Why is there such a big disconnect between critics and the GP in regards to this movie?

Why is there such a big disconnect between critics and the GP in regards to this movie?

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critics probably got paid by netflix's competing business interests

cause critics are fag or kikes. or worse. women


Elves = magical evil jews

its a shit movie anyway

Literally /ourguy/

Just finished it. Thought it was great, not perfect, but a solid watch.

It's a raunchy little rated R romp of fun. Critics HATE it. Fans LOVE it

Well the movie itself isnt that great, its the setting that is intriguing

I agree with the critics. Good concept. Bad movie.

The setting is a little tired if you're over 18.

Elf Noomi was absolutely cute in this.

Max "Children Chopper" Landis
Max "Free chopper rides" Landis
Max "Helicopter Haircut" Landis
Max "my dad is a helicopter parent" Landis.
Max "kill the gook with a CH-47 Chinook" Landis
Max "get to the choppa" Landis.
Max ''slaughter them all'' Landis
Max "Heads will Roll" Landis
Max "Dad wanted me to get a head" Landis
Max "Nebrotism" Landis
Max "Fly Lower" Landis
Max "Get to the Choppa" Landis
John "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "when the chopper goes wild, we kill another child" Landis.
Max "kid clipper Jr." Landis
Max "son of the flying guillotine" Landis
Max "fly low, sweet chariot. daddy's gonna cut off your head" Landis.
John "full body bris" Landis
Max "Slicer and Dicer, with a side of rice-er" Landis
Max "uptomyknees in the blood of two kids and a guy" Landis
Max "If there's an epicanthic fold, put them in the ground cold" Landis
Max "China Syndrome" Landis
Max "Stunt double? Just hire twins" Landis
Max "How do I get this helicopter to" Landis
Max "I can't" Landis
Max "Spin around, and Cut them Down" Landis
max "my dad killed people" landis
Max 'pop their top like ol pop' Landis
Max "I suck dick while my dad kills for kicks" Landis
Max "Kids aren't bad helipads" Landis
Max "My dad directed Blues Brothers and loves crying Vietnamese mothers" Landis
Max "how do I" Landis
Max "Twilight Zone is covered with children's bones" Landis
Max "They broke my fall, but it killed them all" Landis
Max "i feel glad when i kill jennifer jason leigh's dad" Landis
Max "kid killing yid" Landis.
Max "Yellow peril" Landis
Max "gleefully spins propeller penis to Landis hate" Landis
Max "Death from above" Landis
Max "Asian Abrasion" Landis
Max "daddy thinks it's alright as long as the chinks die at night" Landis

This is seriously the only answer.

It isn't a perfect movie by any means, but the reviews are 100% vitriolic, it doesn't make any sense.

It doesn't bend over backwards and allow orcs (blacks) to fuck the ass of evil whitey


If Juggaloes were 500x their number and an actual race is interesting to you? are you six?

This movie is what would happen if a high school student was put in charge of writing a movie and thought wouldn't it be cool if I put fantasy characters in modern LA? If it had a better writer and director it wouldn't suck as much as it did.

he RAPED a helicopter? but it's covered in blades!

It was an enjoyable little chase movie. Go fuck your self CRITIC.


Critics recognize the trite and glib social commentary that goes right over the common pleb's head.

It's just modern day Shadowrun. Not entirely original.


To be honest, it's barely watchable.
It's really, really terrible.

but, hey
>muh critics
am it right?

I mean, you're just wrong. Like I said, it isn't great, but it isn't "The worst movie of the year" by any stretch of the imagination. I'm not saying you have to like it.

You’re a fucking idiot.

did he murder a rape to cut in line for a helicopter ride?
Or did a helicopter rape a loved one and he, being a fresh face kid straight from.the academy take vengeance into his own hands and and murder some aircraft?

That sounds like the best movie done in years. And here I was thinking Netflix is nothing but SWJ company on overdrive.

How many movies have you seen that have elves, orc, and magic,oh old wise one? The closest we came to shadowrun
Harry Porter doesn't count.


>Trigger warning entertainment

just masturbated and going to give this film a watch so I don't get clouded by my noomi lust, I'll let you know if it's shit or not. brb bros.

