People who didn't like TLJ

People who didn't like TLJ
>old nerds
>people who liked TFA
>Sup Forums

People who liked TLJ
>people who don't care about the opinion of social media users

Really makes you think....

No it doesn't.

I didn't love it, and didn't hate it. Internet overreaction isn't going to change my mind. I guess hating it is trendy.

I always thought Sup Forums was better than going along with the hivemind, but I guess hating Disney and "SJWs" is a bigger evil than being just another part of the crowd.

Of course people end up hating it. In the void of such bitter, empty lives, living up to a revered classic series like Star Wars (which is no doubt rooted in the childhood of so many of these people) is nigh impossible. The movie has to be beyond any reasonable expectation of quality, a true masterpiece of film, and even then it would still have its critics - angry loners and contrarian virgins who really do just have nothing better to do than to drag what are essentially children's movies through the mud and nit-pick endlessly at tedious details to make themselves feel slightly better.

I liked better than TFA and ANH

Really makes me wonder how big Disney's shilling budget is.

What's funny is that elevating the franchise to the point of legend and then being disappointed that it no longer lives up to their expectations is briefly analogized in the movie itself.

If Kathleen Kennedy thinks she can ignore every social media user she's even more of a fucking half-wit than we suspected. You can tell people what to do with critics anymore.

The good news is the collective memory span of social media as a whole is about 3 weeks.

Why can't she, exactly? It has been a box office hit, and you know the next one will be too, and the next one. The critical consensus has been very positive, and like it or not that is what is going to count in the long run. No one is going to give two shits about Harry McOpinion's epic tweet about how shit the movie is in a month. He already voted with his wallet.

In three weeks local theater owners will be burning reels of The Last Jedi.

This is not a hit.

>poe's law

>Second largest Star Wars opening weekend ever
>Top of the box office
>Already $350,000,000+ over production budget
>Not a box office hit

You are delusional

You have literally no idea what you're talking about.

The reason it's hated so vehemently on the Internet, especially here is because of extended universe fags and stormfags.

One of the major problems I've seen people have with the movie is the fact that Luke didn't have an epic lightsaber battle at the end that lasted 10 minutes and involved flips and cool shit.

Don't get me started on Sup Forums comparing Luke's death to the death of Christ, going on that board after release was good fun.

Just came back from the cinema, it was shit, but not shittier than tfa or the other 7 movies

>People who liked TLJ
>Those who were paid handsomely by a mouse

>is because of extended universe fags and stormfags.
If you really think this then you have a very limited view of various criticisms being leveled at this film.

>Don't get me started on Sup Forums comparing Luke's death to the death of Christ, going on that board after release was good fun.
Well no fucking wonder. Back to Sup Forums where you belong.

Great argument
Some more facts for you:

>2nd largest opening weekend of all time
>All of the other movies in the top 5 box office opening weekends ever went on to be in the top 10 highest grossing films of all time

Spotted the mouse shills

I haven't read anything in the EU, but the knowledge that it exists actually further served to increase my appreciate for TLJ's treatment of Luke. He was a good dude, but human. However, the galaxy turned him into some demigod that he could never hope to live up to. The pressure got to him, even though he tried to work through it. Too much light was forced upon him, and a corresponding darkness inside sought to maintain a balance. This is the real reason for his failure with Kylo. A third-person hubris. A disease of pride. A sickness of imagined infallibility. None of it Luke's fault except for starting the snowball by saving the galaxy twice.

I really don't care for Rian Johnson, but now that I've seen it twice (and maybe because I went in with low expectations), and every time I think more on it, the tragedy of Luke's legend gets sadder yet more commendable that he was able to sacrifice himself one last time, on his own terms, to let the galaxy know that even if true heroes don't always exist, their belief in one is stronger than any one person can be.

Fuck, I love this goddamn movie so much even if it has its faults.

>hey guys we're self aware that we suck so that means we are good xDD

If you're capable of critical thinking and are able to form your own opinions, Sup Forums is a hilarious board.

I was making fun of their comparison.

nice reading comprehension

>lets insult the audience in every way possible and then blame them for not buying our shitty movie

some top tier shilling there mouse shills

>people who liked TFA
>Sup Forums
But those two together is practically everybody.

>pretending tumblr Sup Forums and reddit are all the same

Is it still winter in Narnia?

