Are we just taking this too far?
Are we just taking this too far?
But we also sat through that?
Is he trying to argue with 10 year olds?
Also, who
what's so offensive about a space diner?
how dare people eat in a galaxy far far away
What is this mindset that just because the prequels were bad that means the sequels can't be bad too?
based prequel lovers. the prequels were better than OT and true masterpiece of geroge vision. #1 movies ever.
why are leftist so aggressive?
keep up the heat lads. maybe we can push it under 1 billion
can you imagine if disney released a movie as bad as the phantom menace with the internet as it is today?
the internet would fucking break. i mean the last jedi was just mediocre and people are acting like it was the worst thing to happen to this country since 9/11.
>you can't say anything about X because of Y
oh sweetie... red herring fallacies don't fly when you're unemotionally autistic
Is anyone else actually pretty excited that all these manchildren are throwing a tantrum because we, and apparently lots of other moviegoers, don't like The Last Jedi? I've experienced joy at other people's anger before, but never quite like this.
Is because no one liked the space casino filler, so her trying to say it was worse.
What's inconsistent about that?
>I've experienced joy at other people's anger before, but never quite like this.
2016 election and brexit my man
This, desu. I wish leftist were as kind as the right wingers over at Sup Forums.
If that is your biggest takeaway from that twitter than you might be retarded
They think that Sup Forums, Warner Brothers, Alt right, Trump and Putin joined forces to take down Star Wars.
>some other movies are also bad, therefore this one is good
It's the prequels all over again
I don't know how they manage to fuck up but with every new one there's a more general, bigger feeling of "ehhhhhhhhh" around these movies, even around the most normie people I know
I want to kick this guy's ass
Sup Forums is surprisingly polite with everyone except Indians
Sup Forums is a satire board, it's all anonymous, there are no connections to their real lives
leftist however come out with their faces, names, and verified accounts, and act like how Sup Forums acts, only for real
I'm confused. The reaction to TLJ is positive....
He's pointing out that Episode 1-3 were the work of an incompetent who had been saved from his worst ideas by others during the important part of his career. The new films are better-crafted, for all their faults, because they're being made by people who know how to carpenter films. Including Kathleen Kennedy, the ghost producer of a lot of hit movies vanity-credited to Spielberg and Lucas in the 80s.
>Stop complaining about drinking piss, I had to drink shit once!
More like people who only now complain about Star Wars having a shit continuity are way too late to the party
He's talking to people like you, and you know it. Trying to be clever won't help you, autist.
He was fine with a space cantina, but a diner is one step to far
How adorable. I bet you vote conservative :)
wow amazing conversation, you must have very stimulating discussions with your friends, i am jealous
Look at this dude. He's been here all right.
>Space diner
>Space cantina
The desperation of balding OT nerds is as tiresome as it is pathetic.
reminder that literally everyone was fine with the prequels until Red Letter Memedia told us we weren't allowed to like them
Why wouldn't diners exist in a major city? Midichlorians is about the only thing that was actually halfway stupid, but it was at least just there to justify why only some people can even use the Force to begin with
I'd take all of that shit over the 3 day long low speed spaceship chase any day
>and i loved every minute of it until ten years later when reddit letter media posted a dumb video saying i shouldn't like it
Well shit, I've never had to call a landscaper on the phone and hear him sigh and say "I am trying to be patient with you, sir..."
say guys, what's up with this /reylo/ shit? those guys are jerking off at photoshopped images of rey and kylo
>Why wouldn't diners exist in a major city?
Probably the aesthetics of the diner being so out of place
>and you have the nerve
What the fuck? So you stepped in some dogshit and that means standing in a shower of piss is virtually good in comparison?
Just try it brah. It's great brah. It's not dogshit. It's just piss. That means it's good.
How did Dexter jettster stupid Diner manager know about the top secret cloning facility
not true. people on the internet were complaining about episodes I & II years before RLM did their reviews. The Simpsons even had an episode about fan disappointment back in 2004.
Dexter is key to all of this
I don't understand, why is a Space Cantina perfectly acceptable, but a Space Diner apparently is too ridiculous?
>I saw Episode 1-3 in theaters
So did I?
People who go to Diners are generally depressed as fuck loners trying to get away from something. Those people are generally in states of mind where they are willing to divulge a great deal more than they would at other times and to other people. Seems like a sensible place where you might pick up some intel, especially if you know how to empathize and get someone talking.
