recast it
Recast it
>John Oliver
oh non no no
imagine being this insecure that this offends you
>John Oliver
>Movie takes place in Africa
>They cast black people
>Sup Forums is upset about this
>Not Jermey Irons
For what purpose?
why the fuck isn't jeremy irons scar
he isn't dead is he?
this is actually a good cast, except for Beyonce. Can she even act?
why? that's an excellent cast?
lions are not niggers
have you not seen austin powers
She can't.
Why the fuck would you cast him? He already did it, is he going to read the same lines again? Let someone else do it.
I'm completely fine with the majority of the cast, the one thing I can't fucking stand is John Oliver. Why? Why him? I don't want Zazu to constantly spout the *current year* guy's voice. Just get Rowan Atkinson back you fucking hacks.
okay explain james earl jones
That's actually a fantastic cast, this looks very good.
I would add more jews of course I mean 2 maybe 3 is not enough jews
>Bring back James "900 years old" Earl Jones as Mufasa because MUH BLACK KANGZ
>Dont bring back Jeremy Irons
Really doodles the noodle
Except for John Oliver. Not that he doesn't fit the part of the annoying character, but casting him is like going full annoying
Ah nevermind, then it is dumb
why the fuck do you need celeb actors for fucking cgi characters? get actual fucking voice actors jesus. and beyonce? really? kill me now
As much as I love Jeremy Irons, he would be totally out of place and could not pass for a person of this family anyway.
So the 90s version of the Lion King is now racist?
>fucking cgi characters
they're not cgi though, they're going to have costumes
why not? You realize Chiwetel is british right?
>As much as I love Jeremy Irons, he would be totally out of place and could not pass for a person of this family anyway
Literally what did he mean by this?
Wait what, is this going to be CGI? I thought this was live action
>blackwashing the lion king
Live action CGI
no one thinks this
are you fucking retarded, it's going to be like the jungle book
what you think those people are actually going to be lions
I've not seen any of the Disney live action remakes. Any of them worth watching?
Jeremy Irons is not black.
What does that have to do with anything? THEY ARE PLAYING FUCKING LIONS
it would be completely out of context if they're all speaking with black accents and then Jeremy Iron starts speaking
I thought they were just going to tell the story about an actual kingdom with real people and just repeat the themes, have them refer to themselves as lions in a metaphorical way or something.
The fuck was I thinking though? Of course not. But that would be much better though
They should just be playing monkeys. Darkies aint got a nack for being king
>Black accents
Nah, they'll probably all just use American accents. Save for Zazu and maybe Scar.
She's there literally for the YASS QUEEN SLAY and the reviews talking about how white people don't understand black womanhood, written by white people.
>black accent
If anything James Earl Jones is much more jarring, you think he sounds anything like Beyonce or Danny Glover?
Scar in the original one had a british accent and all his family had American ones, I guess that old british accent = evil. I doubt Favreau will change that up especially considering he casted a Brit.
>>Movie takes place in Africa
They cast Americans
They will probably go with african accents or american accents.
>seth rogen
just to clarify, i'm not saying i don't like most of the new cast, i'm just curious as to if Sup Forums would cast it any different
Idris Elba as everyone
Decent cast, they need Irons though