This is way better than Phantom Menace, why does it get so much hate?
This is way better than Phantom Menace, why does it get so much hate?
Long boring romance subplot and sand memes. The genosis stuff is actually decent and I really like the arena set piece.
Fake news. AOTC is one of the most boring special effects movies ever made.
At least try. Even prequelfags know it sucks.
The Phantom Menace was the best prequel. Fight me.
THE worse Star Wars movie ever made. Worse than any Mickey Wars, obviously worse than OT, and the worst of the prequels.
>introducing the acting talents of Hayden Christensen
>forced romance with the absolutely worst dialogue in the entire series (and it's not short, it takes a whole bunch of time)
>revealed that Vader was actually a whiny faggot waa waa i hate sand, i hate my master he dont let me go out etc
>revealed that the wise master Yoda is actually a retarded acrobat cg frog with a sugar rush
>action scenes are 96% greenscreen cgi shit with zero personality, the actual final battle is a mess that makes Nolan's coreographer look like Kurosawa
>even the name is stupid as fuck, also the worst of them all
literally no one gives a fuck about the clones, boring ass concept, no fucking clue why that hack Lucas thought its a good idea to make a whole flick revolving around them
ah yes the AOTC is bad meme
I'm not a massive fan of the second and third prequels but a lot of this is exaggeration. The dialogue in the romance subplot isn't that bad. It's the delivery that fails it.
Thius unfortunately
Padme and Anakin was the worst acting duo in a major film in history bar none
has cool plot, lots of foreshadowing, huge jedi battle
shows the start of the clone war, love scenes are just a few and they aren't that bad
also no child actor
>also no child actor
what about the abhorrent Boba Fett kid?
He's delivery was even worse than kid-Annakin
I agree, it gets far too much hate. And all trolling aside, truly the best of the prequels. The action sequences were great, the plot was pretty damn cool.
Hayden Christianson was at his shittiest and they gave him some real groaner lines to work with though, and it's seen as a critical flaw to most (that sand scene was just embarrassing). Love scenes are the bane of Lucas's existence, he can't write a love scene to save his life and that shit dialogue coupled with Christianson's bad acting made for some crappy scenes.
But all that's forgivable. The gladiator scene was amazing. The Dooku fight was amazing.
Also the way Palpatine maneuvered the separatists to gain power was pretty damn cool. That and I found the clone facility on Kamino to be a pretty amazing sub-plot.
Best of the prequels and by miles better than any of the Disney content.
And fuck you. I've been here since 2008 and write in paragraphs. I anticipate at least 5 of you faggots cancerously shouting reddit at me.
It's actually one of the worst movies I've seen, period. Maybe you like Georgie's hackneyed politics plot or the expansion of the battledroid army with lamer looking droids.
It's essentially a CGI shitfest with no more value than a Transformers sequel.
A dialogue is not a script of a dialogue, a dialogue is what happends when people deliver what's in the script. The dialogue is bad.
The first half is absolute dogshit.
The second half is pretty good, i liked the Annaking going back home sequence and the gladiator battle, but all around a pretty shitty flick like the rest of the prequels
Because the love story is unrelatable to and alienates the HK Virgins which are the majority of the fanbase.
Lucas picked some shit actors. There's no doubt about it. I'm totally convinced he was hiring his friends and family members of his friends that wanted to break into Hollywood.
BUT Lucas was willing to take some chances and come up with a completely original plot and a great original movie. A movie that may have echoed some themes in the original trilogy but it didn't blatantly recycle them.
We didn't realize just how great a new original Star Wars was until Disney bought the franchise and just seems to endlessly regurgitate a formulaic rehash of the original trilogy.
I'll say it right now. We will now begin to truly appreciate the quality of the prequels now that we have Hollywood bureaucrats running it into the ground.
>defends this abomination of a movie
>protects himself from criticism before anyone says anything
>hey i'm an oldfag don't bully me alright
Pathetic. Do yourself a favour and go out to the real world.
It was my favorite growing up
>pm was too childish even when I was a kid
>aotc was amazing, like an epic saga similar to LOTR in scope and feel
>rots was alright, it was too short and sweet for my tastes
nice reddit spacing, nerd
The love story is the catalyst for Anakin's turn and not something that could just be glossed over. But at the same time Anakin is in a weird cult and doesn't have the social skills/experience to charm his waifu, so it's only natural that he wouldn't be the smoothest motherfucker and his attempted game would be clumsy.
Padme takes interest in him regardless for the same reason women take interest in men in the real world, his status and height. Add to that the forbidden nature of their relationship. Further add the fact that she got to see the extent he went to to try and save his mom, and how much he lost it when she died. Women equate the way a man treats his mom to the way he will treat her, so while rational people are thinking "wtf he just told her he murdered a bunch of people", the female mind just hears "he would stop at nothing to save/avenge me:" and this drenches their fucking panties.
It's sad that Lucas crafted an incredibly realistic portrayal of young love within in his space opera, and people don't even appreciate it.
It was shit my dude
>This is way better than Phantom Menace
No, it's not "way better", it's A LOT better.
>no wars among the stars
Shit on the spot. One space scene and it involves two characters that are in the OT. The bombs sounded cool though.
Why would anyone? None of the others have podracing or battle droid speeder bikes.