How are we going to ruin this, lads?

How are we going to ruin this, lads?

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>looks at Africa
Pretty sure this will ruin itself op

Isn't this the actual history of Liberia?

It will be a Type III civilization on the Kardashev scale and there will be a whole slave class of wh*Tes

beat me to it

>alt-history in which freed slaves get their own country.
It's not alternative history, it's called Liberia and it was a disaster.

yeah imperialism had nothing to do with it

Who is writing and directing? If it's a white man I unironically won't watch this. If it's a black man then I'll unironically watch this.

Isnt this the white nationalist wet dream? Seperate ethnostates? Can we meme this as an altright show?

So Liberia?

We all know Africans were living in peace and prosperity before the white man came along and ruined it

based black man

Honestly wish this would have happened. The crime rate would be a lot lower.

>muh imperialism
>Zimbabwe now inviting whites back

>muh evil imperialists wiped the floor with africa

Pick one

Fuck beat me to it. Fpbp

So a show about Liberia ?

Not exactly, they weren't "given" a country - some blacks (~10,000 over the course of almost 50 years) tried to colonize part of Africa with support from an organization that felt blacks would be better off back in Africa. The US didn't even recognize their independence for decades and the small number of American blacks did not integrate well with the real blacks at all, they believed they were above them and you just had another minority rule situation which culminated in one of the bloodiest civil wars in the history of Africa. As far as I can tell the premise of this show is that all the slaves are given a country, with support from the federal government, just for themselves. It's not the same concept at all.

they didn't?

when it's with blacks, it's not separate, it's diverse.

>implying niggers would be able to develop into civilized and advanced nations even without the meddling of outsiders

Explain why when the Europeans where colonizing Africa and the world the Africans couldn't even build a seaworthy boat?

Try actually reading up on the history of Liberia.

I don't remember who said it but an actually interesting alternate history show would be if there were millions of natives instead of thousands.

I'm want to see this. I am interested in how freed African slaves would manage their own independent country on American continent.


You're absolutely correct, but just so you know, you're arguing the nuances of colonialism and slavery with a bunch of jew hating white nationalists

Wish I knew, senpai.

pathetic samefag desu

>blacks get their own independent land
>100 years later
>usa prospers while having low crime rates
>negronica is worse off than mexico
>huge immigration to usa
>everyone is fucked once again

This picture is so stupid

reminder that not all of us are addicted to hate

Ana Foxxx

I'm split on how I feel about this. Aaron mcgruder of the boondocks is apparently writing which is the only reason I'm interested. However he also wrote George Lucas's red taiks so I really don't know how well he can handle live action drama. Or if the show will be as red pilled as the boondocks was


What is Haiti?

Africa wasn't so different from that pic 2000 years ago.

by fucking off back to your containment subreddit t_degenerate

i whish this was the real history of america


Wow, finally a show about Liberia!

Wow so progressive, will really make us think what if. Where in real life they have a full continent called Africa.

we should have sent them back

can't wait to see this screencap in every clickbait article that comes out talking about it's low ratings

good job rabbi

>How are we going to ruin this, lads?
Just do nothing. It'll ruin itself.

>Looks at imperial Africa
>Looks at black Africa
Yes we really done dem wrong

Wouldn't the spear chuckers just get invaded and turned into slaves again? Sounds kind of pointless.

....why? I can go read some bbc africa news to see what happens if blacks have their own country.


There you go user.

the largest genocide in history occurred in Africa, before imperialism, but since the Afrikan didn't write down his history it hasn't come to light till lately.

No they would just become the 51st state and turn out like Detroit

>An alt-history show where freed slaves get their own country

Yeah, you know we actually did that. It's called Liberia. Last I heard, they were eating mud for nutrition because everyone was starving.

The only why blacks can survive in a modern nation is as a beast of burden or as a parasite, they're too primitive to do anything else.

Without whites to give them their shit, they simply sit around unemployed, starve, and blame the white man. They blame whitey for the fact they couldn't pass 3rd grade, the white man for making them too traumatized to work, the white man for getting them addicted to crack.

If only we had moved them all to Liberia, nearly every major problem in America from drug crimes, unemployment, to low test scores, to gun violence; would be solved.

See, something liberals fail to acknowledge (and even the very liberal type of conservatism that passes for conservative in America) is that nearly every major social problem in the US it is only the negroes tanking the national average.