>1940's space battles
>1930's Flash Gordon space armor
>1950's diner
>1950's space cars
Yeah seems totally out of place.
>Dude i watched the Plinkett reviews
Seems comfy.
This is like how SJWs defended Feigbusters because GB2 wasn't as good as GB1 therefore everyone who didn't see it was sexist and racist. If normies are word of mouth saying you're movie fucking sucks balls you don't double down and accuse everyone with having a political reason behind not going to a film.
>People who go to Diners are generally depressed as fuck loners trying to get away from something. Those people are generally in states of mind where they are willing to divulge a great deal more than they would at other times and to other people.
I thought people went to diners because they were hungry
The problems of one movie does not erase the problems of other movies. You'd have to be an idiot to think otherwise.
I read his tweeter thread. How does anything he say invalidate the complaints that people have of TLJ.
only 90's kids remember
The aesthetics of that capital planet in general
THIS muh marysue sjw beta male brainwashing has gone too far i guess
I could possibly see that as a place to get Street information but probably not top secret clone facilities off the grid
He is probably saying that Star Wars was worse long before TLJ. How do you not recognize a "When I was your age, ..." post?
What about /r/the_donald - is that a satire subreddit? And the alt-right people on Youtube - satire too? Plus there is, or was, an alt right presence on Twitter. There are people who just enjoy acting like assholes and it's satiric, but you have to face facts, my man - with things like the campus rallies etc the IT'S OK TO BE WHITE campaign Sup Forums has ceased to be satire, it is genuine in its convictions, and it is genuine in its methods of achieving them. The only difference between the roasties/kikes/fags who act sassy on Twitter and the retards who do it on Sup Forums are it's publicly acceptable discourse to shit all over white men whereas anything posted on Sup Forums, which a lot of them truly believe, would get a person permanently ostracized. It's not a satire board anymore.
The space diner and the club scene were out of place in AotC but they also took up a cumulative five minutes of the movie of that.
It’s not like people fanboy over AotC anyway. It’s easily the least defended of the prequels
>They think that Sup Forums, Warner Brothers, Alt right, Trump and Putin joined forces to take down Star Wars.
The fact that this is a reality for people who believe this bullshit is cancerous to the brain
>a dumb space diner scene fucked the series up as much as a tactic that breaks every single space battle in the series
w o w
>IT'S OK TO BE WHITE campaign
implying there was anything wrong with that campaign. kys
It's been years since I watched Attack of the Clones but Obi-Wan seemed to hint that iguana guy with cybernetic arm was former Army Intelligence so the diner was probably his retirement or cover not really his overall livelihood. Lizard guy knew through his networks not his fucking diner.
why would a green swamp midget troll be a jedi master
Nah man I knew it after seeing AOTC in the theater. Those movies sucked.
big if true
He probably see himself as older and mature than he actually are.
I can't tel if your shilling or not, but since you think people on reddit aren't easy picking idiots who feel for and believe in that media made alt right crap, I'm gonna go with shill.
I only enjoyed AotC mainly cause of Obi-Wan mystery solving and the Fetts. Anything else in the Prequels other than lightsabre battles was pure shit filler.
how horrible
what fucking racists, they have some nerve
I didn't imply that. I stated explicitly that it was a born of a genuine conviction with a genuine purpose in mind. Learn some reading comprehension.
Have you looked at Sup Forums recently? The cross over with /r/the_donald is enormous, and they're a bunch of mongoloids. There was a fricken babyboomer LARP which took over the board - that's how far they've fallen. It's become Project Chanology 2.0.
They kind of allude to the fact that he was some kind of former arms dealer or explorer or covert ops guy and the diner was his retirement job.
The diner wasnt in space, it was on a planet in a major city
Look at these mongoloids
Obviously they're genuine in their conviction the white race is being persecuted, and they believe IT'S OK TO BE WHITE was a good thing, a good effort towards remedying that. It's not satire. Are they pretending to misunderstand what I'm saying - interpreting it that I'm saying they're wrong? No. They're just really, really defensive. It's completely genuine. There is no satire. Stop pretending Sup Forums is satire.
