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Why make $2 billion when you can make $1 billion? Also if you kill your enemies they win.

>There’s a feeling that “Jedi” is soft at the box office. I don’t know why. It’s just as good if not better. And it has major plot developments for “Star Wars” fans.
>Roger (((Friedman)))
Every fucking time.

All of this retarded "DISNEY BTFO XD" shit aside, how is TLJ doing in China? Kind of curious, considering it's becoming an important source of income for Hollywood now.

>if you kill your enemies, you win
I couldn’t believe this was an actual plot point in this shitfest. Fuck you Rian. I liked a few of your last films and I was rooting for you...

>A black nigger kissing an Asian
Like dog shit i imagine.

It's not out over there yet. Hopefully they catch wind of the gorilla x gook stuff and no one goes to see it.

>black nigger
Would they have liked an asian nigger more?

What do you think Han Chinese are?


It is going to make over a billion. But if it makes something like 1.2 billion it's still a disappointment

>toy sales for films have cratered
>movie so bad it damages all future SW movies

it isn't just about how much less it is making than the predecessors

t. today's Hollywood

TFA underperformed there so hopefully this one will tank.

No, t. logic.

Disney shilled out 4 billion shekels for this franchise. They don't want some marginal profit, they want big bucks.

they better have paid trudeau for that quote, otherwise disney gonna get suid!

in what kind of world do we live in where a billion fucking dollar is considered a commercial failure? this shit hole needs to crash into the sun, holy shit.

i do not like jews
i think they have less empathy

I don’t think you know what shill means.

Give the Jew your money goy

Pretty sure he meant shelled, autist.

In a world where a star wars spin off can make a billion dollars a main episode should be making much, much more

go and see it 5 times or you hate women

Not to mention the combined production+marketing budget was apparently somewhere around $800m for TLJ. That's a lot of brouzouf before the movie starts actually making money.

At this rate, it's going to take decades for the Lucasfilm acquisition to pay itself off, if ever

Best move for Disney would be to beg Lucas to do Episode 9 so that SW autists can blame him for fucking up another series and continue to throw money at the franchise because "the next movies without lucas are gonna be better!"

The Last Jedi cost two hundred million to make, and another two hundred million to market. Theaters keep half the receipts. If the movie makes a billion dollars, that means their total profit for the film is a hundred million... and they paid FOUR BILLION dollars just to be able to make movies with the name "Star Wars". Meanwhile, this film was the only chance Disney was ever going to have to put Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher together in one movie. Do you see yet how this is a disaster?

>and they paid FOUR BILLION dollars

Literally peanuts Lucas heavily undersold the franchise

So did R1

Nah they already have JJ. So expect a lazy rehash with Spacebattles consisting of a few fighters and then a mega weapon. Anything inbetween bar the Falcon will do nothing.

This is actually a pretty good look at how major companies view revenue and profit. No one at Disney will look at TLJ and say "Hey a billion is great!" they'll look and say "why didn't it meet our 1.8 to 2 billion dollar projection?"

Not to mention the most important thing, toy sales are down, which is a way bigger deal than many are saying. Guaranteed you'll see major shake ups for Ep 9 and I'll bet money that Rian gets the next trilogy taken away from him.

They already made that money back

Undersold? By all appearances he made off like a bandit. Also that's not the point, the point is Disney starts this whole thing four billion dollars in the hole. They were counting on huge paydays. In a real trilogy, each successive film makes more money. Take a look at TFA's receipts vs. TLJ. There's no getting around it, Rian Johnson has shit the bed.

Why are you pulling numbers out of your ass? You actually expect anyone to believe it's marketing budget is $600m?

>Rian Johnson has shit the bed

No Disney did by throwing out Lucas 7-9 Script, declaring the EU non canon just reinvent the Lore after 40 fucking years (very badly at that) and then remaking Episode 4 (now with modern identity politics!) without further planning ahead.

To be fair, can't expect more from a company that hires based on gender, or race, instead of an actual merit

TFA made bank and TLJ is floundering, Johnson is what changed and he will get the blame. It also doesn't help him that he's a
>fucking white male

>for one of the biggest movies and merch lines
Probably, yes


im seeing it again tomorrow. a second viewing might change my mind about how i feel about this movie. you guys should see it a second time too

reminder that the mouse considered Age of Ultron a flop because it made less than the first Avengers even though it crossed the billion mark
no wonder they're paying all these bloggers to do damage control for them

Okay, I'll pirate it

Yes, I am racist.

That is why I want a cool fish person, who broke away from slavery within the Empire and rose to be the Admiral of the Rebel Fleet in charge. Instead of some know it all SJW bitch who talks down to people.

4D pazaak user, nice.