>"Merry Christmas son"
"Merry Christmas son"
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Wow it even comes with a buttplug!
Thanks dad
I see they were nice and took 40 pounds off of her for her action figure.
But daaaad, I wanted Paige or Tallie! Rose is fucking shit.
>not wanting this toy so you can hotglue it
She even comes with her special dildo to fight her loneliness.
Pic related is better.
You can have them when I'm finished *playing* with them.
I unironically looked for a holdo figure yesterday
Dad, what the fuck, I'm 28, what the fuck are you buying me fucking toys for?
Thanks dad, this is powerful
>'Thanks dad now get me the nigger. I want to make some disgusting 56% mutts."
I prefer funkopops pop
> buttplug
Still not sure which side it goes into.
Also, did they reuse the Finn model? Her face looks niggery
At least it's not a funko pop. Thanks to funko pops I now appreciate scale figures so much more than I did as a kid.
Is that a vape?
I genuinely can't see it as anything else.
super limited edition
no way white trash can afford two toys
Im a jew you fucking racist faggot
Intergalactic vape. Lmao
White trash don't get toys. They get bb guns or my first lil crossbow
And previous generations thought C3PO was the most underwhelming action figure you could get.
Asian representation in theaters and in action figure form? Just what I wanted!! Thanks dad!
>it's from that new star trek movie that you love so much!
>"Thanks mom. I got you something too. Made it myself"
But daaaaad I wanted Finn! Are you racist, picking a more white figure instead of a black one? Ugh baka bet you voted for Drumpf too. Be glad I don't call your boss. For now.
Thanks dad, now I will grow up to respect women and people of ethnic minorities.
Pfft fin isn't even fully black. Where is the REAL African characters
No thanks, I already have everything I need.
>not hotglued
wait...Finn is black!?
>3 points of articulation
how fucking jewish can disney get?
I bet a lot feminist single moms will get their sons Rose an Rey toys for Christmas.
I know it's hard to believe but he's full on space negro
No, he's a Korun.
Still no answer you fucking anti-semitic piece of shit? How could you ever call me "White trash" Havent you heard about the fucking holocaust you stupid fucking nigger. 6 Trillions jews died in the holla cost and you think I'm supposed to sit here and accept you fucking dirty porch monkeys calling me "White trash" I am a proud ashkenazi jewsish man and You are just absolute fucking scum. I am already victimized enough by this fucking system without your racist fuckhead comments OK!!!
When will all you fucking niggers just learn to die under the fucking jewish hand you worthless mutts. Give me one good reason why I should care about your pathetic fucking anti-semitism goyim
At least theirs wasn't stolen like yours, nigger.
Didn't booyega get mad because his action toy was the least sold over the others? kek
>black people calling anyone else poor
I would ironically get a tit alien figurine. It's too poignant to miss out on.
Here's your Hondo figure user. Merry Christmas!
jesus christ. Star Wars explains black people. wild.
>female action figures
I don’t understand this shit. Do they really think girls are ever gonna get into this? Girls like dolls and other stupid shit that they can mother. Boys like killing other toys or building stuff.
>"I asked for Black Panther figures! I haven't even seen TLJ because of the bad reviews"
...I gave those up when I was 27! Now I collect Anime VHS.
When i asked for a coalburner i meant a furnace.
So who the fuck is the villain? Dark Black Panther?
No dumbass. It was Lobot or Bespin security guard.
Blackest Panther.
Me love you long time, dad!
some white guy, and that's a guess that is probably true
Idk, at least white trash don't pretend to have money when they're poor
Blacks will spend the last of their measly quarters on a pair of sneakers even if it leaves them with no change to catch the bus back home.
They'll finance cars they can't afford and then won't have money to put fuel in it. They laugh at people who don't waste their money on clothes and dumb shit while every other race laughs back at them and judges them for doing just that
that's not what I asked for!
Gollum is one of them, but the main antagonist is michael B jordan or someone.
FF THOT waifu exists before social media...
They couldnt make the main asian character prettier than the white female.
Thanks Dad.
*chugs soy milk*
>at least white trash don't pretend to have money when they're poor
lmao yes they do.
Thanks Jeff.
Im your mom's husband, call me dad.
Fuck off Jeff.
>fukkn saved
kid see's toy... bursts into tears
Too many boobs here to even know what you're talking about. Kek, though.
when you're new you're new
>we buy more stuff if you pander to us
Really thought provoking.
i'm sure it's flying off the shelves.
I unironically want a Tallie. Best girl.
Her shit is going to peg warm harder than Finn and rey from force awakens.
Their $20 action figure was legit $5 a few weeks after
someone post some of those ridiculous $600 action figures
hot toys or something
some boba fett shit
This is probably a marketing shill, unironically
The absolute definition of a sheep.
even the car is ugly
>peg warm
>character cars
She only comes with the A-Wing.
Hotwheels was reeeeally desperate to get that License
I think this is the only one. The other one is a lego character.
>ywn go crusading with her as she damns heathens to hell in Japanese or broken English
I've been thinking, Dad, maybe it's time for me to move back in with mom and Andrew.
>g-guys i bought a rose tico figure, i love it
I hope to god these people order them online instead of going at the store.
you owe me a keyboard user
>Finn and Phasma action figures and merch sells horribly with TFA
>this durrversity shill thinks anyone wants to buy action figures of some fat chinaman who happens to be the single worst character in the movie
Why do SJWs claim to be anti-capitalist while shelling out all their money to big corporations for stupid useless bullshit?
starting to rather dislike chinamen
legit looks like a vape.
One can only wonder...
She looks like if you had a blow up doll made of condom rubber (so it's extremely stretchy), then blew it up way too much. I hate that this is my fetish.
I dunno, I used to have Ripley and the marines fight aliens as a kid. Loved my female GI Joes too.
btw Funko is apparently in the shitter financially
Thank god. Normie-nendos need to fuck off and die.
>Funko is apparently in the shitter financially
Worst post on Sup Forums right now