So Kylo's red lightsaber design- the crossguards and the crackling, unstable blade caused by a cracked crystal were supposed to mean that he constructed the lightsaber without proper training/experience and therefore butchered the job right ? Then why the fuck did his padawan lightsaber in the scene where Jake attempts to murder him seem perfectly stable and well built ?
Rian Johnson shitting on yet another of JJ's idea
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he got it from Luke and did not build it? Building a saber is supposed to be the final task for an apprentice to become a jedi knight. The blue one he had was just an apprentice training saber
Actually it's pretty well explained here:
Eh. Shit movie, but this is reaching.
This. And if not, maybe he could simply not find an intact crystal.
its so good to finally get some closure
Luke and rey both had lightsabers before making their own. There's no indication the blue one ben used was his.
Considering he had the saber in his hut next to his bed we could assume it belonged to him ? If the padawan sabers where constructed by Luke for training purposes only then what's the point of keeping it by your side at all times ?
The real reason is because he's a Vader fanboi he wanted a red saber. You make a sabber red by making i 'bleed' with your anger (this is Disney canon) and Kylo is such an edgy little shit he fucking broke the crystal with his edgyness and angst.
If you could rewrite/re-direct the kylo/luke fight, how would you do it?
Bonus round: Would you have rewritten the Snoke/Bodyguards vs kylo/ren fight?
TLJ had many problems and plot holes but this was not one of them. OP is a faggot.
Are you telling me if you were a sith lord, obsessed with Darth Vader, has a master who calls you weak and pussy you would still keep your blue jedi lightsaber around instead of making a new, more angsty one?
I’d have Luke kick his ass and leave.
KYLO: Why do you smell like Bantha milk?
I would've had it occur in IX, not VIII.
>Resistance has been pursued to Tatooine
>Luke refuses to fight Kylo the way he refused to fight Vader
>Rey fights Kylo alone
>Kylo wins, disarms her
>As he swings down, Luke's lightsaber blocks it. He's forced to fight him.
>Luke fights Kylo, manages to impale him
>Kylo force-pulls Rey's lightsaber to him and stabs Luke as well
>they look into each other's eyes
>Kylo: I failed, you master
>Luke: We failed each other
>Kylo dies
>Luke is mortally wounded but still walking
>Everyone reconvenes at a temporary base, happy hugs, nice music, etc.
>Luke and Leia have a teary hug, they both know he's done for but neither of them say it
>Rey sees Luke waiting for her by the door, she goes to him
>Luke takes her outside, suns are about to start setting
>He tells her that she must learn from his mistakes, must do what he could not and begin the new generation of Jedi
>She tells him she will, and he tells her to go inside, that he'll be inside in a moment
>they both know it's a lie
>Rey goes back inside
>Luke watches Binary Sunset before fading into the Force
That's how I'd end IX. I know it's fanboyish but oh well.
this is legit unironically way better than what we got
>luke defeats kylo by throwing a bottle of blue milk at him
>the milkbottle hits his sabre and the milk superheats, before hitting his face and severely burning him
>Then why the fuck did his padawan lightsaber in the scene where Jake attempts to murder him seem perfectly stable and well built ?
More like
>Luke literally just force-throws Kylo away
>collapses the walkers using the force
>it’s still revealed he’s s force projection
>real Luke takes a sip of the milk on his island and watches the sunset
>credits roll
What happened in that scene when Jake tried to kill Kylo anyway? Kylo woke up and pushed him then started killing the students? That doesn't correspond very well to the scene in TFA where we see Kylo and his friends all dressed up and ready to go. Not to mention, why is Luke so weak that a simple force push would knock him out like that? Did that scene really depict Kylo going on a massacre in the temple?
Nah, he collapsed the ceiling to create a diversion.
Aren't the cross guards unironically a great idea for a lightsaber? It seems less dangerous than the double-edged kind and good for close combat.
That's actually pretty good.
Eh, probably makes them less flexible I would guess.
The flashback with Kylo and the Knights of Ren in TFA is confirmed not taking place at the academy. In the TLJ scene Kylo blows up the hut after they block each other's sabers, essentially burrying Jake under a pile of rubble.
>luke arrives in person on krait
>kylo and him face off
>tells kylo he was wrong
>luke does an obiwan and lets kylo strike him down
you don't have the same range of motion. Remember, a real sword's crossguard hitting your own body won't do much damage unless you put a significant force behind it. But a lightsaber's crossguard touching any part of your body causes instant damage. Rotating the sword is fucking impossible without accidentally cutting off your limbs.
It would have been better if his crossguard consisted out of a material that couldn't be cut by lightsabers so he could use it for its primary purpose without losing the flexibility of lightsabers without it.
What about Luke instilling R2-D2 with the map to his location? Seemed like that was part of the scene with the knights of Ren standing in the rain. And is this movie trying to tell me that Kylo killed everyone in the academy in the spur of the moment and some students there decided to follow him for no reason?
Are you dumb?
