Mel, 1989 31 years old

>Mel, 1989 31 years old

I'm 33 and look mid 20's even with a full head of hair and beard. Mel looks older than my 40 year old brother, why do most men look so young and not 'as hard', no one has body hair or swagger now

Estrogen in the water.

Low test.
Too much sitting and not enough physical activity

*rubs hands*

I have no idea what you're talking about.

It's a shame that Mel got so old so fast, he was cute in Mad Max.

because you and your brother are faggots

also Australians come out of the womb looking like they have been drinking and fighting for years

This, low test makes you look younger that's why women look so good for so long!!

Wait till you see this....look at this dude


he's american



so does that mean white women are high test?

why doesn't black crack if they are more masc?

>mfw 0.5" taller than Mel

>t. manlet

>mfw your height starts with 5' and it is mostly manlets who make these posts and threads

I'm 6'3 and can't be fucked about how tall people are as long as they are unambiguously male and none of this fem shit

>that's why women look so good for so long!!

Nigger you what

Unironically this. Not water tho, just shitty lifestyles and diets

White "people" is DESGUSTANG, unlike lefypol believes, they will also get the bullet too.

>im 6’3, huge balls, I get laid all the time!
manlet you know us talk people don’t actually talk like this right.
pic related
It’s your sad pathetic fatass

Nice projecting. Go out more so you'll learn how to socialize, dumbass

>talk people

stay small and chatty hobbit

my bad knees and stooping won't get better but whatever it still makes you mad for some reason. at least you get leg room i suppose

>looking younger than previous generations did at your age is a mark of bad health

t. amazonian tribesmen

Most people don't some nowadays

Whats this bitches name again? Great life choice chosing a rough porn company to work for, should of went with GDP or something

Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact... same fucking thing... over and over again expecting... shit to change... That. Is. Crazy

Holy fucking shit this just went from 0 to 100 in a second


>tfw no one believes I'm 37 because I'm a babyfaced manlet that can't grow a full beard and has no chest hair

I don't even get reposting this? Perpetuating a meme sure, we've all done that. But this is just bizarre.

they've all been drinking whiskey through the umbilical and usually have killed off their twin in the womb by then


Mental problems, man. They're all a shitshow. Or a bunch of people having the same idea, but looking at how similiarly they were written, I wouldn't be so sure

cheers senpai


I have more respect for Emilie Da Vinci who used the money she made from porn to pay for college. She's now a college professor and scientist.

Higher test levels from soy-free diet, heavy smoker and drinker, grew up in the sunblasted wasteland that is Australia.

thats stupid

if there was estrogen in water women would be more feminine.

Who's a cheeky little fella?

Non-Ameriblobs still look fine, stay mad muddy.

boobs are getting bigger, periods are happening earlier

That's not how it works. Male and female bodies react differently to increased Est or Test.