How would he have handled RotJ?
How would he have handled RotJ?
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As badly as Dune
George dodged a bullet here
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Mel Brooks saw Eraserhead and gave him "The Elephant Man".
George Lucas saw Eraserhead and wanted to give him RotJ.
Who's the visionary, again?
It wouldn't have fit with the trilogy, but I would watch a Lynch sci-fi that wasn't based on an existing property.
Absolute kino
Eraserhead is almost Sci-fi. Twin Peaks is hard sci-fi, especially season 3 and the parts in between the Black Lodge and the regular world.
Dune gets a lot of hate but it's pretty great for the low quality source material. Jordorowsky's would have been shit.
It would probably be shit desu
Lynch needs a blank slate to create something interesting
>hard sci-fi
I don't think you know what this means, but I'd like to hear how it's applicable to Twin Peaks if you do
I love Lynch but I would have enjoyed some more mainstream movies from him. Something for the masses but with his special touch.
Have you seen Wild at Heart? This is probably the closest he ever came to what you describe.
This is you
Blue Velvet, Wild at Heart, The Straight Story, and Elephant Man all have mainstream appeal.
lol... "You're wrong but I wanna hear how stupid you are"
>David Lynch reads the ROTJ Script
>"Furry little cute bears?? Are you fucking serious? No I'm not interested."
that's p much how it went, there's a little interview where he describes their meeting. He basically thought it was goofy lame shit and didn't want to do it.
Ten minutes of Luke staring at a wall in the death star while low industrial whooshing drones on in the background.
he is still right
more fake news to support a false narrative
>the new movie had a very lynch-ian scene..blah blah
>hey g-g-george wanted david lynch to direct rotj!
>instead we get 20 minutes of yoda giving Luke a bad acid trip vision of an alternate future where he becomes the emperors new apprentice, with the only sound being a dissonant jazz clarinet
sea sloth : milkies master skywalker?
luke: massive massive quantities
This is your God.
also at the end, Luke walks into a dark hall and comes out as Luke Lucas, a middling suicidal vacuum salesman whose wife Leila recently left him for some ex-con Hans Solarski. He gets a call that his dad dies and then he blows up his van with him inside of it.
>Blue Velvet
>mainstream appeal
It's often ranked as one of the best movies ever made, it's got mainstream actors like Dennis Hopper and Laura Deen, and Scorsese said it was the best film of the year it came out. It's about as mainstream as the Shining.
>"Leia! Leia's my sister!"
>scene cuts to them having sex
Sounds like pure kino.
With the Force everything is right
With the Force everything is right
With the Force everything is right
You got your dark side and I got the light
thank god that didn't happen
considering George Lucas gave Lynch the the help to make it in Hollywood wasnt that a bit rude?
He didn't insult George, he kindly declined George's offer.
>low quality source material
>It's often ranked as one of the best movies ever made
Is Andrei Rublev mainstream?
>mainstream actors like Dennis Hopper
How many people on the street do you think will know who he is, let alone be able to say 3 films he's in?
>and Laura Deen
It was one of her first roles, long before she became famous
>Scorsese said it was the best film of the year it came out
So? Do you think directors only watch mainstream cinema?
>It's about as mainstream as the Shining
Maybe Blue Velvet is well known in America, but in the UK I've only met one person who knew what Blue Velvet is. Not to mention that just because a mainstream audience knows who Kubrick is means they've seen his films - I remember recommending A Clockwork Orange to someone:
>What other films has he directed?
>The Shining and Dr Strangelove - it's on Netflix
Found out later the guy thought I meant the director of Dr Strange.
A straight forward story doesn't mean it's mainstream. Frank saying "Mommy" alone would turn more people away than anything in Mulholland Drive.
>Dune gets a lot of hate but it's pretty great for the low quality source material.
fight me, cunt
>Twin Peaks is hard sci-fi,
aahahhahahaha oh no noo no
I don't think the scifi aspects of Twin Peaks are good selling points for him ever making a scifi film ever again
>Dune gets a lot of hate but it's pretty great for the low quality source material
His jealousy is palpable, must hurt to be neither nearly as talented nor as successful as George Lucas.