>If the rifles soldiers in boot camp are given are only for training purposes, what's the point of keeping it by your side at all times?
The more time you spend with a weapon, the less likely you are to hurt yourself or someone else with it. This is literally the same logic the U.S. uses when training guy who are in the Army and Marines.
Luke giving the map to R2-D2 is another thing that doesn't make any fucking sense, if he came to Anch-To to die then what's the point of making the map if he never intends for anyone to find him and make him go back ? Also him going to the location of the first jedi temple implies he had reason to do so, obtain some knowledge/skill to amend for his mistake ? Nope, I'm just here to die now fuck off and leave. Regarding the academy thing I imagine it went somewhat like this
>Kylo: our master attempted to kill me in my sleep, I acted in self defense, he's gone now
>Some students believe him and take his side
>Some students claim he's a liar and a murderer
>fight breaks out, Kylo and his allies win and then leave
just as bad
his lightsaber would be fucking awesome if it didn't have the cross guards but it still had the cracked crystal
Ironically what happens in the movies.
You're retarded.
So Luke's just nursing a fatal wound for a few hours?
>Luke comes in peace telling him about Vader's true last moments (which I would write like he isn't aware of) in an attempt to reedem Kylo back
>It only cements Kylo even more in the Dark Side, dismissing the image of Vader altogether and even calling Vader weak because he felt the pull of the light, where Kylo straight up murdered his father while feeling the same pull (and for that to be the scene where Kylo loses the helmet, not just because Snoke tells him "dude lose the edgy mask lmao")
>Kylo becomes the even more full of rage and power than ever before, now he doesn't just feel betrayed by Luke but he also feels betrayed by the once almighty Darth Vader, he now fully wants to exterminate literally everything from the past
>Luke is an empty shell emotionally when he sees that Kylo is lost forever, so then he pulls that Obi Wan trick but without any "see you around kiddo ;)" quip
Aren't he Padawan sabers just generic trainers and/or hand-me-downs?
Heh nothing personnel kiddo
apparently not
>Kyber crystals, also called the living crystal or simply the kyber, and known as kaiburr crystals in ancient times, were rare, Force-attuned crystals that grew in nature and were found on scattered planets across the galaxy.
> As part of Jedi training, younglings were sent to the Crystal Caves of the ice planet of Ilum to mine crystals in order to construct their own lightsabers
This implies that padawan's sabers were constructed by themselves AND the crystals are rare so there isn't an abundance of them to create a shitload of training sabers that won't be used by the students in the future.
someone post the "how many layers of subversion are you on" meme
>I know it's fanboyish
That's what TLJ needed more of, user.
>luke arrives on krait in his xwing
>kylo and troops enter the base door
>kylo meets luke and duel, luke wins easily while the others escape
>does a 180 and admits he was responsible for everything that happened, lets kylo strike him down
>kylo is about to in rage, then leia comes out and pleads for lukes and her life
>kylo has a moment of hesitation, but repeats the words "kill it" to himself and strikes down his mother and uncle
>rey feels their deaths through the force
>the others are on the millenium falcon rey and kylo connect one last time
>their gazes meet as the ramp closes
>"monster" she whispers with tears running down her face
Little edgy there
>>they look into each other's eyes
>>Kylo: I failed, you master
>>Luke: We failed each other
don't know what this image is supposed to convey
Killing self because everything is fucked
Christ, if you fucking faggots unironically like this garbage idea there's no wonder you didn't like TLJ
I would make that Luke tried to sexually assault Ben Solo instead of attempting to kill him.
This stupid act by a religious leader and living hero, would turn the whole family of Ben Solo against, in fact the very own galatic government against him, he would be lynched merely because he defended himself when Luke came up with an erect trying to fuck his ass at night.
How would you have ended Luke's story, user? Or did you enjoy TLJ?
Why, because the line is cheesy? I thought it was just the right amount of cheese for Star Wars.
Well I didn't post the pic
I implied though, he meant what we could have had
I haven't seen nuwars yet so I'm a little out of my element I suppose
I wouldn't bother with it. I regret bothering with it.
t. mouse shill
I'm a fan since the seeing the original in the drive in when I was 4
I haven't seen the new one because it sounds like it legitimately kills my favourite franchise
Bother I will not
>Kylo&Snoke on Ach-to
>Luke fight them both at the same time
>during the fight, there's a heartbeat-like pulse coming from the Dark Hole
>Snoke goes to examine It
>The pulse empowers Kylo, giving him an edge over Luke
>Rey shows up
>somehow,Kylo gets thrown into the dark hole, giving Luke and Rey a chance to escape
>Dark Hole messes up with Kylo and empowers him so much he stands against Snoke
>Heavily wounded Luke so fucked, he can only become a Zen teacher
>Unwillingly, he rejoins the Resistance
>Camera makes a slow close-up on the pulsating louder and stronger with each moment evil hole
>It stops
>Kylo walks out
>Looks dangerous as shit
There's an episode of clone wars that depicts that very process too.