Bright is written for the lower classes not the upper classes

Thats why critics didn't like it. That's why they flip out over "trigger warning entertainment" meanwhile the proles eat it up.

Bright was written for the lower class ghetto kid. For the lower class trailer park kid. Its less about idealism than survival. It wasn't written for a 30 year old metro blogger faggot.

Has Trigger Warning Entertainment done anything?

THis. If netflix is successful they may kill the movie industry completely.

There is no real disconect. People enjoy movies even if they are bad movies. We enjoy bad movies all the time, we can still recognize they are bad.
Critics, however, have to say if the movie es either good or bad, have to make arguments on it beyond 'I like it'.

A movie can be bad, like bright, and can still be enjoyed by their niche audience. For me, It's the closest thing we have right now to shadowrun, and I cant give two fucks that it's bad. I just hope they make it better for the sequel

It's not even a bad movie just look at how the critics are shitting on it, all those 1 star reviews and "worst movie of the year" it's ridiculous

>movie about juggaloes taking over

sounds amazing

Big Willy is a negro. He literally can’t be racist.

it's literally not a bad movie, it was entertaining to watch. pretty to look at, kinda like the first harry potter movie

I want her to slit my throat

That was like the best 30% RT movie I've ever seen

It was a completely decent movie. A lot of the plot points were kinda obvious, but it was decent to watch and it all looked great. No shitty CGI, pretty great practical effects, Will Smith being himself

>Why is there such a big disconnect between critics and the GP in regards to this movie?
The critics are ass blasted and are trying to shit on Disney competitors.
>The Last Jedi is praised by critics and is garbage(Disney is involved)
>Bright is bashed by critics but is awesome(Netflix is involved)
I really enjoyed Bright. It is good popcorn fun to watch at home.


>A lot of the plot points were kinda obvious
I actually like the part where the puking prophet tells Jakobi that he is chosen and that Ward is blessed(he dismisses it like the ramblings of a lunatic but right at the end all all of it becomes true, i really liked that).

so did i miss a line somewhere or do the inferni make no sense

>if leilah gets the wand, she can bring back the dark lord!
>already HAD the wand before the movie started
>gave it to an assassin to kill tikka instead of just sending conventional assassins which work just fine
>doesn't even really want to kill tikka just get her back on her side


Seemed like the sister broke away and then had her own cell against the other elves trying to bring back the dark lord. She didn't want to kill her sister, so she sent someone else to do it. She gave the assassin her wand to ensure she took out the whole cell and her sister. Things were different when she was face to face with her sister and her compassion for her took hold, which is why she sent the assassin in the first place.

>if leilah gets the wand, she can bring back the dark lord!
She needs 3.
>gave it to an assassin to kill tikka instead of just sending conventional assassins which work just fine
Remember what the magic fed said, they were hunting her so she didn't want to appear in public.
>conventional assassins which work just fine
Against a Bright?Yeah right...
>doesn't even really want to kill tikka just get her back on her side
That's so so.Once you have the upper hand you get greedy and she got greedy wanting a another bright on her side.

They triggered a lot of critics

Needs more depiction of fantasy themed combat. Brezzik marines, orc grunts, centaur rangers, orc , elf special forces, dragon airstrikes.

I just finished watching it and it was so bad I have to believe it’s at least partially a parody. No movie is this bad on accident.

>Black actor says this in a scene containing nothing but black actors

Also the LAPD are shown to be nothing except corrupt, racist and willing to murder their own.

Hot garbage

I think it was mentioned that they needed 3.

Netflix is still treated like an outsider, The critics are in the pockets of the traditional studios and have been told to trash it.

I'm starting to notice a pattern in these bright defense threads
>"it was just fun bro!"
>"closest thing we have to shadowrun"
>blackstar being a faggot
>"SJW's BTFO!!!"
>"critics are paid off!!"




>But I’ll be damned if I have any idea what this movie is on about, or why. Halfway through, I broke one of my cardinal moviegoing rules — “never talk” — by leaning over to ask a colleague if the movie was supposed to be making sense by now. He winced. After the screening, I repeated the inquiry to a half-dozen fellow critics; everyone seemed a little stunned by the experience.

