Orcs are just like black people! they're hated and discriminated against so that makes gang violence something they...

>orcs are just like black people! they're hated and discriminated against so that makes gang violence something they cant control! ids be tha ebil wite elfy mans fault! YOU GET IT!?!?!

What did Netflix mean by this?

Niggers are shit people and I'm tired of niggers in gangs portrayed in movies of having some sort of honor or code.
>I'm just trying to feed my family the only way I can!

Orcs are like Mexicans. They live in the South west coast. They are ruthless like Mexicans and they're religious like them.

So the orcs are niggers and the Elves are Jews?


Spotted the uneducated brainlet who doesn't get Bright

They also do jobs elves wouldn't do

Funny how Netflix made a movie out of a Sup Forums meme

That wasn't at all what the movie was saying. It's clear the orcs made a lot of bad decisions but society also has some fault for never giving them any chance.

Blacks get tons of chances

Real world gang-bangers abandon their kids, fuck hoes, and do drugs. Their profits are used for a party lifestyle. They're sociopaths.

You forget the Alfs

As a minority myself I know plenty of people like that and it’s real. People just wanna provide and do it in the ways they can. Poverty is a bitch and a hell of a motivator. Nigs and spics can’t just go to college. We’re broke nigga.

If elves are jews, what are goblins, supreme jews?

Yes, yes, OP is a faggot I get it but the REAL question is why do Orcs have a fascination on wearing jerseys shirts?

Every decade they try to come up with a new method to teach in schools in hopes that niggers will finally not be retarded

But the elves are jews...

and how come they are so good at graffiti?

how can anyone watch this trash without cringing within the first 2 minutes?

but isnt the white mans fault? why the fuck did whites bring savages to their country then suddendly give them the vite? in a grand sense, how the fuck is it any other race's fault but whites?

Orcs sided with the dark lord. I'll be damned if I'm going to trust one of those pigskin pieces of shit again.

it's like they're playing some sort of a stereotype...

They push you through schools you have no business passing, and they give you unlimited access to loans and grants for community college or trade school. You get the grants and then stop coming to school. You are the reason your life is shit. Nobody else.

*give them the vote

this movie is trash and noomi rapace too

why would an entire group of people choose to make bad decisions?

Max Landis is a retard.

>Dude what if racism... was real...

Hey lets make an allegorical tale about oppressed minorities, but use horrific violent monsters in place of them. I'm such a brave white ally.

Why do they still allow orcs to exist if they're so violent?

Because they are fucking stupid.

they are religious zealots with a fondness for explosives

Because rich white people told me that the system is fair, and if only rich white people make it to the top that must mean everyone else is either lazy or stupid. Duh.

I watched the movie and never felt that was the message?
Also, it's not like there weren't regular blacks and mexicans...
So retarded to read that much into this movie.

Those are the most virgin and manlet orcs I've ever seen.

why would you bring fucking stupid people into your country then give them the vote?

Christians would consider Orcs pawns of Satan and would genocide the hell out of them. You couldn't do something like be the soldiers of THE DARK LORD in the real world and get away with that. The backlash to that would be HUGE, especially for ancient people.

Also, such creatures and their war would have huge massive effects on the world. It's a bit silly to have the same world today but with magic beings.

Hi Disney

Is the movie supposed to be taken seriously?

Hi lettercuck.

Those schools that we get pushed through are shitty public schools with zero funding. That’s why the people that go to these schools aren’t as educated and stop showing up to school. And I’m talking about the people that actually try. Not the lazy ones.

Oh, another Sup Forums thread

Honestly the orcs aren't half as much like blacks as I expected. They more like abos, if you had to connect them to something irl.

A completely alien race people that have a fundamentally tribal culture that can't at all mix well with modern society.

not really, the movie clearly showed they are just as racist and bigoted as the rest and mostly at fault for their own demise.

Which is probably why critics hated this flick.

Doesn't matter what methods they come up as long as 95% of the class is ignoring the teaching plan because Shaniqua and Tyalondra are having a twerk-off ontop their desks.
Let teachers start dishing out physical punishment again and you might see some progress in inner-city schools, blacks only respect violence or strict authority.

Literal slavery apologia. Kill yourself.

Really, Bright made the hispanic and black humans out to be even worse scum.

They aren't even orcs and yet they still act like gangsters.

Truly the black and hispanic are the lowest of the low

Presumably the orcs acted like the lotr orcs after sauron and just retreated to some far flung corner of the world.


blacks didnt do nothing but chill on the lawn mang

wrong you can and do go to college. free rides. period. many of you just do not want to. In community college I knew plenty of GED's.

>shitty public schools with zero funding. That’s why
Right, of course

>bring down property values
>play loud gangbanger music
>smoke and drink on the front lawn instead of working
>disrespect and badmouth TWO police officers
>still act like niggers even though there are literal nigger orcs

At least we saw plenty of orcs working, give it 5 years and orcs will be above blacks

Have you ever actually been in an inner city school classroom? Ive worked in schools where the kids dive cars nicer worth more than me and I've worked in an underfunded shithole. The opportunities to move up socially and economically are not there

orcs are niggers

elves are real jews, goblins are American Jews. Simple.

>The opportunities to move up socially and economically are not there

then why do some social groups manage to do it and others just dont?

