogs day except i rape as many people each day i can until i get arrested and repeat for infinity

sequels are bad remakes are worse

A remake starring Kevin Hart would be better

stop spouting nonsense. some of the best movies were sequels or remakes


i would ironically watch this, and unironically love it

Edge of Tomorrow

Groundhog week

>hype up sequel for 2 years
>major campaign, get Murray involved
>full spread, spend a fuckload
>but show NO footage

>opening night
>it's the same movie

Tell me this wouldn't be amazing.

Groundhog day, except bill murray WAS the groundhog

You're hired

holy shit, this is the only correct answer

Same plot just with Leslie Jones

>giv timeloop

You're fired

You're hired

El psy congroo

Just rerelease the original film but pretend it's new.

Thanks user, it's time for diversity

Can we get Idris Elba for Ned Ryerson?

Groundhog day where a hillary supporter keeps going back in time to try and stop trump from becoming president on election day

She only breaks the loop by embracing MAGA after being mind broken.


Modern day. Businessman has to make a pitch to get a customer. Fails. Goes home and his finds out his wife is cheating on him. Leaves, gets drunk and kills himself in his hotel room.

Wakes up and it's the same day. On one of these repeats he bumps into Bill Murrays character from the original and has a chat with him about how he feels hopeless. Bill Murray tells him to just try and make every day the best day of his life.

After many repeats he tells his wife he wants a divorce as soon as he wakes up, he nails the pitch, asks a cute coffee shop waitress for a date, then spends the rest of the evening with his kids.

The next day arrives, and he's happy. But when he calls the waitress, the police pick up.

She was killed in a hit and run the evening before.

The businessman keeps going to bed, hoping he can go back to that day and fix things, but he can't.

In the end, he visits her grave and says he'll live every day like its the best day of his life, and he's sorry he couldn't share those days with her.

Film ends with the businessman hugging his kids

start it from the part where Bill Murray hits on Ned Ryerson except this time Ned takes him up on it. Next scene is Ned getting blown in a phone booth. Then the movie proceeds similar to the original but Ned plays Andie McDowell's role.

Nig Ryerson

>"Phil!? Is that you?! It's me! Nig -- Ryerson!"

Family man goes out to a bar and picks up a chick and takes her to a motel. He wakes up chained to a bed and has his dick cut off and face burned with a blowtorch by the homicidal chick. He wakes up to the same scenario everyday with his dick getting cut off first.

Kill yourself

Unironically, what if they had a really dark take on this idea instead of the goofy slapstick shit they have every time this idea is in a show.

Character has lives so long their intelligence moves beyond human understanding and they themselves break the chain barely understanding where it all came from.

That or character wakes up and finds a place they can be alone all day without anyone finding them and goes there to rock back and forth for the rest of eternity.

inb4 edgy

Bill Murray gets back in the same time loop as before and has to get out again. Except he's old now.