I-its okay, the goys uhh I mean the fans didn't like ESB when it first came out too!
I-its okay, the goys uhh I mean the fans didn't like ESB when it first came out too!
Other urls found in this thread:
why would I give a shit about what random people think about a movie?
>reading Gizmodo
The damage control for this is amazing.
I'm not clicking that shit.
without reading this shit, I think they were shocked and generally it wasn't warm wellcome.
Didn't click the article but it's true that ESB got initially mixed reviews.
Having said this I think that Empire is by far the best Star Wars movie and even qualifies as one of the best 100 or so movies ever.
You can't trust people.
>Conjure up 3 opinions
>Entire fan-base
Wonder how many this chick and her researchers had to filter out in order to fit their bias?
Can we please stop with this? Stop trying to say that people who dislike the movie are wrong. IT DOESN'T WORK!! AT ALL! Going "Well the movie is great, everyone who dislikes it is just bad and mean and not right" is only going to make people see you as a shill. If you really like the movie, take the criticisms that people have and argue them. Say why you LIKE the film, don't be going around saying that disliking it is wrong. All you're doing is trying to discredit the opposition instead of defending your views.
Different? I think it's very coherent with the first movie
stop advertising your article Julie
I only heard that critics were unhappy with the movie, not fans. This is disney trying to spin TLJ backlash in a more favorable light
A lot. I can tell you, I was there for Empire opening night and was reading everything I could afterward about it. Critics may have been somewhat mixed at the time but audiences loved it.
before the movie came out they said it would divide fans.
From what I can gather people didn't like the change to a more serious tone with a sombre ending.
Whereas TLJ just took a shit on establish characters, shitty jokes, questionable new characters, poor writing.
When will 'critics' learn to differentiate why people dislike the TLJ.
Not the fan reaction, it's the mainstream reviews, made by kikes who hated George Lucas. the same that are giving rave reviews for TLJ right now, the same that trashed the prequels.
What was the Tomatometer score?
I find it hilarious that these people can't write an article titled "Everything That Was Wrong with TLJ," and at least acknowledge the criticisms, even if it concludes by saying the movie wasn't that bad. The scapegoating and implying the movie is good because people didn't like ESB is just pathetic.
Death Star? Hyper Space Torpedoes
Death Star 2? Hyper Space Torpedoes
Starkiller Base? Hyper Space Torpedoes
Anything in the future? Hyper Space Torpedoes
Any other problem - such as even the original deathstar. Force Ghost attacks the weak point.
Thank you Female SJW Writers for your brilliant foray into Fantasy World building and your utter failure at it on a spectacular stage and scale.
>A surprise revelation about his father is confusing
Is this person actually retarded?
Welcome to why TLJ haters are retarded.
Give it time.
>Williams score for Empire isn’t as powerful
>Death Star? Hyper Space Torpedoes
>Death Star 2? Hyper Space Torpedoes
>Starkiller Base? Hyper Space Torpedoes
>Anything in the future? Hyper Space Torpedoes
>Any other problem - such as even the original deathstar. Force Ghost attacks the weak point.
>Thank you Female SJW Writers for your brilliant foray into Fantasy World building and your utter failure at it on a spectacular stage and scale.
>All you're doing is trying to discredit the opposition instead of defending your views
But they can't defend it since there is nothing to defend.
I'm not even joking, every attempot at defending this pile of trash doesn't work, becasue Rain fucked it up so bad that even a child is able to pinpoint what's wrong with it and why it doesn't make any sense at the most fundamental level.
>M-maybe if we're lucky it'll be a cult hit heheh
Good luck, retard. Empire had mixed critic scores but the audiences loved it. This has the opposite. It's all down hill from here, Rian.
>Well, there’s denial, of course, courtesy of one Robert L. Beedy-Scarola:
>Is Luke related to Vader? Most think so now that Vader came right out and said it. Well, I say, do you believe everything you hear? Vader may have lied just to enlist Luke to his side. Vader would then dispose of Luke once he got what he wanted.
>Dissatisfaction, too, via Sean Bernard:
>I know they wanted to leave something to settle in the other sequels, but they left a little too much. For instance, Han Solo’s predicament. The movie should not have ended until Han was either killed by Boba Fett or Jabba or rescued by Lando Calrissian or Chewbacca, the former, preferably. Also, the fate of Bespin is not told. Was it taken by Lando’s troops, taken by Imperial troops or destroyed by Vader? I like Lando Calrissian and Billy Dee Williams was very good playing the part.
>You’re right about Lando, Sean. You’re right about Lando.
>And, of course, there was shipping.