You people are fucking retards. The only expectation anyone has is good screenwriting. They failed at that. They failed at the basic elements of storytelling entirely. When you create plot device characters and give them zero organic dialogue unrelated to that you are doing a sub-par job in general; this has nothing to do with comparisons to the original trilogy which had its own problems, but to skillful creative writing in general.

Just came back from seeing this. It has some really silly moments but I still loved it. I hated TFA with all my guts by the way and I'm an EU fan. I don't get how the majority think TFA is somehow better than this, but I don't get why people hate the prequels either.

>Nothing is ever really as good as you thought t was
Just try telling a good story instead of trying to justify why you can't.

>said the bitter virgin, angrily

>life should have stopped at dinosaurs since everything afterwards has been underpowered and disappointing
You'll never get to superior mankind if you decide to stop evolving.

>One of the major problems I've seen people have with the movie is the fact that Luke didn't have an epic lightsaber battle at the end that lasted 10 minutes and involved flips and cool shit.
Total bullshit.

I love the expanded universe and I loved TLJ. It feels a lot more like the EU than TFA does.

That first paragraph is almost pure head canon.

This. The more I think about it the better it gets. I wish Rian got to make the next movie as well because I'm interested in how HIS story goes on but J.J. is 100% guaranteed to destroy it.

I'm an old fogey, does 'head canon' mean I'm using my imagination?

That's a stupid comparison.

Reading into it something that's not supported by the movie itself, so...sort of.

Why would anyone care what you think about them in an anonymous forum?

>speculative ad hominem in a lazy effort to be quippy online
boy, you sure are original

Ah well after re-reading I should have clarified "the galaxy turned him into a demi-god" into the "the writers who built the EU galaxy turned him into a demi-god." And if that's an incorrect assumption of the EU, I'm OK with that since the joy I got out of TLJ feels too good to care.

>Reading into it something that's not supported by the movie itself
Except Luke himself says that's what happened, and criticizes Rey for believing in those stories and expecting him to solve everything singlehandedly.

Everybody's in it for the (you)s, friendo.

Time to be contrarian already?

>The only expectation anyone has is good screenwriting. They failed at that. They failed at the basic elements of storytelling entirely.
And yet the criticisms are:
>muh skilled female protagonist
>muh sjw feminazi gener studied admiral
>muh lack of a detailed snoke backstory in a movie that's not about snoke's backstory
>muh Luke not being the infallible legend I thought him to be
None of these complaint are in any way make screenwriting bad. The story was fine. You're just bitter it didn't turn out the way you wanted.

Maybe not everybody's opinions about things are the same? Do you think it made up $600 million in receipts just to spite you?

>People who liked TLJ

Nice try, warner brothers shill

>said the bitter virgin, angrily

>The story was fine.
Shut up, kike, the story is nonsensical and based on twists like a common Shymalan pile of shit.

How can you be participating in a TLJ thread and not actually be familiar with any of the legitimate criticisms leveled at the film?

I didn't hate it, but I have my gripes/notes.
>I'm not a star wars "fan" by any means but I have seen the films and played/read into the extended universe a bit.

>Force space suit? What the fuck? It would have been a decent place to kill her off
>Snoke wasn't played out enough so his death didn't feel satisfying at all
>I like Kylo more now, I don't hate him as much.
>The crystal foxes were fine, for the sake of the plot (Then knowing how to escape) but I got tired of the Porgs when he started screaming with Chewie in the falcon. They overplayed the cuteness factor
>Why did they feel the need to put in the Rose/Finn kiss bit? I get she fangirls for him but still
>Phasma again thrown to the side. I get it, that's their stick with the "cool" looking trooper/bounty hunter characters.
>Why isn't Luke using his green lightsaber? Not a complaint, just a curiosity.

>prank call
>hux acts a slapstick bafoon
>turrets can't hit close fighters
>even though turrets were build for that very purpose
>bombers use gravity apparently

fuck this film, i could go on, can't be arsed

I saw it today, and I felt that that anything with Luke was A1, especially the Yoda scene, but I feel thay everything without Luke was straight garbage.

lol SEETHING mouse shills

They destroyed Luke's character. The man who risked his life to save his father's soul would never dream of striking down someone at the mere suggestion that they could turn dark. Luke's belief in redemption and the goodness in people is what his character BUILDS to. It's the culmination of his arc in the OT. TLJ destroys that.

