Give me ONE reason to not see it in theaters.
Give me ONE reason to not see it in theaters
1. The source material is shockingly bad.
2. The theater will be full of smelly manchildren.
3. Spielberg hasn't made a good blockbuster since Minority Report.
what the fuck do I care what you do with your time?
thats a long leg
why the fuck is his leg so long?
>Scalzi mentioned in the same breath as Vonnegut and Pratchett
>no Pournelle
For you
Amazing, this pic will never not disgust me. This guy manage to upstage Dan Harmon.
because nerd references
what the fuck did you just say about the source material faggot? its a literary masterpiece made by a genius who has way more intelligence than youll ever dream of faggot so just fucking sto and try to become an intellegent individual like me okay so fuck you and get educated i can do algebra and other things what can you do huh what the fuck can you do nothing absolutely nothing thats what you are just a buttthurt idiot who cant accept the fact that this is going to be the best movie based on the best book ever made in the history of man faggot so fucking stop and get educated on stuff and stop being so dumb okay so fuck you and become smart and become intellegent okay so just renember that because youre dumb and diotic and stuff okay
Don't watch it in the cinema. Wait until the blueray release then watch it high on drugs.This kind of movies are only fun when you are stoned.
It looks like another cgi fuckfest. I'll be waiting for Netflix or pirate.
Tron (1982) will have a superior plot
Honestly you should wait for the physical release and save your money for something with better writing
>that pic
it's going to be considered ironic cringe masterpiece in a decade, mark my words
i am way more intellegent than you okay i watch rick and morty ever single day while you just sit in your room and masturbate to shit i can do algebra and shit you can do only dumb shit like watching dumb things unike me who is way more intellegent and knows more about science than you im telling you this movie will be great and people wll enjoy it and itll be a masterpiece made by one of the best directors ever made okay so just shut the fuck up and become someone smart like me okay like fucking hell you are dumb like my back really hurts right now like seriously fuck but cant lean back because thatll cause me to stop writing so fuck you and fuck your dumb intellegence i am way smarter and intellegent that you so fucking stop and rethin your life because it is shit i have fucked over 200 bitvhes and still going strong how many have you fucked oh waait none you are just a complete failure on every level while i am great and interllegent okay so fucking stop nd become smart id rreccomend watching rick and morty because it is a smart show so watch that and become smart because you arent sart at all okay so fuck you
youre going to be an ironic cringe faggot bitch cunt fuck
There's so much to dissect:
The authors list:
>John Scalzi
>Richard K. Morgan
>no H.P. Lovecraft
>no Isaac Asimov
>no Philip K. Dick
>no Frank Herbert
The Holy Trilogies list:
>The Matrix trilogy
>the Star Wars prequels
>no Dollars trilogy
The directors list:
>Kevin Smith
>George Lucas
>no John Carpenter
>no pre-1970 directors except for Kubrick
>no foreign language directors
The Japan list:
>no Akira Kurosawa
>Godzilla and Gamera are the only live action films
>all of the anime is shonen tier
>>no foreign language directors
Whoops, I just remembered Del Toro directed some Spanish films. However, I highly doubt Ernest Cline has seen them.
What? Warner Bros. fucked up with the DCEU but they're still the best major studio in Hollywood. They aren't anywhere near as controlling or vindictive as Disney.
kek what? kek fuking what you piece of fucking cunt fuck shit assm fuck shit bitch fuck shit fuck
It's going to be shit.
>they're still the best major studio in Hollywood
so is it an unpaid internship or does WB throw money away on you morons too?
Long leg