/trek/ - My favorite series is better than your favorite series edition

let's go bois

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What about TAS?

Discovery underrated

Is Discovery episodic or does it have an overarching story?

move voyager down (up) a tier and this is literally perfect

Just finished my 5-year rewatch of TNG bros.

My feels are flowing freely, All Good Things is a great last ep

>dutch angle

I find it to contain both. Obviously it has more focus on a large arc for a single character (Micheal) but some episodes contain fairly episodic elements. The time travel with Mudd being an episode I thought was great and much like TNG/TOS sotrytelling.

Can't wait till it comes back on the 7th. Sucks we only have a few episodes though.

needs a final cosmic brain for The Animated Series imo

desu the meme is better if it's being as contrarian as possible
so put STD at the end there

ds9fags are so delusional
you are the original std niggers

Why is every old woman a total cunt?

That's how you know it's important

I mentioned this in an earlier thread. Me and a co-worker were debating at lunch about which universe would win in a fight, Star Trek vs Star Wars. He mentioned Death Star vs Enterprise and I said that the Enterprise would win hands down.

My argument was that the DS has no shields and several Photon/Quantum torpedoes (Hell even the phaser banks) could knock it out easily. What do you guys think?

If star fleet could take on a borg cube they can take on the death star.
also; lel lasers.

Yes, yes it is. I do have a soft spot for Generations though, because for me TNG doesn't end until the Enterprise is gone. I know Generations is not the greatest Trek movie, but that doesn't matter to me. I love seeing the Enterprise on the large screen, and since they rewired the 6 foot model, there are certain shots that look fucking superb.

Enterprise is garbage. It's just idiots in space.

What is it with modern Star Trek series and movies not wanting to advance the lore? They are always either prequel series.

Why can't we get something that takes place after Voyager/DS9/TNG.

I remember laughing out loud in the theater when Data said "Oh shit!", fun movie.
Yeah I mentioned how lasers would have trouble getting through Federation ship shielding. Then he quickly said "Those arn't lasers though they're BLASTERS". I just love our debates, breaks the monotony of work.

Anyway Merry Christmas /Trek/

Star Trek crews are much more clever. They'd win by rigging up some horseshit or other (the Pegasus cloaking device, for example), or they'd just do a sun slingshot maneuver and take out Sheev as a child.

Yes, Merry Christmas /trek/. I'll leave you with the most awesomest DS9 moment in special effects.

Good health to you all.

Have a merry Ketrecell White Christmas

HoloDeck pasta guy here, I want to wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I'm sorry if my constant repasting of that pasta has annoyed you. I just think it's funny.

Merry Christmas
Post it again please, I didn't get any other gifts this year


Watching with a quasi-critical eye,I simply cannot take the concept of the Holodeck seriously anymore. At first I started making my Holodeck posts as a joke ("Why don't they call it X instead of a Holodeck? The name is misleading") but I'm starting to get annoyed whenever anyone uses the Holodeck. I just can't stop thinking about all the plot holes, the unbelievable decisions that people make, the fact that it's possible for the technology to work flawlessly while not responding to controls because of some major spatial anomaly, there's so much about the Holodeck that doesn't make even a little bit of sense. And then there's the fucking Doctor. They put a bunch of EMHs in a cave system to mine dilithium or something, but they can't set up holoprojectors around Voyager? Actually, we know that they CAN and DO do this--in that episode with the Hirogen, we see it done, it's the entire plot--and no amount of handwaving can make me believe that there is some reason that makes sense diegetically NOT to have done this before. And the mobile emitter almost never malfunctions; when it does, they can fix it, no problem. It's even more unbelievable than Geordi's ability to operate on Data's positronic brain without actually being a cybernetics genius like Singh was. Why the fuck can't they make more Datas? Why the fuck can't Data experience emotions but Moriarty can? If a Holodeck replicates matter on demand, why can't the replicate and android? Why does that replicated matter lose cohesion when it leaves the Holodeck if it's replicated, rather than projected? Who decided that the Holodeck was a good idea?

We need a picture of /ourguy/ Dukat in a Santa hat to make this Christmas complete

HD restoration of DS9 when?

The VOY episode Living Witness is Holocaust denial and should be banned

Tell me it could have been Battlestar Galactica one more time.

this nigger needs to shut up

But the Doctor was right and he helped a society overcome horrible inequalities of opportunity and outcome by demonstrating his innocence.
VOY is a poor woman's BSG

i hope one day the inequalities between goys and jews is overcome. Shadilay!

ahh a fellow #kekistani...#based! shadilay brother lol or sister idk what you are lol fuck liberals but cool it with the anti-semitic remarks, Sup Forumsro! it's a free country

It's been almost 9 years since JJ's Star Trek entry. Looking back, was it good or bad for the property?

