>animals rights > human rights
>capitalism is bad
>fuck patriarchy
>don't read books
>sacrifice is bad
Animals rights > human rights
So how will they discuss this
I don't get it. What THE FUCK were they thinking???
Who would look at this and say "Yes, this should be in our movie!"??
(((they))) really worked overtime on this
>>sacrifice is bad
They couldn't really make up their mind on that one
i liked it
>sacrifice is bad
They can't even get their shit together. On one hand Holdo is hailed as a hero for sacrificing herself, on the other hand you shouldn't do that, love will save us.
Make up your mind you fucking moron, who wrote this shit, 50 people? It's like they wanted to tease Finn's death and make everyone actually happy, and they, naaaa, this shit character is not going away.
it's truly baffling, realising probably hundreds of people saw this and all decided yes it's fine let's keep it
>Using Holdo as the counter example
I mean don't get me wrong, you're right. But when you argue it like that, it sounds like it would make sense if Holdo didn't kamikaze the First Order fleet.
They're in the fucking Resistance.
They volunteered themselves, risking their life to save the galaxy. It doesn't fucking matter if Finn flies straight into that laser to shut it down. Just by being in the goddamn Resistance, he's making a sacrifice. He can die any day. He's expected to die any day. That's what fucking war is.
And that dumb shit that gave the speech even talked down about the people on the casino planet for ignoring the problems of the galaxy, instead of doing what the resistance does, which is goddamn sacrifice ones' self.
Whatever jackass wrote that love will save us bullshit doesn't only not get cohesive storytelling. They don't understand how to maintain a character's views and personality.
Finn was all over the fucking place in TFA in motivation. So was Rey. So is everyone here.
NuWars is hands down the worst franchise when it comes to writing characters I've ever experienced.
i blame Kathleen kennedy, I believe Lucasfilm employees don't feel safe expressing negative opinion about her leadership.
>>animals rights > human rights
They didn't say that, they said that animal abuse is bad.
>>capitalism is bad
Hey now, that's not what they said. They said that selling weapons to murderous facist regimes is bad. Surely even the biggest ancaps can agree with this?
>>fuck patriarchy
Just because there is a woman in a position of power doesn't mean "fuck the patriarchy".
>>don't read books
That was pretty dumb. Even if those books have nothing left to teach, they're still historical treasures and belong in a museum, as does everything in the island.
>>sacrifice is bad
They were pretty inconsistent about this.
Are we talking about the movie or Mark Hamil's retarded political views? Because on paper that cuck should this movie's biggest fan
hey shill, do you need something directly written out in order for you to believe it?
they literally said it was worth it if they risked their lives, who were on that planet to rescue others lives, to rescue animals that are going to end up getting caught again anyway
Rey's face says it all.
>Disney movie
You're literally a sad little retard m8
this is how far the termintes have spread
that's not at I what I said. your IQ must be double digits.
>They said that selling weapons to murderous facist regimes is bad. Surely even the biggest ancaps can agree with this?
The biggest ancaps would sell their own children into sex slavery so no.
Finn not getting a heroic ending was one of the worst parts of the movie.
Human rights>animals rights > children rights
Cultural marxism
Are we supposed to respect this straight white male character? Fuck you, here's a scene of him surviving on mother's milk. It's supposed to represent feminism. Fuck off, buy the blu-rays you bigot.
Womyns rights > animals rights > PoC rights > white "men"s rights
no, pleb, black people don't get to sacrifice themselves, only white girls can be heroes. it's their turn.
>Just because there is a woman in a position of power doesn't mean "fuck the patriarchy".
>>fuck patriarchy
stop memeing
is it a meme if it's really happening?
Did you both miss that Rey did steal and read the jedi books?
no it's a meme because it's not happening
>muh frankfurt no real because jews and antisemitism
>Purple haired woman was actually an example of toxic authoritarianism, and hence patriachy
>So toxic that there were multiple attempts at desertion, then an outright mutiny
>Internet feminists don't understand their own field of study, so declare purple hair a feminist champion
how can you look at shit like
and claim it's not happening?
>>don't read books
They didn't burn the fucking books, you utter retard
>Idiots said idiotic things online, that means conspiracy!
Can't really do more than show you proof of media outlets pushing the agenda.
Not him, and I get where you're coming from, but here's the thing. Media outlets and people pushing this sort of thing in the general public could have two reasons to do it:
1) Because you're right, and there's a massive conspiracy by a shadow government that controls the entirety of the western world.
2) Because this sort of overly sensationalist victim cuddling excuse to stand in the spotlight and look like the gallant knight who is here to say what's what and be bathed in the adoration of the masses naturally evolved from the bad parts of 20th century human rights movements, and became so simple, that in the age of the internet everyone who wants to do it has a chance to.
Can't really prove it one way or another, and you could be right, I'm just saying it's not the only answer.
He's referring to Luke admitting he didn't even read the sacred books, you clueless drone.
>page-turners they were not