Is cinema a dying art form?

Where have all the great ones gone? Where's the Bresson, the Dreyer, the Tarkovsky of our generation?

You look at the Cannes and all you see are HACKS like Dolan, Haneke, Von Trier and Östlund being showered with applauses and awards.

Where has the poetry in cinema gone?

*blocks your path*


I really don't know what to say, OP.

But I know Sup Forums won't help you


Cinema can be saved but right now Vidya is the best storyteller.
All cinema has to do is stop trying to make movies purely entertaining through “cool things” alone. Some of the best movies didn’t need explosions, didn’t need forced couples and hot people, didn’t need certain actors.
I feel like movie magic has been lost to attempts to please the rampant normies.

def agree that cinema has declined but bresson and tarky are wildly overrated. definitely not the pinnacle of film.

>I feel like movie magic has been lost to attempts to please the rampant normies.
that's exactly what's happening, but where's the incentive for it to stop? only one side see it as problem mate, and that's us the appreciators of good cinema, and we're a minority. Hollywood and normies have a good mutual relationship. they watch whatever bullshit they put out, and it's a just vicious cycle

i feel like it is dying. i mean even look at blockbusters from the past like jurassic park or ET or old Star Wars. They actually felt like products of passion. Now look at modern blockbusters like Marvel films, TLJ or Jurassic World. They are complete and utter assembly line products, put together by committees who focus test these films so they hit all the right notes. They all have the exact same tone. The direction has virtually no style.

I wonder who he would like today.

Malick? Ceylan? HHH? Alonso? Weerasethakul? Angelopoulos and Kiarostami are dead. He enjoyed early Cameron, and Bresson praised Bondshit, so who knows they'd probably just be eating up capeshit like braindead wojacks and the rest of us.

2049 was great. Before that, Fury Road... maybe Jackson's 2005 King Kong?

maybe Diaz

Holy shit please let it die
I don't need any more diversification, shittification, multibillion-budgeted fanfiction and sjwification of my memories.


These are not poets. If you think so, you crave amusement not art

lol what a self-important twat, literally cancerous.

Based Griffithautist

We still have Ben Wheatley.

They exist numbnuts, you're legitmiately just too pleb to seek them out.
Bela Tarr
Ildikó Enyedi
Ruben Östlund

And that's off the top of my head. Paul Thomas Anderson will probably go down as the greatest American director of his generation, if not all time. David Lynch is similar for Canada.
>tldr; stop being a pleb

>Did he actually die now knowing he was a hack?
Always gets me.
By the way he writes it feels that the answer to OP's question is that they are right here on Sup Forums(Or perhaps over at Dvachas /kino/), shitposting.
Perhaps we really need /film/

>Bela Tarr
Nihilist Tarkovsky
>Ruben Östlund
Talentless hack

kill yourself

kiss your sister

It's been dead for a long time, breh

Great argument fagtron, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions

Andrey Zvyagintsev hasn't done a bad film yet and he's going better and better on each new one

Sometimes I think about making a film but I don't know anyone who would be interested in working with me. I live in a cultural desert at the heart of Massachusetts.

>he only watches movies by white (((people)))

nelyubov was a little cringe in the denouement imo... one scene too long. was the ukraine war segment really needed?

Yes because he hates Putin.

But yeah better the movie ending with with the missing posters getting old instead of bad parenting and thot being good at the end. She shouldn't be saved as a mother with that last shoot making the father being the bad one by throwin his new baby to the ground in his new house

Also, I watched the movie with Bleeps during the insults because Putin doesn't wants swearing in the movies now I think, was funny tho when the grandmother scene because it's only swearing scene

Good things are still being made, your fat Amerilard ass is just too busy checking the rt scores for capeshit and Star Wars to be aware of them

I would have liked the movie to fade out with the shot through the window of all the kids playing in the snow. haunting.

Are you good fellows Russian? I bought the film Hard To Be A God a couple months back and haven't gotten around to watching it. If you've seen it what do you think of it? I don't know much about contemporary Russian film, or Russian film in general other than early stuff. Curious to know if this movie has a good rep over in the land of frozen hackers.

True. But yes he need to do the cut a bit, same happend with Leviathan, too long sometimes.

Public Enemies
Stray Dogs
Road to Nowhere
Three Times
The Flight of the Red Balloon
Eccentricities of a Blond-Hair Girl
Waterfront Follies
Johnnie To's films, especially Blind Detective

These are some great films I've seen that were released in the past ten years. I've missed recent Kiarostami but I imagine he'd make the list.

>Almost 2018
>Not watching aryan kino

I pity such poor fools

haven't seen it and im a pleb so havent watched much russian film

What are some good Scandinavian kinos

Nothing by Dreyer or Sjostrom, that's for certain.

Imagine actually believing this.

It's one of the best films of the decade, a true epic opus.

Really? I should watch it soon, then.