And then he'll know-- HE'LL KNOW-- that it is I, Sheev Palpatine, who encompasses his DOOOOOOOOM!!!
>more fake news
It's been common knowledge since before ROTJ went into production. You're all just babbyfigs who are hearing this for the first time.
Check out this youtube video made years ago meming on Lynch's Return of the Jedi.
>Eraserhead is almost Sci-fi. Twin Peaks is hard sci-fi
The hell are you even on about? Eraserhead arguably uses some of the iconography of science-fiction and post-apocalyptic cinema but Twin Peaks hardly does and when it does it's far from hard sci-fi.
>His jealousy is palpable
George and David are friends, you brainlet. You aren't making any sense.
>must hurt to be neither nearly as talented nor as successful as George Lucas.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Grow up, you fucking manchild. George Lucas is a hack, Star Wars is for children.
>Dune gets a lot of hate but it's pretty great
How can anyone think this. Even if the book is bad (it's not) the film is still clearly shit. I can't think of a more rushed second half in any film - knowing how it strays from the book just makes it even worse.
I really don't think anything in Blue Velvet is more unsettling than A Clockwork Orange or Pulp Fiction. It's very popular in America, I saw it in theaters last July. Also, as far as UK, I've heard it mentioned on shows like Peep Show, so I think you're underestimating it's popularity. I've seen it on TV multiple times as well. And it's incredibly influential, like Reservoir Dogs with the ear cutting stuff.
I'm very sorry your favorite book is a children's novel.
I found your yearbook photo
I think people overstate Lynch's invovlement with ROTJ: Lucas had approached Lynch to direct Episode VI but Lynch declined, in part due to his involvement with Dune but also because he just wasn't particularly interested. I'd imagine that if he had accept Lucas' offer, they would've clashed from day 1, so either Lynch would've left or the movie would've been a big mess.
>five straight minutes of Luke and Vader standing alone in an elevator, quietly listening to the industrial background noise of the Death Star
>the Emperor recites a symbolist prose poem about the Dark Side
>entire lightsaber duel filmed in slow motion
>Chewbacca's deformed son Lumpy sexually harasses Leia
>Han blasts him in a fit of cuckold rage, then collapses to the floor, crying
You did not watch the new season. The villain was born out of an atomic bomb. Massive portions of the shoe's plot is about aliens who feed off human pain. How is that not sci-fi?
you mean he's a famous actor that's on silicon valley?
Let me guess, you think all genre fiction is childish?
The book is for kids, any adaption would have been mediocre, it's why Jordorowsky's didn't even get made. The movie has some great cinematography and acting, even if some of the effects and plot feels rushed.
As if the fact that they're friends precludes jealousy. "THX 1138" (1971) and "American Graffiti" (1973) are both far better films than anything David Lynch has ever made, and to cap it off, George Lucas created not only one, but TWO of what will remain pioneering landmarks of digital cinema, "Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005) will be remembered as digital cinema's equivalent of Griffith's "Intolerance" (1916).
And hell, I even quite like David Lynch!
>>Chewbacca's deformed son Lumpy sexually harasses Leia
>>Han blasts him in a fit of cuckold rage, then collapses to the floor, crying
I want this.
Yes, his claim to fame is a mediocre show, and the only person to get famous off of it is a rapist.
Since when do children love complicated space politics?
this is hilarious
At the end, Vader, Luke and the Emperor would all mind meld with the force and wake up at a roadside diner where an old lady in tattered Jedi robes says "It's an honest morning for a red painted window" then Luke slowly looks around the room for 3 minutes before walking to his car and driving to an office job where the cast of Star Wars now occupy different positions in the office, Luke is aware of who they were but even with subtle cues in his conversation no one else seems to remember.
>there are """"people"""" on this imageboard who actually believe THX 1138 is anything but a children's view of dystopia on the same level of such "touted" movies as The Hunger Games, Maze Runenr and that other teenage dystopian franchise
You weren't around when Blue Velvet was released, it was mainstream at the time. Lynch got offers everywhere after that movie, you only get that when you make a movie that pulls in a lot of money.
t. Brainlet
>"Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith" (2005) will be remembered as digital cinema's equivalent of Griffith's "Intolerance" (1916).
Oh, you're baiting. I've been wasting my time talking to you.
