>that Time Crisis/House of the Dead gun technique
Is Sicario 2 /ourkino/?
>that Time Crisis/House of the Dead gun technique
Is Sicario 2 /ourkino/?
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You should also check Gomorra-the serie note the movie. Its from the same direction and is the ultimate violent camorra kino
Really? The same director? Cool!!!!
To make the killing look unprofessional.
Yes. I hope that Hollywood didn t change to much his style doe
It's called bumpfire you fucking idiots
>Not posting the superior webm
Billy the kid and other famous gun fighters used to do this shit
It's pretty crazy how Benico created two memes in the span of a week
Mexican Brad Pitt becomes more famous than white Brad Pitt
He deserves it he is a much better actor
why not use an uzi?
Yep. Couldn't help but cringe at Brad Pitt's performance in Fury. The only one that felt real and natural was cuck-meme Shia, strangely enough.
He has only had two good performances in the past decade and thats tree of life and jesse james
Sometimes there isn't an Uzi to spare
is sheridan writing this one or not
He has a pretty limited range. He is good at playing the cool dude in the cool film.
looks more like an older mexican james dean desu
because an UZI is a shit "handgun", but a handgun is a good "UZI" if you know how to bumpfire
>no recoil
>bump fire
yeah, no.
Why did the whole team took their helmets off inside tunnels? Isn’t there a special kind of NVG that you can fold in case of a low ceiling, so you can advance without compromising your head safety?
it looks in public in a city somewhere maybe mexico city, i think hes trying to make a statement.
he didnt ask what he asked why.
Fucking hell, I was upset when I heard they hired some Italian nobody, but Gomorra is a really good show, hopes are going up.
What about Burn After Reading?
>It's a linear cinematic cover shooter
>he never played Time Crisis 2
>It's called bumpfire
It's called "not hitting jack shit and barely quicker than just pulling the trigger repeatedly".
It's retarded.
Oh shit true i need to rewatch that movie
You got any link for that? Not saying I don't believe you I just cant find any info on google and sounds like an interesting read.
i make those faces when button mashing during Metal Gear Solid torture sequences