Dwarves are Jews
Tolkien made it clear

Were not talking about rural Appalachia you retard. If you really want to get out then it’s possible because you’re in the middle of a fucking city. Not saying it’s easy and I’m not saying that everybody should succeed because most inner city niggers are typically a bunch of low iq violent retards that have no place in civilized society.

Which social groups are you taking about?

Every group except hispanics and blacks

hispanics move up just fine and some of them started rich too, especially the cubans.

yeah but most minorities dont even know about these things as a first gen CHI i literally knew nothing about going to college and fafsa and my counselors were shit giving me non answers or not even showing up because they went on their annual golfing trip.I pretty much just went for it .I remember stressing about how i was going to pay for it then i saw that fafsa paid for it all if you are poor enough .But my main point is the majority of us dont know about these programs and we think going to college is a pipe dream

It’s not the majority. And Cubans are pretty much the most white hispanics

It's not just Hispanics and blacks. Every person stuck in a shithole inner city school has little to no chance of escape. The race doesn't matter

Post three (3) redeeming features of this galactic turd pile.

I'll start:
1. Noomi.

>real jews
All Jews are real Jews

Ever thought that maybe those school teachers and administrators are just jaded from dealing with violent minorities all day for years and it doesn’t matter how much money those schools get? Public schools in poor inner city neighborhoods are a waste of time and money and end up doing more harm than good. Any community without decent parents is going to suck regardless. If a kid has two good parents then he’ll learn just as much with a library card as school

>Nigs and spics can’t just go to college
the shitskins in socal are filling up colleges, most of them become nurses and fuck with old white people while they're dying in agony in nursing homes...they just laugh at dumb whitey because we all hate each other and blacks think they're the only ones that are exempt from any sort of racism. fuck you nigger.. i hate you, merry christmas for being a piece of shit to everyone.

Because there's nothing especially cringeworthy in it, I presume.

Best girl

That isn't at all in any way what it's about. It's not an allegory. It's to fantasy what Watchmen was to superheroism.

Elves must be excellent in all they do. Including rape faces.

I too rape people when I cant get enough money

also money doesnt matter, all you need is love

I don't think there even was a message, it was just a buddy cop film with a cool setting that parodies racial tensions but isn't really preachy about anything.

Speaking as one of those "jaded" teachers. Funding is an issue seeing as I can't even get a damn overhead projector in my classroom while the suburban school can literally provide each student with an iPad. If public schooling is a waste of money, what is your alternative?

>orcs live among humans
>no half-orcs anywhere
Fantasy movie indeed. Also
>a fucking centaur and a DRAGON

I cringed, specially at the fairy scene, but I got over it quickly and enjoyed it

Movie had some kinography

then they shouldn't become teachers and administrators in the first place if they cant deal with it or at the very least not go work in a inner city school. most of those teachers chose to go there. They would even tell us they chose to go there because they got payed more

whatever you say goy

>this will never be you

The only time I cringed was at the very end where a faerie flew up to the camera.

I don't get this
Every one else burned but she was turned into an art installation?

>need mo money fo dem programs

Yeah, you'd think that half breeds would be a thing, and even more shunned than full breeds.

Also, I don't see the problem with the centaur or dragon, if they are intelligent like other races, why not

I can't take this actor seriously after suicide squad

so in this universe does ORCED.com exist where elf girls get ORCED

I mean if Orcs were like 12.5% of the population but committed over 50% of the total murders I would say some of the hatred and discrimination would certainly be justified. Against orcs.

You're fucking lazy you shitcunt get a fucking job

Assuming you went to school, what did your classroom look like? What sort of technology was available to you? Did your school have a library in it? Do these sound like expensive social programs to you? Then again, I probably shouldn't bother with this sort of conversation on a Mongolian basket board

you go girl, fuck that neck hole good

White guy, but went to a bad public school in California.

Honestly this guy is right, when you're a punk teenager and your environment is toxic, you don't even know what kind of opportunities you have. People don't help you, don't tell you. You're so ignorant that you don't even know that you can access these grants. I've lived in the hood, east Oakland, and once you spend some time there, you change your whole outlook on poverty and race, desu. I'm much more sympathetic now.

My school was bad. It wasn't until I was about 23 that I realized I made so little money that I had essentially a free ride through school if I worked hard enough. I didn't know it was an option until I met someone doing it. When you're poor, you don't have the luxury of thinking about those things.

I took precalculus and high school chemistry at a city college in Oakland at 23 years old. I managed to get into a good school a year later. It was hard, but hopefully worth it

no, because in that universe the elfs are the jews, so it would be human girls getting orced

I went to a public school in a large city in the south full of niggers. Most white kids eventually got put into honors classes and no longer had to deal with niggers in class. Niggers are dumb. Their values are shit. They aren't not learning because they need more expensive shit to steal in the classroom. They aren't learning because they are fucking stupid.

Sup Forumstards have been crying about anything lately
Fucking holidays, all the fucking underages have a shitload of free time

say it to broke ass azns who come from poorest families fresh of the boat, yet they make something of themselves most of the time

Yeah, hehe, orcs...

there has to be a country where niggers are banned. Like surely right?

How can no country have banned niggers yet? this is an outrage

the "world building" or whatever you would call it in this movie felt really forced

The best part is that everything that's said about niggers now is the same shit that was said about the polish, the italians, the germans, the asians, etc.

Americans, all of them, are just all niggers regardless of skin color, all niggers.

>elves promote racemixing among humans and orcs but not among themselves