Tis the season then
Lets have a comfy christmas sheevposting thread
This is now a willyposting thread
Deliver the presents
Time to derail the thread.
Will Santa finally bring me a reason to live?
will i ever get a nice gf and be happy with her?
I'm in the hospital right now getting tested for MS, do I have MS?
rerolling for qt gf
Well shit..... Sheev has spoken I guess...
Will I get a gf in the year to come?
Are traps gay?
Will I get a gf in 2018
Can I have a lightsaber?
Fuck you niggers
Jessie was fucking hot
Will I finally learn what happiness feels like?
Will this year be any better?
fuck off u boat
Sheev threads are so comfy
Will i get qt gf?
Is sheev unironically the best character in the entire Star Wars saga?
He is ironically the best in the saga, but not seriously.
I see everyone knows me, yeah?
>not seriously
Will Christmas be terrible for me tomorrow?
Very well. I will endeavour to spin my way out of this depressing fugue.
Oh what up it's YA BOYYY
will anyone reply to my post?
The future is in your hands user.
Do it.
lol only true 4channers will get this one xD
thats me, Sheev, you may be asking yourself, who is this guy and whats up with the lightning
see it all started...
>carves his walking cane (which he doesn't even need) from the sacred wookiee tree just to fuck with those ambulatory snarling carpets
>loves both high art and poetry and the star wars equivalent of nascar
why am i always alone
So... this is basically r/PrequelMemes/ on Sup Forums?
I sincerely hope this is not perceived as something that only "geeks" get.
Will it happen, Master?
This is the most reddit thread i've ever seen
Will TLJ kill Star Wars?
>Redditors see other reddit filth stealing content and assume it's originally from there
>then inadvertently out themselves trying to fit in by spewing what they think others want to hear
Every time
Will I ever be able to get my dad back into my life?
will tlj be declared an unappreciated masterpiece in the next 7 years?
Should I try to date in 2018?
The fact that you know about such a sub reddit shows that you are intact, the reddit
Will people stop seeing shit Disney Wars movies?
Will she become my gf?
Oh sure, I don't give a fuck. I browse reddit as much as I do Sup Forums. So what?
le retarded roll meme
Kys reddit
Will I endure?
Should I do it?
let the hate flow through you and down your toilet son of a bitch
Will I get a gf this year
Only a sith uses Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays.
does antje has a love interest in me?
Ironically he is the best in the OT, uniorinically he is the best in the PT
Also, where do sith go when they die?
It means you're a faggot and are apart of the disease that has killed this board and is in the process of killing this whole website. Fuck you nigger
Is the two-state solution still possible for Israel?
Will I ever be happy?
Will I be rich in my 20s?
Rerolling, will I be wealthy within the next decade?
Will I get a good nights sleep?
Really? And I'm hardly ever here, /tg/ mostly. Didn't realise I was that good.
[nervousness intensifies]
You literally watch GOT