>Just tun your brain off
neck yourself sonny jim

>would never dream of striking down someone at the mere suggestion that they could turn dark
Confirmed for not watching the movie. He searched Kylo's mind and saw Snoke's presence "and something much darker". He literally states in voiceover that the instinct to draw his weapon was momentary and shameful.

Stop trying to make Luke into a faultless saint. Not even George wanted that.

You're the type of faggots to blame the alt right and trolls for the score on RT

It's almost like he's fucking with you or something, but that would be silly.

The pressure got to him, and 'weight of lightness caused a corresponding darkness' - wasn't in the film I watched.

>>muh skilled female protagonist
Very little of this for this movie.

>in a movie that's not about snoke's backstory
You can't say that as if it was some rule of the movie. Is 'Don't make the middle act a villain's back story' some accepted part of screenwriting?

>muh Luke not being the infallible legend I thought him to be
Personally not really bothered about that. You've left out criticisms of the pointless subplots, though. And the hyper-ram. And the comedy. Considering you listed 'the criticisms', you missed quite a few.

>I am totally TOTALLY neutral
>I think hating it is just a trend

fuck off shill

>hating Disney and "SJWs" is a bigger evil than being just another part of the crowd.
unironically true

>People who liked TLJ
>>people who don't care about the opinion of social media users
So you're saying that critics don't care about the opinions of social media users?

Pretty sure it's the newspapers and publications that pay them and not their Twitter followers.

the force awakens sucked just as bad as this new turd.
star wars has become a endless nightmare you can't wakeup from.

Revive Kreia for a role and I'll consider watching 9

If not then fuck it.

Luke was powerful enough to destroy entire legions in the books. The movies made characters oversimplified and dull. Everything is fucking trash

it made money, but it's not the hit they were looking for.

Star wars has one more hit.

People will go see 9 to see if JJ can pull this dung heep together in a salvageable manner.

He wont be able to and no one will see star wars opening night ever again.

>old nerds
>people who liked TFA
>Sup Forums
literally, none of the above... and still appreciated The Loser Jedi as schlock 101 for Generation Autism

>try again
>try harder

So you're saying a new crew making stories that don't necessarily reflect the intent of the originals are better than the originals themselves?


>anyone who didnt like it is bad
>anyone who did like the movie is good
Literal children present better arguments.

>no one will see star wars opening night ever again
How adorable to think so.

>Luke did this one thing so he's emo for a few years and that's perfectly within character
>he's only human XD
Confirmed for being autistic with no actual sense of different personality types. Luke isn't the kind of person to go behind Kylo's back and stab him while he's sleeping. That is simply not how Luke sees the world and functions. If Luke sees the darkness in Kylo, then Luke would simply talk to Kylo about it. He would not run away because Luke is a determined son of a bitch. Determination is just not some trait in a vacuum either, there's many other characteristics involved. Like Hope, Discipline, Willpower, Love, so on so forth.

Nor is Luke the kind of person to be a whiny bitch about shit. He already went through that phase, there's no need to actually have him regress as a character. It's a giant middle finger to the people who watched his progress over the years. "Oh hey! You know the first three movies worth of character progression and your time? COMPLETELY WORTHLESS LIKE LIFE AND EVERYTHING LOL"

>Kylo's darkness is too much
The fucker just needed to get laid and everything would be okay. Rey already made him question his beliefs and he's been around her for maybe 20 hours maximum. What goddamn darkness? In fact if anything, Luke is the kind of motherfucker that would readily go down fighting for his cause. Did you forget the emperor was about to kill him until Vader stepped in?

Every time I've heard a positive review from someone I actually know it usually includes one of these

>I wasn't invested in the franchise before now
>I don't really know the lore
>I just want to sit back and watch space lasers

I legit had someone try to tell me the Original Trilogy isn't canon today, and it may as well not be at this point. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills.

Bastardizing a character to no ends is perfectly fine though, right? Luke was always a hopeless depressing loser who never tried for anything, he was just a walking lightsaber.

I don't know how to feel about the movie, it didn't feel good though and it felt sloppy. So....I lean to the bad and didn't like it crowd all on my own.