>it's a free country
>cool it with the anti-semitic remarks

fuck off kike

forgettable. Like everything JJ does.

im nonbinary


swap voyager and ds9

I like some things about them, mostly Karl Urban.

Beyond was pretty fun but the villain was forgettable as fuck,.


I teared up desu
Also Jake was hilariously bad in this episode

Pure kino honestly, best cinematography of any Trek tv series

that's not how it's spelled

It was OK. It kept people thinking about Trek. It also integrated the franchise into contemporary 'nerd culture' which is cancerous by definition but what can you do , yknow?

The only episode Jake doesn't suck in he's played by Tony Todd.

As far as I know, it'll never happen, sadly. They don't think they can make money; they don't think people will buy it.

But I can't blame them really..you don't need an HD restoration until seasons 5-7...and the first few seasons probably wouldn't sell well because there's a lot of comfy filler rather than existential suffering.

I have the TNG series on DVD on the first release...and I keep on thinking I should buy the DS9 series on DVD while I still can...but I can't justify it because I know there would be entire seasons I just wouldn't touch...but that's just me.

God damn we need a DS9 HD transfer

Sacrifice of the Angels would be so glorious in HD they should demand to submit for an Emmy again

Voyager > TNG and TOS

Get over it

Bane, starting the fire!
CIA, his agency spread wide!
Doctor Pavel, his neck broken!
Gordon, in the sewer!
Batman, his body and spirit broken!
Bruce Wayne, in the Pit!
Scarecrow, at the revolutionary tribunal!
Gordon, on the streets!
Batman, come for you!
Selena Kyle, her motorcycle weaponized!

Alfred, his smile spread wide!*

As bad as STD is, i fucking loved Mudd

That Lorca murder montage

Alfred, the forest burned

The Joker, with money to burn

>He never left
>and neither did you

Only Jeff Bezos buying the Star Trek IP can make that happen

Everyone say what you are thankful for! I'm thankful for the mods because they banned the spammer

I'm thankful for that too. I'm also thankful for Bashirfaggot and chubby Riker.

I'm thankful for these dubs.

Blade Runner 2049, the best science fiction film of the year

It killed Star Trek for good by ensuring we'd never get another Trek unless it was based on that normie-tier vision.



you are like small child. watch this


s-shut up




so fucking based

>Federation Fighter Class Ships
Who would agree to crew one of those flying coffins?

That's probably where they put people who want to join Starfleet but aren't team players.

You watch Voyager?

Starting watching Voyager when I got to DS9 season 3. Going DS9 ep -> Voyager ep -> DS9 -> VOY etc...

The idea is that they should be in the same line chronologically, yes?

Is there a way to get this with English subtitles?

its on netflix

season 3 episode 5 btw

They would redirect the EPS conduits to the deflector array to create a gravimetic pulse, which would then be directed at the death star's superlaser dish causing a tachyon cascade


Anyone play any Star trek phone games?

Any worth playing when bored?

Oh Enterprise, oh ENTERPRISE
How lovely ARE thy warp coils!
Oh Enterprise, oh ENTERPRISE
How lovely ARE thy warp coils!

how come we never see or hear from Dukat's other children? yea Ziyal, but i thought he had like 5 kids or so. also. that baby is probably old enough to post here now

>that baby is probably old enough to post here now
Yeah, just this year.

Open door see this wat do?

Open door see this watt do?

>Computer, reduce ceiling height to 4 inches


Did Vic have holo-sex with holo-kira after Odo didn't want her

Alternating them isn't exactly right if you want to go chronologically ( johnstonsarchive.net/startrek/st-episodes-1.html )

And the shows don't really interact at all except one episode of Voyager much much later references an old DS9 plot point. Unless you're trying to spread out the pain of Voyager with something good, I'd just watch Voyager when you're done with DS9.



Kira leaves her father to die alone just so she can go ambush some Cardies.

Complete psycho bitch.

Ensign Varik deserved better.

Then she traveled back in time to assassinate her mother.

is there a reason the time police didn't shut down the orb of time?

how do you know they havent? ;)

cuz kira used it in that one episode

Oh shit my nigga, we still in the muddafuggin nexus still