What is your biggest issue with Modern Hollywood movies?
What is your biggest issue with Modern Hollywood movies?
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Nothing new and remakes
This movie already exists, its called "My Honor Was Loyalty"
>Downfall doesnt exist
Shared Universes, so they spawn useless spinoffs of literally 'who?' characters.
Stuffing current political bullshit into movies. In 20 years, when politicy changes, they would be not relatable enough.
too many jews and women.
>what is cross of iron, stalingrad and das boot
>if Hollywood is so multicultural why don't they make a movie about WW2 from german perspective
>if Ben Bernanke is such a neoclassical economist why doesn't the moon fall on the earth
This is the same kind of retardation.
It wasn't made by liberals
Yeah that really chaps my ass too
Rather than what's biggest issue, I can only think four good ones to keep watching them
>acting is the best in the world by far, those soulless jew muppets deserve their millions in my book
>special effects are still the best in the world
>stage sets are best in the world, although China and Korea are very much equal now
>soundscaping is the best in world, rest of the world doesn't even pay attention to this
It's the sheer quality that keeps me watching. Actual content is horrid and has been since 1970's, with Network being the last film from Hollywood I acknowledge being excellent in that department.
>Cross of Iron
>Das Boot
>The Bridge
>Generation War
>The Bunker
>Actual content
what do you mean ? Are you talking about scenarii, statements, or something like social commentaries ?
1. nothing but remakes
2. nothing but sequels
3. forced diversity, race changes, antagonistic political agendas that dont actually represent the majority of americans but the out of touch hollywood liberal elite
4.lack of anyone actually being qualified anymore, bad writers, bad acting, bad directing, bad everything
5. insulting the audience and expecting people to actually go to the movies
6. complete lack of class consciousness
7. hyper identity politics
8. expanded universes
9. franchises
10. based on a ""
11. movie studios have more power than directors
12. movies put together by a marketing committees and kike producers
13. lack of risk taking
14. not realizing that what working class american proles like and what elitst neoliberal garbage hollywood people like are different things
15. antagonizing the original audience just to score virtue points with sjw's who will never buy the product
but the best ww2 movie is made by germans..
I could handle the blacks and I could handle the queers. I can not and will not handle the trannies.
Something else than endless trash. This vocalizes and visualizes what I've been thinking about Hollywood for years perfectly
Germans aren't vilified enough. I'm 100% serious. Hollywood WW2 very rarely focus on German war crimes. Even the holocaust is very rarely a central theme of the film. No, Schindler's List isn't about the holocaust. And of course they never show the locals collaborating with the Nazis (t was especially common among Ukrainians). The suffering of Soviet soldiers (3 million starved to death in German camps) is also never explored.
Or Hollywood. OP's question can be answered with a word that rhymes with "dikes".
Most Hollywood films about the holocaust are about labor camps, not about death camps, others are about brave Western soldiers fighting against the Nazis in the West.
can you fucking give precise arguments ? Saying something as vague as "it's all garbage lol" after stating that you think actors deserve to be millionaire seems really strange.
Why would someone that promotes multiculturalism make a movie from the point of view of a racist fascist state?
shhh don't use logic, Sup Forums soyboys hate that
>good acting in bad movie makes good movie
damn, you must be 12
this. the usa doesn't want to give it's citizens any alternatives for the ""democratic"" multicultural shitshow they are currently running.
>>good acting in bad movie makes good movie
>damn, you must be 12
stop being such a fucking faggot, i'm only asking what do you hate in those movies. I've already asked if it was the scenarii, the settings, the social comentaries, or anything. Stop playing around, just answer. I'm legit curious.
did you watch what I linked? no. watch it and then put a bullet in your head for being retarded
your video cherrypicked all the garbage sequels. you're a fucking faggot with a chip on your shoulder.
Do shitty midwestern 2000's digital movies with nickelback soundtracks and an overuse of golden sunlight have an earlier equivalent? At least shitty attack of the 50 foot whatever from outer space flicks had a sort of ironic charm to them.
once again, that's not a movie by liberals. In fact there isn't a single WW2 movie from by German liberals, who ignore the war altogether movie wise
>ironic charm to them.
no. at the time they were 100% straight. That "ironic charm" is the result of the 80's nostalgia of those movies.
Maybe in 2030 those digital movies full of dadrock will be back in fashion. Also what movies do you put in that category ? Things like The New Guy ?
Yes but you can watch them ironically. Idk if I remember any specific titles, they're garbage even by Hollywoods standards.
There is this push in the West that the war was not against Germany and its allies, but Nazis.
I read an interview with some Polish guy running a Holocaust museum who said German tourists are confused why Germans are presented as responsible, rather than Nazis.
How about a movie from the perspective of women in the German-Occupied countries. It would make for a very erotic movie
That doesn't answer the question. Also, there is nothing wrong with that, because everyone half a brain knows the Soviet Union was more of a threat to "western civilization" anyways.
They were both a threat. German aggression was a threat to the old world order as they wanted to completely reshape the world and create a German empire similar to the Roman one.
The Soviets also wanted to change the world and create a new man.
I would watch a movie about that guy on the Normandy Beach with the MG-42
I would gladly watch 120 minutes of dakka
They aren't good.
Bad writing
Bad writing
Bad writing
Bad writing
Bad writing
Plot and characterization would be the main two, surely. Then 'deeper' stuff, which almost always comes across as hamfisted and obvious nowadays.
remakes, cinematic universes and reviving old franchises and milking them to death
>And of course they never show the locals collaborating with the Nazis (t was especially common among Ukrainians).
My dad tells me about some Poles he worked with who would fly into a rage at the slightest mention of anything to do with Ukranians.
Bright was original?