Why was Luke wearing a Jedi-uniform before he became a Jedi? Is this foreshadowing or is Lucas a hack?

Why was Luke wearing a Jedi-uniform before he became a Jedi? Is this foreshadowing or is Lucas a hack?

Because Luke's aunt and uncle were also Jedi

But Anakin was an only child

efficient white desert cloth how's that even jedi?


All jedi dress like that tho

Well Tatooine is really hot and it just looks like something that would keep him cool in the burning hot desert.

>this is your brain on Plinkett

He makes a lot of good points, but he also makes a lot of stupid nitpicks that don't fucking matter. "Why are all the jedi in robes they wear robes in OT cause they were the desert" is a prime example of stupid nitpick.

Yoda wears robes. The emperor wears robes, and a cloak with hood like Obi Wan. Darth Vader has a cape. It's consistent throughout the OT. If their clothes were based SOLELY on location, why wasn't Han wearing robes? Yoda should be in muckin' boots and overalls, right? The jedi could just wear robes because they are monk like warriors. Or maybe it was because by the time the prequels were made everything about the OT right down to the costume design had a become a cultural icon.

This is the kind of "criticism" that is really hard to justify because it doesn't break your suspension of disbelief unless you force it to.

peasants in the far east and india, wear roughly similar clothes to monks (save for the saffron colour)

Plinkett is a fucking idiot and watching him is the equivalent of watching Rick and Morty.

He doesn't, don't make pointless threads based on lies, their outfits are different colour, material and make

from a certain point of view

we will never get a plinkett review on OT because rlm are a bunch of soymen

>If their clothes were based SOLELY on location, why wasn't Han wearing robes?

Han doesn't live on Tatooine

Once Luke leaves Tatooine he stops wearing desert robes because he's no longer in a desert.

Yoda wears a dressing gown because he's a crazy old frog. Emperor wears a hood to hide his face and it looks menacing. Dark Vader is literally a lord so wearing a cape makes sense in-universe.

>prequels exist
>ask if Lucas is a hack
come on

Why is Obi-Wan openly wearing a jedi uniform when he's meant to be in hiding and pretending to be a regular old dude?

Because it's a movie made for children and it likes to make things easy for the 10 year old boys the movie was made for, you stupid faggot.


It's a comfy man dress
A cozy mumu
Fat hiding garb

No matter what you call it, it's not a uniform, it's a fucking robe. Lol

Even in the prequels people in Tatooine dressed like Luke. People in the middle east and monks both wear robes.

>durr durr durr
>If he was in hiding, why did he only change his name when he was known as General Kenobi?
>Why didn't stormtroopers report a jedi after the mind trick wore off?
>Why didn't Obi Wan recognize R2-D2 and C3PO?

Get off the fucking Plinkett juice my man. You can find stupid nitpicks all fucking day, what I'm trying to tell you is that these are the kind of things that don't fucking matter. They are not impactful criticisms.

>muh plinkett

is that your only line of argument, brainlet?