>Quoth one Carol Kane:
>C’mon Leia, why don’t you take a look around? Can’t you see what Luke is up against? You could have a “nice guy” like him. Instead, you are turning your back on him. Forget that it was Luke that saved you from having your atoms scattered throughout the galaxy. Forget that it was Luke, and not Han Solo, that wanted you rescued from the Death Star detention area. But you don’t need to remember all that, Leia. As long as hot-lips Han is around, who needs Luke anyway?
>H-hot-lips Han? I see. Also, can you imagine what the internet would have been like if it had been around when Return of the Jedi came out and sank that ship in the most awkward way imaginable? Twitter would’ve been unusable for a month.
But that's true.
People literally believed Vader was lying about it until RotJ. You don't understand how unprecedented that twist was.
That still doesn't make it confusing. The options were he was telling the truth or he was mind fucking him.
He was confused about whether it was true or not.
Critics loved TLJ you dipshits
Millenial logic is worrysome. At least the millenials whose goal is to get a job for one of these internet rags so they can jerk off on the internet all day for the corporation that pays them and contribute nothing to society except muddying the waters. Every employee at gizmodo should hang themselves in the break room by their stupid lanyard.
what memorable theme you have in ESB?
The Escape from Bespin song is one of the most amazing pieces of music ever made.
Though I'm sure you're just messing around.
You're forgetting.
>They have Shield's active? Warp drive under them
women truly are terrible at everything when you compare them to men
I'm past the hate/mysogony, i mostly feel bad for them.
>Falcon theme(as they’re escaping from cloud city after rescuing Luke)
>Han and Leia theme(Love Theme)
>Boba Fett’s theme(super dissonant part during Fett’s leave from cloud city
>Yoda and the force
>literally the most famous movie theme of all time, the God Damn Imperial March
Film critics’ published reviews were pretty gentle with the prequel trilogy at the time. Nothing compared to how they’re gushing over TLJ though.
>Boba Fett’s theme(super dissonant part during Fett’s leave from cloud city)
Don't use words you don't understand.
yeah because tlj is gonna be remembered as being on par with ESB
Really tired of the constant subversion by corporate kikes honestly, anyone else?
This article is bullshit and cherrypicked reactions. Fans loved the movie, I know because I was a fucking kid who saw it and loved it.
Your movie fucking sucks Disney, get over it.
But did they also think A New Hope was shit? The issue here isn't one movie being shit it's that 6 of the 9 Star Wars movies have all been garbage.
Oh come on you know exactly which part I’m talking about, that polychord is dissonant as fuck
Doesn’t make it any less gorgeous
>t. totally productive member of society
There's a comment there that says that no one thought Empire was the best movie int he trilogy until Kevin Smith said so in Clerks.
Why are people so stupid?
Because these people aren't genuine fans who give a shit, they just like parroting shit they've heard to signal.
If you aren't a fan that's perfectly fine, it's these fucking posers who want to give off the impression they're some cinephile without actually having to watch movies that are cancer.
Friendly reminder that everyone who hates TLJ is a fanboy manchild
TFA is released
>it's too similar!!!
TLJ is released
>it's too different!!!!
>Uuuuugh that part was SO BAD!!! They wasted so much time on a stupid comedy scene where the Falcon is in some dumb worm's mouth! It doesn't effect the plot at all, it's unrealistic that there's air and bat-monsters in a stomach and we never even find out the worm's backstory!"
>This guy Lando shows up in the third act who we never even heard of before and Han acts like he's all important - WTF!? They were supposed to tell us about that Jabba guy!"
>Obi-Wan said The Force and Jedi were all about Knights and Arthurian-type stuff, but now the Stupid Puppet has Luke doing all kinds of Asian Buddha meditation shit - goddamn SJWs!!"
>Luke goes into a magic tree and fights Vader but it's like a dream? BULLSHIT! There were no dreams or visions in the first one - Kasdan has no respect for the established aesthetic!"
To be honest I always considered ESB the weakest by far film of the OT
>green goblin creepy force master thing
>huge space slugs living in meteorites
>darth guy sitting in his big egg like thingy
>a humanoid dinosaur bounty hunter straight from duke nukem 3d
>force can lift ships now?? What's this?
>the bespin set (indoors) looked very unconvincing and fake
>say what?? he is his father?? that's ridiculous!!
