Promote strong female lead characters

>promote strong female lead characters
>promote strong female values
>smash the patriarchy

Daily Revenue figures plunging.
Whats the message here. That the audience dont care about muh female equality, or that men are sexist and actively avoiding going back to see this movie 2 and 3 times.

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>*tastes salt*
>g-guys it's totally salt, not snow, see?

>still caring about soy wars


as stupid as that was, I dont think I would've gotta that on my own..
>why is the snow turning red?

My soyboy acquaintance who lives across the hall from me in my apt saw the damn thing 4 times before I managed to see it on the 19th. I wish I could UN-see it

What the fuck was the point of the overuse of the color Red in this film?

menstruate blood?

Because they cant show blood, ever. Its bizarre.

The message is that it doesn't matter how many social messages and diversity hires yiu shoehorn into a movie. If the stofy is an ill-considered clusterfuck of logical inconsistencies, universe-wrecking plotholes, and includes the flat-out character assassinations of beloved pop culture icons, fans and average movie-goers alike will not support your amazing, technicolor turd.

I watched "Bright" today, and in spite of all its flaws, it's still a better movie than TLJ, for no other reason that it treats social issues in a more realistic, organic manner while delivering an interesting story.

gib R rated star wars pls

It's just a bad movie. People saw it, they tell their friends that it sucked, and their friends are less likely to see it after. Pretty simple stuff.

I am likely never gonna pay to watch another Disney movie ever again.

Incompetent non-white women are in charge of the story. It's why it's pointless and has no heart.

>Whats the message here.

No one cares about your agenda when your story is a pile of shit

the message is don't forsake your loyal, core fanbase for the mere chance that if you go all out pandering, you MIGHT grab a few female fans. also, don't fucking use STAR WARS, the biggest scifi-fantasy series in history, with the most passionate fans, as a vehicle for your personal, progressive politics.

It's to symbolize the modern feminist squatting over your nostalgic franchise and just gushing menstrual blood all over everything.

You're not alone. I will support literally any other studio at this point. I mean, just pick a film at random.

I guess the soldiers were all men for a reason. Rian Soyson dissin the male audience. Let's see where his career will go now.


Because it’s the “dark one” like ESB, Rian compensated his lazy writing with red stuff

Pretty fucking hot tbqh

A false dichotomy is typically used in an argument to force your opponent into an extreme position -- by making the assumption that there are only two positions.

who designed that shit?

>soy speeder

What the fuck's the point of the knife?

Apparently in the 30 years since speeders have existed, repulsorlift technology has been banned by the first order and ....

Look, buddy, it was in the fucking script, alright?

Sup Forums virgins are afraid of women


Should have just had him swipe away some of the salt and look confused without saying anything.

>resistance arrives
>all this fine powder
>General Leia's eyes bulge
>"Leia NO!"

what if it was poisonous?


They did in Episode 4 when OB1 cut that dudes arm off.

Why is the salt turning red?
Good question.

also, why so much animal liberation scenes (Chewbacca, horse racing, milky)?

>woman on screen
>"You guys DO know that this planet consists of *insert fantasy drivel here*"
>bewildered looking soldiers
>one guy with salt on his finger slowly puts it down from his open mouth

But how would the dumb fat American audiences know if it isn't spelled out for them?

The whole movie had all these women everywhere and all of a sudden at the end an army of white men are on the rebel side when it's time to go to war. I thought they all joined the empire.

LOL, it looks like someone messing around with random lego bricks. Is there a single competent guy working at Lucasfilm right now?

I loved how my Walmart was selling these at 80% just a few days after they got them.

I have a lot of problems with the film, but I can handwave those things. They were rust bucket speeders that needed monopods, maybe they were so cheaply designed because they were originally mining equipment.


tfw the salt is red because the film is having its time of the month.

It's an old rebel base that has been abandoned for 30+ years, of course the tech there is going to be old.

The resistance replaced all the original male engineers with diversity hires. Now the ships are as unstable as the people designing them. It's pottery.

