
Is that from the episode where they use the branches to kill pagan gods?




I fucked you mom, boys

when is new ep coming out?

fuck you, ketch

Jan 18


You ever watch a horror movie and hope Sam and Dean show up to save the day?

Always. Ever since I've watched Supernatural, I now always ask myself how the Winchester brothers can end the supernatural threat I'm watching

Stop samefagging, Ketch


He looks hot here, which episode is this one from?

>jan 18
wtf why so long

Shut up, mom!!

When do they usually come back? If i have to hazard a guess they probably want the holiday and star wars buzz to die down so they have enough time to remind people they are resuming. Especially since the next episode is the backdoor pilot. In the past they had problems with ratings when coming back with an episode with different focus--the Ghostfacers ep had people thinking it wasn't Supernatural so they turned off their TVs while Bloodlines was very un-Supernatural they probably don't want to make the same mistake this time

Which title card is most kino?


The flames

Red flame or blue flame?

Looking back, 3 is the messiest


Wonder what the Wayward Sisters will look like

How to be just like Dean, guys

This movie was awful.
>It was just a guy on a drug induced murder spree
shit ending

I like how both of them still have the same handguns all the seasons.
Fucking love deans 1911


I love continuity like this. Same reason I like how they kept Ketch in the current season so as not to throw the whole BMoL arc away. Seasons with interrelated continuity makes the narrative of the series stronger overall

It at least offsets their stupid fucking retcons even by just a tad bit

what retcons

Giv witch gf

She's dead, Sam. CASS IS DEAD!

forget it user. i dont want to ruin this for you

>implying she won't blast you to the bottom of the ocean

I need the entity in the empty to bring back Anna

B-but I would worship her feet and pick herbs for her!



For how long have you guys been hunting with the brothers?

6 years. I hopped in too late, but I've been interested in the premise of the show some 4 years earlier than that. I just never found the time to actually watch it. But I have been rewatching Kripke's era nearly annually since, and I am still enjoying the ride 13 seasons in.

>dad rock
>cool car
>hack and slash, salt and burn, stake and decapitate
>comfy back roads and country side
>road trip
>top tier brotherhood

what's not to like?

They only showed the first season in my country back then and for a couple of years I thought that end was the end of the series, which was actually kinda cool.

Ben Braeden's return and confirmation as true Winchester for the next generation when?

It's a dad show at this point. We are, those of us who started watching as late-mid teens, old enough to have families, and the last are visibly aged. I dropped out after God and the Darkness, but I'm sure I'll catch up again after a few seasons.

I caught up at about season four. season ten I watched when it was airing again which seemed to make the disappointing aspects worse so now I just marathon the new season in a few days when I feel like it.

>tfw growing old with the Winchesters
it's an abstract kind of feel


what is the season ranking?

>Great tier
3, 4, 5
>Good tier
1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 (so far)
>Decent tier
>Shit tier

also, don't even try anything funny, Satan




Fuck Rowena gets me hard lads

what if she needs to cut off your boner for a spell

I wouldn't be hard anymore

What if the spell gives you two dongs

Amara a qt

These two literally made me gay

This show is never going to end

And I'm okay with it



>Sam and Dean die in real life
>"It's finally over"
>Carry on starts playing on the radio
>They come back to life for season 53

dude i dont even want to think about that moment

Goodnight, lads. Merry Christmas!