>There is some kind of racial metaphor aching to get out here, but it’s either incredibly dumb or kind of evil — particularly because Jakoby is the first orc to be admitted to the LAPD (which nevertheless polices the whole city and all three species) and gives speeches about how orcs, who in days past chose the “wrong side,” need to make better choices now.

Yh this movie felt like a spin off for the universe

I want to see a movie based on the graffiti like Jirak uniting the 9 armies

What the fuck are brezzik and panahu?


>hatin' on womyn

This, the orcs are lazily done on top of that. Look like goblins with leprosis and we don't need orcs when we already have niggers.

>someone put a ring on -that- thing's finger
And women say they have it hard


Brezzik are supposedly lizard people. Panahu, considering their name, are probably some kind of aquatic sea race.

I like the orcs, but I do agree that their skin looks weird with that leprosis looking shit

Is it just me or do the Elves look fucking great?
Whatever department handed that did it very well.

Brezzik are the lizard people that got hinted at. I saw in a thread last night that panahu are based off some chinese mythology about some weredog creatures.

>dirk gently
huh, wonder what this place thought of that show

>Noticing the ring instead of the soldering iron
You are not a master yet. Shit's staged.

On topic I'm glad Shadowrun has a film. 40k only has Starship Troopers and Event Horizon, so it's nice that /tg/ gets some Sup Forums.

>jew director makes Elves, literally the Whitest possible Fictional Characters evil
Seriously, how much longer will society tolerate the heeb’s shit? They’re already getting more & more Grated every day.

The problem is that brainlet critics can't work trough a fantasy world without searching for hidden meanings.
>Also the LAPD are shown to be nothing except corrupt, racist and willing to murder their own.
>willing to murder their own
I really liked that part.Can you imagine if something like a wand really existed?
>Is it just me or do the Elves look fucking great?
>Whatever department handed that did it very well.
The practical effects are really on the level and there are a few really breathtaking CGI/practical mixes that i really liked.
>that scene where the thug takes the wand barehanded and implodes
Also the bodies that were killed off with the wand, was that practical or CGI? They looked pretty good too.

I was going to point out that there was a latino elf (that FBI guy), but I realize he was a good guy, so your argument still holds.

Really though, I always hated elves, they are some faggy little shits who think they're the best, so I don't really mind.

RUSSIANS are at it again

One of the evil elves was asian.

>think the director is based by making elves=jews
>notice that in reality elves=whites
>protag has white gf
>orcs dindu nuffin

>Literally triggered by the words Trigger warning.


Disney is launching their own streaming and probably paid critics to hate on Netflix’s big budget movie.

And The First Order is Entirely White & Asian.
The jews know who their next targets are.
Orcs have always been fantasy niggers

>Needs more depiction of fantasy themed combat.

Or depictions of fantasy themed anything. Just think of a fantasy themed Clerks movie.



Critics should analyze movies based on film making techniques, not necessarily on how entertaining it is.


Why the hell elves are depicted stronger than humans, when in majority of fiction its opposite? Aragorn was strongest in fellowship of the ring, Legolas not even close.

I loved it. S1 might have had the better plot, but S2 had the best characters.

I'm just annoyed at all the "watch it on Netflix" stuff, considering it isn't on Netflix in the US.

are you retarded are hispanics white now?

will smiths wife was hispanic in this and so was the magic task force elf agent

>but I realize he was a good guy,
>he doesn't know

Well it IS very well made, so it would get like a 9, but then dumbasses would be all “hurr I didn’t find it entertaining therefore it’s shit!”
Alao what’s /tg/‘s opinion on this? I’m interested to hear.

I meant that Elves are generally considered representatives of The European Race in fiction, hence the way my sentence was structured. I thought anons would understand that.

*counterparts I mean

They weren't stronger, as you can see by how Jakoby and Ward BTFO them in the ending, they were just faster

>I meant that Elves are generally considered representatives of The European Race in fiction
no that is the human race because white people write fantasy most of the time with humans being their self-insert

In order to make all the elves white they'd have to exclude nonwhites from playing them which they can't do.

Bald elf literally runs through wall.

Elves are typically based on European Nobility tho.
I feel it’s like 50/50 with human/elf representation

Also - bald elf was on par in melee with superstrong orc Jacoby.

its the kind of movie the people i work with are going to probably love