This is so fucking frustrating.

to combine the bad guys with the color red as a sort of jab at conservatives/republicans
snoke = drumpf

main weapon on one side, cabin on the other, open cabin... I love tecknobarbarians and postapocalyptical/junkyard looking stuff but this dont have any sense

That the film is bad and the fact that no one cares has nothing to do with including more “diversity”? It has to do with the film being bad.

That was cherry kool aid

How hard is it for the media people to get it threw their thick heads that taking a property that is enjoyed by mainly men and replacing all the characters with females or niggers to cater to sjw's who will never actually buy the product does nothing but drive down profits.

They will never comprehend this because they would rather push a political agenda than make money.

video games, movies, comic books.


So did those things try to tie up the AT-AT's so they can trip and fall like the snow speeders did in hoth?

What was the point of using those things? Just to fly around and shoot the walkers?

Media companies don’t care about profits for their new content anymore, the jews are now focused entirely on subversion and propaganda. They make truckloads of money from their older copyrights so they don’t need any new stuff to be profitable

Oh fuck, I forgot about the salt wolves. Fuck that was stupid. Why would they be there? What's there to eat?


They eat salt duh

Don't forget snoke's golden bathrobes and his obsession with wealth that is apparently a quality of his personality revealed in tie in books

They're Y-wings. Y-wings are fighter-bombers. If they weren't doing a kamikaze run, they were going out to drop bombs or something.

That's because Fox made it not Disney

Finn's helmet gets covered in blood within TFA's first five minutes, plus kylo's face was covered in blood after getting rekt by Rey at the end of that movie

How exactly is this driving down profits? The last 3 movies have made more money than any of the other ones.

Huh. That sounds weirdly familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

What do we know about his hand size?

Is that the fucking guy from Tokyo Ghoul in a Pepe outfit?

>you and your soldier buddy wonder what this white mineral on this alien world is
>put a dab on your tongue
>taste salt
>but don't tell him, that would be too on-the-nose
the fuck do you expect?

No. The movie is just not that good. The reason TFA did so well is because of the hype.

Not sure about his hands but his feet are taken care of.

What an original and witty joke!

It's not a resistance ship you dipshit

>me and my friend go for a hike
>find some weird plant we've never seen
>eat one of the leaves to see what it tastes like and assume that will tell me what it is

Do you do this? Are you suicidal?

>What the fuck's the point of the knife?

Without the knife it wouldn't cinematically throw red sno-- I mean SALT everywhere. You dummy. How can you not get that. Boy you sure are retarded.

>Apparently in the 30 years since speeders have existed, repulsorlift technology has been banned

Looks like we got ourselves a THINKER in here. Movies are for switching your brain off to, bro.

those are two qualities the people on this site lack anyways so what is your point

>to combine the bad guys with the color red as a sort of jab at conservatives/republicans
Yeah that must be it, it's not like red is often used as a colour for bad guys due to it's association with power and anger...

>painful stance

Oh god it's the Vader shit all over again. Did they skimp out on Snokes bunion surgery at EmPal Reconstructive surgery? Was the orthopedic shoe made of inferior woodoo hide?

All these new movies just HAVE to shove in their "strong female characters" who always get to show-up the incompetent men, I'm sick of this forced feminist politicization.

I'm gonna focus all my inner nerd and just cover it up with "it's a neat way of finding their way back, or for people to find them, should they be stranded.


Point is that joke has literally been made multiple times in this thread.

Don't forget Padme in the PT
>Anakin: Oh no! what do we do master those monsters are coming and we are chained to pillars! and what about padme!
>Padme climbs a pillar effortlessly while Anakin flaps around like a little pansy

This place is just pathetic, why spend so much time talking about a film you hate so much. Watch it, say what worked and what didn't and move on. I've taken a break from this place for a couple of weeks and literally the exact same shit is being talked about now as back then. Sup Forums has become irrelevant.

comedy kino right here

>Blasted out of the command deck
>Floating in the vacuum of space
>Decades of cocaine powder residue crystalize over her skin


>Luke a few planets away
What is she doing! Nehhh???

I dislike the lack of world building.

And this is why there is no world building