who was in the wrong here?
critics or audience?
Who was in the wrong here?
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Around elves
watch yourselves
30% is way too low. 90% is a bit high. 75% sounds about right. Definitely better than TLJ.
Critics failed to see the most appealing thing about this movie (the fantasy worldbuilding) and got caught in the "social cometary" thing. They don't like race realism, which is what Landis ended up portraying. Plus, they're on Disney's payroll.
Both. It's an incredibly mediocre movie, feels very low-budget and I had a feeling its fantasy realism would start to unravel under the slightest scrutiny.
Critics, objectively. They’re on the side of the mouse and want to bury another genre film that dares to compete with TLJ, especially one that’s streaming. Oy vey, can’t let the cordcutting goyim win!
A couple of critic reviews I read complained that it didn't explicitly explain the world or explore it enough.
Basically they wanted a sjitload of awkward exposition and spoon feeding because they're retards with no ability to fill in the blanks themselves.
What the fuck are you smoking besides landis's dick.
That script, that dialogue, the acting and the action all shit.
He sold the script for 3.5 million dollars.
Personally, ive seen film ideas on this website, grander than any shitpiece he has ever written.
But ironically they have no issue with the nuwars films that don't even give you scraps regarding what's happening in the galaxy 30 years after ROTJ
anyone got a stream so i can keep my shekels?
Anyone who uses the term
"I unironically enjoyed it"
Kill yourself. You are just regurgitating the same two fucking words you saw some other asshole on here write.
7/8-10 Is fair
3.7/10 just shows critics are out of touch
I side with critics 95% of the time, but not here. I thought Bright got way more hate than it deserved.
It was a very flawed movie, but I didn't regret watching it. The first act was fantastic. I liked the dynamic between Ward and Jakoby.
Everything went downhill once the magical wand mcguffin and evil elf illuminati took over the plot. The ending was all over the place, and the entire thing felt predictable.
Still, the parts I did like were fantastic, and the parts that sucked didn't suck enough to ruin the experience.
Yet critics are treating this movie like it's fucking Gods of Egypt or something.
The films portrayal of (((elves))) obviously hit to close to home for (((critics))).
6/10 other wise should of been a show.
Like how the hit peices on Max Landis come out as soon as this movie exposes (((them))) for those clever enough to see
I fucking hated will smith character and the movie was a missed opportunity because it would have been way better has a mini series
This. Unironically
the same critics that gave TLJ critical acclaim?
I'm going to trust the audience from now on and check this out.
Requesting the cap of the article blaming Russian hackers giving the movie a bad rep followed by a story of such a "hacker" being pissed he had to starve watching the last jedi
Sorry lads, wrong thread
Critics got it wrong
"worst movie of the year" my ass, I really liked it
>waaah I can't use this film for my virtual signalling despite all the race related shit.
Is this what critics have become? a movie is good or bad depending on how many politics are shoved down people's mouths?
Gas the keeblers.
a lot of the world building is poorly done, everyone just spells things out to the viewer
a little more subtlety wouldn't hurt
A bunch of the reviews made a big deal about how the races were portrayed which if you read in-between the lines it was mostly because all were portrayed as bad and not just white males. Also one female reviewer ranted how the production company, "trigger warning productions" was insulting.
I knew those little cookie kikes were up to something
A 9 episode miniseries with each episode exploring the mythology and lives of each race would have been great
It's a trade off. You either do a movie with Will Smith or a show without him. I'm pretty sure he was the deciding factor.
>trigger warning
I let out a loud cackle when I first saw that name, and thought to myself someone is literally going to get triggered over this
thanks for telling me about this.
critics of course
Will Smith hasn't had a hit in years though unless you count suicide squad which made money but was one of the worst movies in the history of mankind.
there's always The Wolf Among Us
wasn't there going to be a tv show about Fables?
Panahu and Brezzik?! What the hell are these species?
For a movie that's this fucking terrible? Though I agree 30% is way too low. 40-50% would be better.
>the worldbuilding
I don't think you've ever seen proper worldbuilding. Putting shit on-screen that doesn't connect in any way isn't proper worldbuilding. There's only a handful of things established in this movie, and most of those don't make any sense when you consider that this is supposed to take place in OUR WORLD.
Fucking X-Men that just randomly inserted mutants makes more sense than Bright does.
You realize that this guy got paid MILLIONS to write this? That the costs of this shitshow came up to nearly a hundred million dollary-doos? Tell me, does this seem to you like it warrants that much money? Will Smith is washed up. Landis can't write. Ayer just doesn't give a fuck and does whatever he wants.
He's still a draw like it or not and I bet they felt this was a no brainier because it was a cop role, something he has done many many times.
>"trigger warning productions"
I'm going to watch just because of this
its not bad
I'm still pretty mad he decided to do that than reprise his role in independence day.
Yeah your probably right but I just can't stand Will Smith personally. I think he is just a terrible actor now, I wish he would go away and let some young fresh blood do the roles.
Still would have preferred a Shadowrun movie/show but this wasn't terrible. Actually was enjoyable from time to time. 7/10 might watch again.
no it's not. it has shitty dialogue and shit plot/villains, but it's mostly generic. there's much worse movies out there
>Just finish this
>that ending
What? that's it?
needs to be a tv show and not a movie
Of course it is, you stupid fucking goy. What, you thought this would be the full thing? Keep your Netflix sub going, you'll be getting the series soon.
Definitely audiences.