Without niggers, our IQ scores, test scores, and gun crime; would be on par with most of Europe.

But I'm sure in Black America, negroes are doing everything from inventing peanut butter, the gas pump, and lawn mowers (attributed to the negroes, but they actually didn't). Everyone is gainfully employed and gang violence doesn't exist....

Evolution DOES exist.... and from that we can posit that humans evolved unequally. The negroes may be a physically stronger bunch, but they're also much dumber. The negroes and australian aborigians are simply closer to the apes than the rest of humanity. Eventually we must realize this and treat them as such.

>black america
as long as there will be white women fucking black men, I'm all for it.



It already happened

Are you implying he's wrong?



It already exists, its called Liberia and its an absolute shithole.

>freed slaves country
>first thing they do is create a slave society
Really made me think


Why don't mods do anything about these blatant race baiting threads?


Because hating niggers and shitposting is Sup Forums culture

sheet, so dey gonna go to liberia and film?

>ywn be a african warlord
why live

kys tripfaggot

All it takes is purchasing a few guns and smuggling them into an african country.
If you can't even do that you're not warlord material in the first place.

Kek niggers and their excuses. But muh colonialism. You fucking darkies had no honour and sold your lands and each other into the hands of the 'white devil' to this day slavery is still used on your continent be it child soldiers or people being kidnapped and forced into piracy. Never has there been a society so incapable of accepting accountability for their failings

I can't wait to see this advanced nation that will clearly be more devolved and well off then anywhere else in the world nice. Will they be in space already I wonder?

>dude we want to jump on the racial divide train and fuck whitey

The jews are truly going full blast

isnt this based on some book where the black country becomes extremely prosperous and more powerful than the north?




Why not just make a documentary on Haiti instead?

>how are we going to ruin this lads?
By doing nothing and watching it be a ratings disaster entirely on its own and then have the alt right blamed for it bombing.

you're right it did have NOTHING to do with it. Every other colonised country is decades ahead of african nations. DECADES if not CENTURIES



>where freed slaves get their own country

Black gentlemen should get on twitter and complain about it promoting black segregation.

own country would just mean they return to africa status. how can they avoid this fact? i mean they would be 'aware' of the existence of technology and could import it via donations (because they couldn't pay for it). i guess that's how africa is now though. they have some technology but it's only technology that was provided to them for free. condoms and computers and water pumps/filters.

Doesn't take much to ruin it.
The event already happened.
"Educated and Westernized superior African-Americans with superior experiences and knowledge" migrated back to Africa and created Liberia.
Guess how Liberia turned out:
Think gangster rap + black neighborhoods with their usual Crips vs Bloods mayhem, except on the level of a nation rather than city block.

Yeah, plebs

My bedroom

Yes I think it was called stories from wakanda but I'm not really sure.


So it's fiction?

Please please PLEASE make something to convince the Blacks they would become GODZ N SHEIT if they had their own country so they can subconsciously forget about the real-life examples of Liberia, Haiti, and Zimbabwe. This series could save us.


Segregation is the answer?

South African apartheid (bantustand) was correct.
Screencap this.

Anyone else feel really uncomfortable around black people? I usually stop what I'm doing and just stare at them, making sure they aren't up to anything suspicious. moving my hand to my CC usually calms me down but I need at least 30 seconds of observation and 20 feet of space to formulate an action and escape plan

>Imperialism is bad
>China and India

Nah. Niggers were just too stupid to take and copy what the British left over.

I've felt safer in some shitty parts of Eastern Europe where i lived, than i do passing near black neighborhoods.
At least other Slavs are too drunk or drugged to do shit, while blacks are always read for crime.
The worst was when i had the bad luck to witness blacks shooting at each other and praying no stray bullets hit me.
Fucking animals. You Americans need to put those beasts on a leash.

Word, thats my favprite korn song too

>Bottom line:
>Pretty much Nigs gonna nog, regardless of "civilized or not"
>Civil wars 24/7, either due to old tribal disputes or resources
>Nog movements emerge, usually radical religious islamists or christians
>Foreign aid either requested or brought anyway due to "humanitarian crisis"
>Out of the conflict, Kang emerges
>Top Kang gets all the gibsmedats
>Everyone else not loyal to Kang starves to death
>So long as Kang has friends in the UN/Big Corp he's Kang 'till death
>"Dey wuz good boyz, dey infight between themselves because of white colonialism!"