Reminder that there was never Rebel infighting in the OT except for Han and Leia doing the Moonlighting thing...

Reminder that there was never Rebel infighting in the OT except for Han and Leia doing the Moonlighting thing. They were unified in their strategy and goal and worked together to that end. The Poe/Leia/Dern shitfight is reflective of our childish, dysfunctional and neurotic times.

dude on the right looks like he just got back from TLJ

one major flaw of ESB is that we needed a "it's ice" scene to establish that the planet was ice


The lack of a Mustafar lava-tasting scene really brought RotS down


>Every group has to be a beehive of zombies without any personality

God, fucking Drumpfers....

>After catching on fire, Anakin didn't say, "It's lava."

what really broke my immersion in RotJ was Luke not eating hand full of barkmulch and telling us what it was

>it's some kind of combination of water, salt and sand sir

Good thing they remembered to put the line:

>its a temperate planet, not unlike that of tellus, the home planet of us humans, Obi-Wan.

I just realized a problem I've had with NuWars but couldn't articulate. Costume design. Everything in the OT has a very unique and memorable look and silhouette. Those Hoth Troopers are extras who only exist to get mowed down, but everyone remembers how they look. Same with the guys on the Tantive IV, the Tatooine/Jedi robe style and so on. I couldn't tell you what anyone wore in the new ones, they could be re-used in another movie and I wouldn't notice they're so generic.

Reminder that this was before the rebellion realized that they were fighting a hopeless war and even if they won it would be a couple decades at the most before a new power would rise, up, wipe them out, and take back control of the galaxy, their accomplishments utterly meaningless.

After the Jedi fell, senate was disbanded, then the New Republic was utterly wiped out all over again, it would take a pretty big miracle for them to think that maybe the other side is a wee bit better at this

There are more guys in that trench than there are in the entire resistance.

>it's some kind of pois- *starts bleeding from every orifice*

The attention to detail is missing in new movies because they rely on CGI too heavily. The first thing CGI does in make things look more random, as if it isn't CGI.

Well done.

>12/24/17(Sun)20:56:34 No.92097256
NuWars is too worried about being realistic to actually come up with something unique and interesting. That's why the rebels in Rogue One and The Last Jedi look like crap.

>everybody healthy behaves like a pack of fag-hags and queer hairdressers

cattiness, bitching, and back-stabbing have no place in a military organization, any organization really

Eighteenth Post Best Post

This has been a staple of star trek and star wars. The main cast or star trek always gets along and has a unified goal and vision. Star wars too. Its what made the good guys good. They didn't get into petty issues of trust and would follow logical plans if the leader wished to pursue them. The bag guys betray each other, go for power and kill each other when they fail.

Now women are the leads in these and we need to add trust issues, thanks women.

There was literally a woman in charge of their Death Star assault plan in ANH and everyone listened and did their duty and the Death Star blew up. Wow, she's competent.

ANH is more of a feminist film then TLJ.

>"Itsa many electricity!"

It really was fucking retarded, why not just tell Poe the plan? It's not like it was classified.

Important difference, Leia was a leader in the OT and a good one. Nu-Leia doesn't really do shit except die, not die, then sleep.

Was he after her blue milk in this scene?

>The Poe/Leia/Dern shitfight is reflective of our childish, dysfunctional and neurotic times
A 'strong woman' with tumblr hair put a man in his place for no other reason than that. Which is why the scene and the movie is shit.

Strong women putting hotheads in their place is fine if it's organic and not an obvious message. So obvious the lefty entertainment rags were doing stories on TLJ taking a stand against mansplaining within hours after the release.

Plus Holdo is a self insert by a tumblr landwhale. Someone has the picture they can post.

>"it's a really hot Starbucks™ expresso"

Plenty of in-fighting in the prequels though. The Jedi Council spent basically all of their screentime arguing with eachother.

>The Poe/Leia/Dern
>the character/character/actor

Why did you do this? It's really fucking with my autism.


Don't you mean ROTJ?

