What does Sup Forums think of this movie?

What does Sup Forums think of this movie?

certified Sup Forums kino.


Absolute kino

Based Cruise at his best. I usually don't like Foxx either but he's great in this too

Very good. Rare to see Cruise as a villain too. He was great, and his use of firearms was so good that various police forces actually use the footage in training classes.

i like it

I remember seeing it in theaters when I was 9. My mom didn't flinch once at the language and violence, but was incredibly mad about the part where they say Santa Claus doesn't exist.

recommend me more movies like this one, Sup Forums
i need some realistic flicks to entertain my boring life

It's fantastic, Vincent did nothing wrong.

Best of Mann and Cruise. I think Vincent is one of the most realistic bad guys ever. Very rational but cold as ice. Would have killed the driver after the gig but gave an impression that he would be safe if he'd co-operate.

Legit one of my favourite movies of all time. Vincent as a character was fascinating

If the movie says it’s title in the movie you know it’s kino

>you have offended me and my fairytales

christcuck ameritards everyone

Fucking pleb garbage that for some reason Sup Forums has convinced itself is anymore more than nonsensical crap.

Vincent an interesting villain? Lmao
>hurr I hitman
>I do it 4 a liveng
>I kill ppl and then I kill u

Basic as fuck movie. Niggers character out of fucking nowhere becoming a 'badass' when pretending to be Vincent was laughable to.

At any point in the final act the police could have just been called. Oh but when he had the chance to tell the police he just overpowered him and tied him up

Fuckin dreck

Not him, but I'd say it's probably more to do with exposing her 9 year old son to the truth out of nowhere rather than herself believing it

So fucking good. I even love the scene with the coyotes and the audioslave which apparently is regarded as shit?

Good movie but shooting it digital was a mistake

that shaky handheld cam shit gets old quickly too

You have some problems you wanna talk about, champ?


I agree with all of this and still think its a great movie.

This is the best Mann after Thief. Thief is even better than this one and is also a classic.

Pure casino

Time for a rewatch I think

Amazing. Would watch again right now desu.

Best Cruise running scene.