This is the type of post someone who's never actually watched a David Lynch movie would make about David Lynch making a movie
>As if the fact that they're friends precludes jealousy.
When in the interview did David show hints of jealousy? To me, the interview just seems to be a guy innocently telling a funny story about a friend of his.
I think there was also an issue with the directors guild and crossing lines.
It's a fun what-if/alt-history timeline to think about though. I woudln't hate Return of the Jedi where the emperor's throne room is the black lodge.
I have absolutely never seen a David Lynch movie
>muh plot
What is great about "THX 1138" (1971) is the Nijinskian quality of how its scenes are choreographed (both in direction and cinematically)
I genuinely am of this opinion. Where Griffith mastered the filmic fugue, Lucas has mastered the art of digital opera.
American Graffiti is good but not particularly deep. It's just a coming of age story that glorifies baby boomer culture.
>THX 1138 is his most static movie
>it's also his most uninteresting movie in terms of invention and drama
user it's literally a filmschool movie he made then remade with a bigger budget, aside from Red Tails its his weakest production, and Lynch has made much better movies than it.
Also the directors who mastered digital are Taylor & Neveldine
Dazed and Confused is much better.
literal and absolute kino
mean girls is better
Yeah same. I like to think about how exactly he'd handle it.
Heathers is better.
You're seriously babbling about the cinematography of a STUDENT FILM? Christ, you pseuds are the worst.
>for the low quality source material
This is bait, literally I'm being hooked.
I know that this is an opinion that certain people might have, but it's not your opinion, you are literally just saying this to get replies.
And since that is so obviously the case, congraturation sir, here is your (You)
Nope, I genuinely love the movie and hate the book. It's a children's book, I knew kids that read it in the 5th grade, and still think it's a masterpiece, even when they grow up to become NEET. Keep telling yourself I'm just shilling and your garbage sci-fi novel is great.
You should get on that. You don't even need to be an up your ass lynchfag to appreciate him as a director (but maybe stay away from his weirder stuff).
>muh cinematography
THX 1138 is an unremarkable sci-fi b-movie that's only remembered because the director of it went onto bigger and better things. Stop pretending it's better than the work of a true artist.
I want to find you and harm you horribly.
>buying into the ayyyyliums meme
Nowhere in the show's canon (read: anything not by Mark Frost) does it call or imply the Lodge creatures aliens. If anything they resemble faeries.
>live in another dimension that can only be accessed through the woods, which they are associated with
>have an incomprehensible sense of morality that humans can't comprehend
>feed on human emotions
>kidnap and replace the main character with an inhuman copy
Things don't always need to be deep. It's a slice of life movie that captures the feel of being a teen in the 50's which was a pretty defining point in time for lucas. That's when he nearly died racing cars and went into film instead to make his dad happy.
It's glorified because you're seeing it through his rose tinted glasses. But at the same time it's very very naturalistic movie.
It's good. It's really good.
Think of the cinematography we woulda got.
Think of the space ambience.
Think of how fucking scary Snoke woulda been.
God damn I want to live in the world where that kino exists.
>Dune gets a lot of hate but it's pretty great for the low quality source material.
You just plebbed yourself
Project Blue Rose is clearly about extraterrestrials. They literally get messages from space in the show. Also, most people believe demons and aliens are the same thing.
I love how hard this triggers the man children on this board.
>Nowhere in the show's canon (read: anything not by Mark Frost) does it call or imply the Lodge creatures aliens. If anything they resemble faeries.
Since when the fuck did faeries have shit like this? They were extradimensional aliens homie.
New age ladies and gentlemen this is why Disney is in charge
You're all wrong. In The Secret History of Twin Peaks it's stated that they aren't actually aliens but they have enough similarities to be mistaken for them.
>I love how hard this triggers the man children on this board.
Please keep talking shit about Frank Herbert's genre-defining masterpiece.
>In The Secret History of Twin Peaks it's stated that they aren't actually aliens but they have enough similarities to be mistaken for them.
"Extradimensional aliens". They could well be from Earth in some sense, at least some of them (and in fact that seems the only plausible explanation, IMO), but they're still "alien" to the human world.
>super car
nah he kind of made fun of him.