I think ESB considered the best film of the OT is a 21st century as a result of the mainstreaming of "geek culture" (big mistake because there never was a geek culture, it's a business thing) and the way people were programmed to start accepting pop-culture-references as a valid sort of entertainment (even bigger mistake)
Still though, ESB is a cohesive story more or less, with beginning, middle and end, and not the turdfest that the new "disney" wars are
btw when people started glorifying Jango Fett, I never got what was so special about him, I bet it's another "geek culture" conformity thing from 21st century
>Run the ball 20 times in the first half
>get 35 yards
>Throw the ball 30 times in the second half
>throw three interceptions
Jesus Christ...
Beside the points are different. ESB has some points not fkeshed out enough and ended with more mysteries and on a cliffhanger. TLJ is criticised for plotholes, setup mysteries being neglected or twisted and characters misshanded.
What is your point you faggot? That critics were dumb then and are still stupid now?
I didn't hate TFA at all. Yes, it was familiar, but I thought it had a solid base for starting something new.
Last Jedi was just awful in every way
>I think ESB considered the best film of the OT is a 21st century as a result of the mainstreaming of "geek culture"
I thought it was the best because if you watch all three movies it is the most consistent, compelling, and entertaining and doesn't have fucking vietcong teddy bears
The level of damage control here is insane.
Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Rian admitted he wrote it before TFA was released and never watched it.
Fake news
People fucking loved empire strikes back when it came out, it made more money than the first film.
I doubt last jedi will make what TFA did
>it's too similar!!!
>it's too different!!
Only trolls or autist with understanding problems and reading comprehensions think so.
3/10 made me reply
>There's a comment there that says that no one thought Empire was the best movie int he trilogy until Kevin Smith said so in Clerks.
We need death camps for leftists, unironically.
sequels to big hits ALWAYS make more money
TLJ sure isn't.
i think this tendency is changing with the internet but it was true before
not true I hate star wars and shit on these latest toy ads out of spite.
Until proven otherwise you can't convince me a bunch of females given needless power didn't pull a Warner Bros on his movie
I mean celebs weren't shy of trashing the prequels in public. For example Peter Serafinowicz who dubbed Darth Maul and Simon Pegg both kikes, they liked to piss on the prequels and now they're sucking JJ Abrams little pecker.
Are Disney even trying anymore, even brainlets can see through this PR
The first time I saw ROTJ what bothered me the most was the revelation that Leia is Luke's sister and daughter of Darth
I laughed when I heard at the ending of ROTJ that Luke and Leia are siblings and Darth is their father (I haven't watched, not even know that ESB existed)
It seemed ridiculous that everyone turned out to be family.
Funny thing, I watched the ending of ROTJ before watching ESB. Actually the moment I realized there are more Star Wars movies was the moment I saw the ending of ROTJ (what a nice pure world it was, without the Internet, without information noise, without "journalist" and "reviewer" manufacturing your opinion). Actually the only memories I have of Star Wars from childhood were
>the first Star Wars, ANH, from an old, worn-out VHS tape, and I vividly remember that the opening crawl didn't say Episode IV, but I may be wrong. I was blown way, best movie I've ever seen
>the ending of ROTJ I saw randomly on TV, not knowing there is another Star Wars. It seemed silly
I don't remember the first time I watched ESB
My favorite episodes from Star Wars are ANH (by far) and ROTS from the first time I watched it.
Actually ROTS made me appreciate ESB and ROTJ because suddenly Star Wars became the tragedy of Darth Vader and it just made sense
TPM and AOTC are forgettable and disney ward are corporate turds
TLJ not being a complete ripoff like TFA was doesn't instantly guarantee that it was a good movie.
The main plotlines are resolved by things that make no sense, are contrived, or are just plain underwhelming:
>Snoke can link minds across the galaxy and sense your innermost thoughts, but can't sense a lightsaber rattling next to him
>Luke overexerts himself and dies using a power that Snoke uses willy-nilly throughout the film
>Holdo, a secondary character we don't care about, sacrifices her life to let the fleet get away
>Finn and Rose can't find the codebreaker, but a suitable replacement just happens to be their cellmate
The new characters are still underdeveloped and boring. Poe is a one-note hothead, Finn is just some bumbler caught up in all this, and Rose and Rey are just plain boring.
Not helping all of this is the terrible acting. Adam Driver aside, everyone in the film--from Boyega to Fisher to Ridley to Hamill--is completely flat and monotone.
And while TLJ isn't a *complete* ripoff, it does rehash several things from ESB (Dark Side cave, Imperial walker battle on a field of white), ROTJ (Throne room battle), and even TFA (Finn vs. Stormtrooper).
2/10, even worse than TFA.
Julie Muncy
>Queer Nerd Girl
Better source would be the back pages of StarLog.
Actually, I have some of the TESB era mags. May dig them out later and see if fans were butthurt or excited.