>Luke isn't the kind of person to go behind Kylo's back and stab him while he's sleeping. That is simply not how Luke sees the world and functions. If Luke sees the darkness in Kylo, then Luke would simply talk to Kylo about it. He would not run away because Luke is a determined son of a bitch.
People change. Even your heroes. All heroes do. 30 years, especially in a time of war and societal upheaval, is a long time. I think, like the rest of the galaxy (audience) you didn't want Luke to change. When he failed to save Kylo, he failed you too, and after spending so much to save you, it was too much even for him.

Luke is a good man, a great man, even; but in the end, just a man and not yet a myth.

You know what could've worked so much better? If Kylo followed Brackiss' fall in the EU. Luke sees evil in his future, so he has him confront it in his own swamp scene. But instead of acknowledging the danger, Kylo rejects it and runs away, allowing him to be corrupted further. Then it would make sense for Luke to become distraught over his failure, goes off to look for Kylo only for the Knights of Ren to destroy the academy in his absence, making him feel even more defeated and leading to his exile on Ah-choo.

How is everyone at Lucasfilm so retarded that they didn't suggest this? It's already in the old lore!

We don't really know how Kylo fell. It might have happened similar to that. Luke's temple might have been his test, and the very reason Luke felt the need to scan his mind could be some terrible thing Kylo almost did, but was stopped somehow. We just don't know, so all we have to go on is what was presented in the movie, and it's up to you to decide whether your head canon hives with what we saw or not.

The damage control by you shills is what cracks me up the most

Head canon shouldn't need to come into it, you put this sort of thing in the fucking movie, it would only take a few minutes to explain in flashbacks and would make Luke's progression from 6->8 actually make sense without people having to do mental gymnastics for no reason.

Star Wars is a space opera, not a speculative psychological thriller, this sort of important stuff shouldn't be "open to interpretation"

Their newspapers are paid by their advertisers, who want their advertisements to be seen. Were you born yesterday?

Has Hamill been confirmed for not appearing in IX? There's still at least 120 minutes worth of room for Kylo's backstory flashbacks.

>people change
>Luke is suddenly this pussy that stabs people when they're sleeping
>he's not a myth
Okay, its pretty obvious you have no idea how characterization works. You COULD do something like that, but you have to gradually transition to it. You can't drop on the audience that Luke is suddenly this emo bitch now, you NEED TO BUILD UP TO IT FOR IT TO MAKE SENSE YOU FUCKING RETARD.

Not just in flashbacks, the audience needs to see the change unfold, they need to see Luke struggle before their eyes. Not in flashback. They need to see the events actually unfold. This is good writing, because it's not a complete jarring change from what people are familiar with. You want to show Luke fail? Build up to it. Make people think "Wow, maybe I need to watch myself and always keep in mind that I could fail and become like him." But a complete 180 with no build up? You're going to get it immediately rejected. Look up the boiling frog before even talking to me again.

This is basic characterization and the basis of serviceable writing.

I'm very sorry but trying to explain to people that Luke explicitly did not attack Kylo gets very tiring. Especially when they took the time to show 3 flashbacks explaining it.

Lol guess George forgot to film his own sequel series 10 years ago when the ages would have matched what you're looking for.

Yeah dude just wait for 5 more movies, 3 more spin offs, 2 video game DLC's, the cartoon, and several other comic book lines and THEN Luke's character arc will make complete sense :^)

The OT and even the PS told us entire character arcs without making anything complicated, and anything we didn't understand was told to us through a story or flashback or conversation.

Luke's character was ruined, and I'm not willing to hear the "just wait for more movies from the mouse and Luke will be fixed haha"

But he still thought about it, an action or thought that someone as good willed as Like Skywalker would NEVER have prior.

But I guess the OT's don't count, right? This old Jedi master is just a deranged weirdo, we don't need to explain shit.

It sounds like you either didn't want Hamill in this at all or just wanted him to copy Alex Guiness' performance in the OT. Per OP, some people just get gratification out of being offended or disappointed these days.

Given they ruined his character, he was better left out of the movie.

The dialogue explicitly stated it was instinctual and shameful. Why is humanizing people with weaknesses so offensive to you?

who has the edited webm of leia destroying those ships with her force pwoers instead of gay flying

Not him. But they made luke like an asshole, even if he didnt atack kylo (but he did) , luke escape from all the mistake and when he had the opportunitie to redeem himself with training rey, what a suprise! he just acts like an asshole.