He's *cough* bankrupt!

>He's *cough* bankrupt!

>His stocks took a little tumble off the market

Other urls found in this thread:


>Four Audits?


What's the tax policy of Eru Illuvatar ?

>Nobody defaults a dwarf

>The power of IRSengard is at your command, Sauron, Lord of the Earth

BUY You Fools!

>Its my job to ask questions after tax time


>So much debt. What can men do against such reckless spending?

Honestly my favourite threads on Sup Forums
>not "reckless rates"

Tax posting is the best thing to happen in ages.


>completely misunderstand a quote
>start forcing a meme about it

>Gandalf: Go back to the Cryptocurrency! Fall into the high volatility that awaits you and your master!
>Witch-King: Do you not know unregulated free market capital when you see it, old man?! This is MY hour!
>[At this point, the Witch-king draws his 1000% price increase over 3 years and holds it aloft; the currency is enclosed in an ever increasing coin price. Gandalf's regulated stock market shatters. Gandalf falls off the market]
>Witch-King: You have failed. The world of $USD will fall.
>[As the Witch King pulls back his currency for the death blow, a horn blows in the distance; the Bitcoin Cash had arrived.

How does an orc know what a tumble is?

'bill' bo baggins

>PRO-PER-TIES! Buy 'em, rent 'em, sell 'em at massively inflated prices
>Stupid Fat landlord! You'll ruin the market! Give it to us state owned, and rent controlled
>Youre hopeless

>What's Bitcoins, eh precious?


>"You fool! No man can audit me!"

>We have just agreed...
>I have told your names to the annual meeting and we have agreed - you are not related parties
>Well, that's good news
>And what about the IRS? Have you made a decision about THEM?
>Now, don't be hasty, Mr. Meriadoc
>Hasty? Our clients are out there! They need our help! They cannot manage their portfolios on their own!
>Financial reporting standards, yes… They affect us all. But you must understand, young analyst. It takes a loong time to prepare financial statements. And we never report anything… unless an item has taken a looong… time to become material

Sauron was a radical Leftist trying to push mass immigration of orc and urikai and other foul beasts for the sake of diversity. He hates the purity of elves.

Eomer. Take your loan officers down to the barrio. Gamling, follow the redlining down to the ghetto. Grimbold, take your brokers to the sticks, after you leave the highway. Forth, and fear no bankruptcy! Arise! Arise, underwriters of Theoden! Credit shall be extended, mortgages shall be secured! An approval date... a review date... ere the interest rate rises!

Write now! Write now! Write! Write for minorities, and subprime lending!





But he was audited. Sauron filed for bankruptcy.

Lamest fucking meme in awhile

>understand a quote perfectly well
>still able to mock the ridiculousness of it

>Lamest fucking meme in awhile

>(uninteligible elvish)
>Then I'll pay tax as one of them!



>Write for minorities, and subprime lending!

>tfw don't understand finance enough to truly understand these memes yet I still enjoy them

what is this hot new meme synergy

>GIMLI: So, master elf, you will enjoy the fabled treasury of the dwarves; roaring capital, foreign bonds, gold bars off the ore. This, my friend, is the home of my cousin, Balin...and they call this a bank...
>A Glow from Gandalf's Staff suddenly lights the chamber... The Fellowship recoil in Horror! Many dwarf Skeletons are strewn about, clearly the dead of some old recession...the rusting coins and notes are peppered with inflation and deficit

>Nine bailouts for the banks of Switzerland - who above all desire shekels...

>Not all loans are lost

>The "Why didn't you invest in Eastern Poland" ad


What wasa Isildur's tax policy?

Nobody in this thread understand shit


>Buy it out with me

For debt and profit!

>purity of elves
They've been breeding with men since the first age.

>We've been tradin nothing but penny stocks for 3 stinkin days

Well I was an economics major and I know enough to know that whoever made these knew something, they are almost certainly in finance or business school. It's not all simply a mash up of financial terms with lord of the rings, a lot of the puns make sense on more than just the surface level.

this is years old newfag

>give us the dependent she-elf!
>you want him? Come claim him

I understand most of as I work for a (((bank)))

I don't get this meme. Which quote is being twisted here?

Not really you're just fucking retarded

Gimli interrogates the worg rider about Aragorn and he tells him how he fell off a cliff.


lurk more

Anyone else digging the new dub and soundtrack? It's dank youtu.be/ztYeD3mdFLU