Jar Jar is better than Rey
I'm annoyed even having glance at this post while I'm trying to shitpost about Dexter Jettster. Shut the fuck up, cunt.
lol triggered snowflake soyboy kys
I love how he talks like seeing 1-3 in theatres makes him some sort of sage or something. Those movies aren't even that old. Are we supposed to be impressed that someone who is old enough to have gone to a movie theatre in the 90s-mid 00s has an opinion on Star Wars? Is the average twitter leftist so young that this is some sort of anomaly? The post sounds like some person in their mid 20s who just started feeling like a grownup for the first time and can't wait to pretend like this somehow makes their opinion more relevant despite they themselves still being young.
yeah, it’s okay to be white is such a radical position that takes real conviction to hold and it wasn’t just to point out how liberals clearly have a hatred for whites
not at all
My nephew liked it, I liked it.
It didnt make luke out to be some prolific saviour or a wise disciplined master that people expected, I found his character reminiscent of Yoda who went kinda crazy in isolation in a similar way, didnt bother me.
Yoda ghost, didnt bother me, this is a device used before, why not... now that he could summon lightning might be presumptuous, didnt bother me.
I liked that they burned the texts... to me that was kind of a message to not take old book religions so seriously which I agree with.
it had the odd part where leia supermaned through space, that part coulda been different but didnt ruin the movie for me.
Finns story was kinda weak and seemed unpolished, didnt ruin it for me.
mighta been more estrogen than normal, meh.
Everything else I personally didnt care for was good for the kids. cus it IS disney but it was better than tfa and the preqs imo.
Hi there I noticed you tried to use memes. In fact it appears you tried to use every meme you knew all at once. Unfortunately, none of those memes apply here, but keep practicing. Glad I could help!
What was wrong with Midichloreans?
This is the third time I have stated that my intention in bringing that up was to demonstrate Sup Forums is genuine in its convictions, that the board isn't satire, not that I disagree with it. Stop being dumb. STOP. BEING. DUMB.
t. soyboy meme police
by demonstrating the most harmless non-conviction possible?
>Thinking yoda was a crazy old man
He wasn't, he was faking that at first until Luke realises that the green midget was the jedi master and then he becomes the real Yoda. I don't know why people differently
You feel it's a harmless conviction because you agree Sup Forumss feelings that white people are being persecuted are legitimate. To people who disagree, who believe white people are in positions of power persecuting, it looked and it was interpreted as covert white supremacy, to imply that somehow it isn't ok to be white and people need to stand up for it. It's amazing you failed to understood how or why it worked out how it did. You're fucking retarded.
>literally everyone was fine with the prequels
I remember going to "kill Jar Jar" pages on dial-up son.
Can morons like this even understand satire let alone create it? Sup Forums has brought so many unbelievably low IQ braindead morons to this site it's shocking.
Agreed. People need to eat, even in the Star Wars universe and the setting was on Corruscant, not the middle of nowhere.
Though I must agree with;
How did Dexter jettster stupid Diner manager know about the top secret cloning facility
Much like TLJ, Purple hair Admiral not speaking to Poe, the audience needed either to make assumptions on this or read additional materil (if there was any)
>than he actually are.
>reminder that literally everyone was fine with the prequels until Red Letter Memedia told us we weren't allowed to like them
how old are you?
you do realize that you sperging out on the its ok to be white thing is like the media making a huge fuss over nothing this guys right the conviction is harmless and this person is basically saying what anyone with a brain who has seen what the media is doing to white people would feel as well. I mean lets face it i'm not white but my whole take was so now the media has reversed it and instead of blacks its now whites whats next.... most likely men in general since that seems to be the new thing first race war now gender war the bullshit never ends,
Also Sup Forums is still a satire board whether you can see that or not, sure you have your shills and (((alt right))) extremist idiots shitting up the board but hey its the fucking internet what do you expect.
What was wrong with the space diner?
>the board is satire is even though it's genuine
You're a fucking moron. Kill yourself.
"Well, whaddya know? I ain't seen one of these[Darts from the cloning planet] since I was prospecting on Subterrel, beyond the Outer Rim!"
―Dexter Jettster
Characters can have more than one job in their lives.
>Force is some immaterial entity that permeates the universe and shit
>Nah it is coz of a component in cells
He/shes right. Worst movies exist, so I have to like TLJ.
Diners are a thing of the past user, a relic of a racist cis-gender run world.
Remember that shitlord.
Because it wasn't a space diner, it's was literally a 1950's diner for no other reason than fuck it.