
The Dark Knight > Interstellar > Inception > Batman Begins > The Prestige > Dunkirk > The Dark Knight Rises

Memento would be first if it was there btw

mementos shit

>le meme war movie over THE SKARCH
fuck off

this image needs a

I mean really?


Lol they are cashing out already

Dolan career is over

The Dark Knight > inception > Batman Begins > Dunkirk > The Prestige > interstellar > The Dark Knight Rises


Fair enough, although I personally I would put Dunkirk below TDKR. I hated Dunkirk

Interstellar and tdkr are just "okay" and with nolans track record he should be ashamed.

Not enough explosions?

Dunkirk is his best. Then Following.

Interstellar is complete shit and anyone who seriously thinks that's a good movie should have the rest of their opinions discarded.

>Murph! I'm in the bookshelf Murph! Mirv, I'm im in a black hole mirv! Do you remember that whole scene where we hacked a predator drone Marv, what was that scene all about Marv? Why did I need a predator drone Marv? What was the significance of the predator drone being made in india Marf? Weight is critically important when it comes to space travel Marv! Why are we bringing an 8 foot tall homage to the monolith from 2001 Marv? Why are we doing this Marv? Maaarrvvvv! I'm sending you morse code through your watch Marv! Maaaaarrvvvv! Daddy loves you Marv!

>the L doesn't align with the E

batmanbegins>the prestige>interstellar>thedarkknight>=the rest

>falling for the 4k meme

dunkirk and insterstellar are both poop tier

Pleb spotted

Only heartless plebs like the spergs above could not LOVE Interstellar.

Fantastic, both as great spectacle and as human tale.

The Following > The Prestige > Memento > Dunkirk > Interstellar > Inception > The Dark Knight > Batman Begins > The Dark Knight Rises

Well they had the drone scene so we could know it had been up there for years flying but it had no one to respond to since India is rip. yes it was a pretty big homage

Dunkirk > The Dark Knight > Interstellar > Batman Begins > The Prestige > Inception > The Dark Knight Rises

>Love is more powerful than a black hole
>We didn't notice these 5 mile high waves from orbit
>The monolith from 2001 is now a central character
>Matt Damon goes crazy just to inject hollywood drama in a desperate attempt to placate normie attention spans
>Single stage to orbit transportation from high grav worlds is demonstrated. But earth can only be saved by the invention of antigrav?

>le love is so dumb lol
Can't blame the film because of autists who can't understand things that aren't literal