Hans monologues never disappoint
I aim to please.
was ESB overly produced corporate shit too though?
where was all this butthurt when many people said they didnt like the prequels?
maybe people cried less back then
TLJ was a deep and transcendent movie. Its themes and breadth of scope are part of modern mythology. People will buy the merchandise, just as supposed relics of Christ's crucifixion were sold during the Middle Ages. All will be fine.
>>Snoke can link minds across the galaxy and sense your innermost thoughts, but can't sense a lightsaber rattling next to him
The whole point here is that he was vulnerable because he was concentrating on (mis) reading Kylo's intentions, given Kylo a brief window of distraction to kill him. Nothing particularly contrived about it, like Palpatine his misplaced belief in the loyalty of his apprentice is what killed him.
>>Luke overexerts himself and dies using a power that Snoke uses willy-nilly throughout the film
Snoke uses it for 2 minute intervals throughout the film, Luke sustains it for at least half an hour.
It's fine to dislike the movie but stop making intellectually dishonest criticisms.
All I get from this is that ESB had the exact opposite reaction TLJ has: critics thought it was weak, audiences loved it.
ESB had some fucking kino shots.
Not on AOTC in particular but ROTS got gushed over considering everyone including Ebert praised Episode III heavily for avoiding most of issues its predecessors were slammed on.
christ I disagree with this entire post. Did we see the same movie.
ROTS is unironically the worst prequel movie. It's a classic unintentional comedy.
The first 2 prequels sucked in a kind of goofy way, ROTS attempted to be weighty and profound, but unfortunately, ended up being the funniest of the bunch, for all the wrong reasons. Has any other movie spawned this many classic memes dud to shitty dialogue/performances?:
this looks fake
>intellectually dishonest criticism
That's ironic since you're just completely ignoring the proximity they are to Snoke and no reasonable reason that he couldn't have sensed the danger - not even hubris can forgive that. You're just using it as a matter of convenience.
I'll give you Luke's power draining though, I agree there.
And then there're the guards - their entire reason for being there is to protect and they didn't pay attention enough to notice the sabre turn? Sorry, but I don't buy it.
>Imperial March is from ESB
RotS is better than AotC in a margin. I don't even understand how you can think otherwise, memes aside.
If you saw a movie with good acting and interesting characters, we certainly didn't.
>Worst prequel
Opinion discarded.
>posting anything but a pastebin link
Fuck off Julie you dumb cunt
>And then there're the guards - their entire reason for being there is to protect and they didn't pay attention enough to notice the sabre turn? Sorry, but I don't buy it.
Naturally the guards would be focused on the events unfolding in front of them, and the only individual in the room who would be considered an immediate threat to Snoke (Rey). We see the lightsaber turning because the camera focuses on it, but it's a subtle movement and from their perspective it wouldn't be so obvious.
>the proximity they are to Snoke and no reasonable reason that he couldn't have sensed the danger - not even hubris can forgive that.
Who cares about the proximity? We can disagree on this but I really don't think him being distracted is much of a stretch or convenience. Clearly Palpatine was extremely strong with the force but he never realized Vader was about to toss him into a hole. Why? Because of hubris, and because he was concentrating on something else. This is just one of those things you either buy or you don't but personally I don't think it's as inconceivable as you're making it out to be. The very fact that Snoke was so confident he understood Kylo's exact intention was what allowed him to get away with it.
>chair scene in AotC
>dumb romance sub-plot scenes that take up too much time
>cartoonishly bad dialogue that makes TPM look amazing and RotS workable
>too much politics that feel more like C-Span in space than actual dramatic shifts in how law is subverted by Palpatine into a dictatorship
AotC is the weakest by far.
>William's score for empire doesnt seem as powerful
I don't necessarily disagree, AOTC is a catastrophe, but could you provide some examples that are as bad as the ones I posted? I can already think of one, Anakin's "I hate sand" monologue, but I'm sure there's more.
it is very sad that star wars is so popular. it really shows how fucking stupid most people are. dont get me wrong, the star wars movies are great for 10 year old kids. but when adults genuinely believe that any star wars movie was more than extremely shallow children entertainment it is a sad statement about how fucking retarded most adults are
I bet the article will just say something about how it went darker more serious and mature
Guess what goddamn drones
We don't have TLJ because it's different per se. We hate it because it makes no fucking sense, nothing happens and is effectively shit
There's a vast difference between Palpatine being distracted by shooting lightning out of his fingers and Snoak using the standard Force feeling-reading. I appreciate that we'll never agree on this and I'm happy to drop it.
yeah most people don't realize it's not used in ANH