We rewrite the opening crawl for the Episode 7

Star Wars VII
The Ancient Evil

It is a period of Galactic stability. The New Republic has cast out the evil Galactic Empire from the core worlds and has brought peace under its rule.

But the empire remains. It continues to dominate over its vast territories with an iron fist, and seeks to expand over weaker systems outside its boundaries.

The planet of Mandalor has sent an urgent request to the New Republic, in hopes that they will intervene against the Empires thirst for power...

Other urls found in this thread:


Needs more random capitalisation. Also your Mandalorian request sounds dull as balls:

>It is a period of Galactic stability. The NEW REPUBLIC has cast out the evil GALACTIC EMPIRE from the core worlds and has brought peace under its rule.

>But the empire remains. It continues to dominate over its vast territories with an IRON FIST, and seeks to expand over weaker systems outside its boundaries.

>And on the planet KALTOSTAT, there are stirrings of something long ages forgotten, which could upset the tenuous balance of the Galaxy forever...

Yeah I agree the Mandalorian request sounds too much like its from the prequels.

Star Wars VIII
Curse of Vader

The evil GALACTIC EMPIRE reigns once again! With the sudden return of the monstrous new Emperor Vader, fear and panic has gripped the galaxy.

In the ashes of the NEW REPUBLIC, a mighty Resistance seeks to maintain hope at the shock of Vaders return.

Queen Leia Organa and the remainder of the Republic fleet are preparing to mount a desperate offensive against the Imperial home world of BYSS, to hopefully once more restore freedom to the galaxy…

this sounds not bad

why should Vader return? Palpatine would make more sense

found on the internet

My thoughts were that this ancient evil that would be unlocked in the first movie would be the true form of the dark side. I was thinking one of the protagonists of the first movie gets possessed by this evil and takes over the empire and uses Vaders vigil as a means of domination since Vader is so iconic. I think Vaders return would be far more cinematically appealing

The lawless frontier part as the empire collapses would have been a great place to take the Star wars universe.


Not fucking Tatooine again...

i guess that guy who made this fake opening scroll say the desert scene of Jakku and thought it was Tatooine again

It's so infuriating that the Star Wars universe, with the infinite amount of possibilities and narrative potential is just hamfisted and regurgitated. As much as the George Lucas prequels failed at least they weren't rehashes. George should have stuck to his guns and made his new trilogy regardless of the public sentiment. At least we'd get something different.

absolutely agree. This trilogy is far worse than the Prequels because it has no soul

I like this one. Best to have that central conflict there then introduce the Yuuzhan Vong for Finale 7/Ep. 8.

>introduce the Yuuzhan Vong for Finale 7/Ep. 8.

Literally nobody other than you wants those Voyager rejects.

>I think Vaders return would be far more cinematically appealing

With this sort of reasoning you should apply for a job working for Kathleen Kennedy! I hear an opening has recently appeared.

As interesting as the Yuuzhan Vong were I don't think they would have worked well on the screen. I'm fine with taking good ideas from the EU but yeah they look like they're background aliens from Deep Space 9

So instead we get a nu anakin. It doesn't have to be Vader it could be some ancient sith lord. There hasn't been a villain as compelling as Vader in the entire run. Sheev is dope but they tried to replace him with Snoke and it sucked.

Snoke was ok until Rian Johnson took a greasy shit.

Snoke was a non character in 7. He literally had no character besides being a carbon copy of Sheev. They literally took ROTJ dialogue and regurgitated it in TLJ because he was a fucking clone. Is it really that hard to come up with a unique villain?


Star Wars VII
Fallen Stars

>It is a period of galactic unrest. Remnants of the EMPIRE, scattered after the loss of the DEATH STAR, continue to defy the NEW REPUBLIC.
>Under the guidance of LUKE SKYWALKER, the JEDI ORDER has been reestablished.
>After a mysterious transmission is intercepted on the outer rim, SKYWALKER sends promising jedi knight BEN SOLO to investigate...


You guys can make your own opening crawl on the official website if you want to make it look extra authentic.

The title sounds like a Twilight spin off but the crawl is damn good.

Yeah. I'm not very good with titles. Maybe THE KNIGHTS OF REN or something.


this opening scroll is good





I was half expecting some sort of "Palpatine back from the dead and using an assumed name for whatever reason" twist.


I'm envisioning it as Firefly with lightsabers.

But Firefly was basically Millennium Falcon with stupid accents.


WAR has come to the Republic. Under the banner of MANDELOR THE ULTIMATE, the Mandelorian clans have united, and brought their crusade of terror to the core worlds.

TARIS, a sprawling megacity planet has been BESEIGED. With the Republic fleet weakened by defeat, the situation looks grim.

Against the wishes of the council, a charasmatic young Jedi REVAN and his loyal friend MALAK set out to aid the Republic.

One of the pre-release speculation threads came up with the idea of a "No Man's Space" type of stand-off idea.
That there was a classic Star Trek/Last Starfighter style frontier that was a disputed zone between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant.
And that's where trouble is brewing. Maybe your Mandolorian plot would be part of that.

>Star Wars Episode VII


Episode VII
The New Age of the Force

Having suffered major losses as a result of the destruction of the SECOND DEATH STAR, as well as the death of both Sith Lord masters DARTH VADER and EMPEROR PALPATINE, the EMPIRE has doubled it’s remaining forces, clashing with the NEW REPUBLIC lead by chancellor and general LEIA ORGANA.

Betrayed by his students, LUKE SKYWALKER has been missing for 5 years, after his remaining students were butchered and hunted by Sith lord KYLO REN, and his KNIGHTS OF REN, commanded by a darker force of nature in the shadows known only as SNOKE.

With the war reaching it’s peak, her old flame on the run from the law and her brother missing, LEIA needs the Jedi to return now more than ever...

LUKE SKYWALKER has vanished and THE JEDI ORDER has lost its symbol. Desperately trying to maintain PEACE, THE (New) REPUBLIC is giving more power than ever to the LAST REMNANTS OF THE EMPIRE.

Growing tired of the inaction of the Republic, a RENEGADE group led by the son of Luke Skywalker is preparing for war from THE UNKNOW REGIONS.

Sensing the galaxy is on the brink of destruction, Senator LEIA ORGANA is sending her most daring pilot to THE JEDI ENCLAVE on DANTOOINE with a clue to the location of Luke Skywalker....