Some great cinematography

Sure, but that doesn't mean much by itself. We live in a tumultuous era because we live in a massive empire that has basically ruled the international community since the fall of the USSR at least. After a generation living with a big bad to contend with, suddenly that existential battle was gone. We were just here, in power, and not sure what would happen except maybe new consumer tech for eternity. The noted phenomenon of big disaster movies, zombie apocalypse porn and sci-fi alien destruction came about. In the late 2000s Marvel movies got big, where totally imaginary heroes have to constantly keep totally imaginary villains from destroying the earth in fantastic ways.

It doesn't mean the movie has to be bad that it is about disjointed factions that are falling apart from the inside. But it is a little odd that they put it in the old Star Wars mode. We literally have the empire and rebellion 2.0. That isn't what our world looks like, where we are fighting ourselves from within the hegemon. I don't see how it serves the story to have a movie where multiple characters in the rebellion are having development around learning how to trust each other and work as a group. Overall it feels like a dead end, Star Wars is a multi-volume space opera. The themes should reflect that IMO, they should be a little larger. If you want to have that theme of decay in security, or self focus as opposed to working effectively for the greater cause you can, but in a way the prequels were already about that, and I don't see how it could be anything but a detour (like it seems to have been in TLJ) in the current setup.

This is true, but the prequels are very deliberately indistinct about who the good guys and who the bad guys are. Which is why everything goes to shit. Nobody is on the 'right' side.

We're clearly supposed to root for the Resistance and boo the First Order, even though the Resistance is full of retards.

Man, they could've sprayed the stocks silver or something.

Regardless of what happens, Star Wars is always going to be I-VI to me. You really can't shoehorn modern sensibilities into Star Wars, because then it's not Star Wars anymore. Those movies are basically Lucas' view of the world, and he has a good head on his shoulders, unlike most of us these days.

That was a council deliberating. That's fine.
But once they got onto the battle field, they acted as one, and they didn't get petty about it in the slightest (other than Anikan).


Calling these new movies Star Wars would be like four random dudes buying some licences and releasing a new album from The Beatles.
The Beatles aren't The Beatles without John, Paul, George, and Ringo; and Star Wars isn't Star Wars without George Lucas.

can't tell if serious


True, the Rebel Alliance as portrayed in the OT compared to its butchered portrayal in Rogue One and later the Resistance in the sequels is massively different, theres unity and a sense of duty among every Rebel Alliance soldier, officer and leader but in the post-Disney times theres fracture, disloyalty, disunity, arguments and distrust.

I think its a reflection of how the new trilogy shit all over the core themes of Star Wars, trying to portray them in a more grounded, gritty and realistic manner but thats not what Star Wars was about and of course the new Disney overlords and the director who did the same to Star Trek don't care or give a shit about that, and neither does the all female story group cabal.

leia and co gave them briefings
>two fighters against a star destroyer?
>the ion cannon will fire several shots to ensure no ships are in your path

God damn it I want more beach settings Star Wars.

Well he certainly was.

>two fighters against a star destroyer?
imagine if leia said you only need one anyway

The rebel fleet trooper uniform is so fucking cool, especially the helmet, I'm so glad we got to see more of it at least in Rogue One, one of the few good decent scenes in the movie

"Just shut up and follow orders."


It also helped that all of them were white males. Women and non-whites can only be unified in their hatred for white people, and even then, there's still a lot of infighting between them.


So? It's fucking Christmas. Stop being offended for one day you god damn dram queen.

Yeah you care so little you just had to come to Sup Forums on christmas and post in a star wars thread telling everyone. Fucking pathetic cunt.

I'd add TCW to that, as George worked on it a lot (and paid for it).

You can see how Rebels lacks George's hand and it's terrible compared to TCW.

Hahahaha! Look how seethingly angry you are on Christmas Eve. I just ruined your holiday. I fucking love it!

Why doesn't Obi-Wan take out his breather underwater to taste it and make sure they're really swimming in H2O when they go to Gunga City in The Phantom Menace? That really would tie the whole movie together

>fill your army with women
>it turns to shit

just like irl