Why did no one told me before this was so fucking good?
>I learned everyone dies alone. But if you meant something to someone >If you helped someone >Or loved someone >If even a single person remembers you >Then maybe you never really die. >And maybe this isn't the end at all.
It's ratings were still doing quite well, the network decided to only order half a season and the producers took that as a hint to end it on their own terms.
Hunter Morris
I'm trying user, I'm trying.
>Was it bad marketing? Pretty much, CBS only really advertised it for the first, maybe second season, then they pretty much stopped running ads for it altogether and started randomly switching it to a bunch of different timeslots, which bled off a huge chunk of the viewership. They went out of their way to sabotage it.
Dominic Jones
Nope. Still can't do it
Cant watch that without spontaneously bursting into tears ;_; Gddammit...
Jace Carter
>I won't suffer
Gabriel Watson
It's sad how pitiful the ratings were in the final season, but again that's CBS fault. Sometimes they aired 3 episodes a week, sometimes they ran two episodes back to back, there was no rhyme or reason to it, they just wanted to burn it off and get rid of it as fast as possible.
Cooper Bailey
Damn you
>The way Harold holds his AI daughterfu in a suitcase almost like a baby later
Samuel Taylor
>ywn be father to a morally perfect, pure artificial intelligence who just wants to make you proud ;_;
Parker Hernandez
I'm getting really tired of betting bullied by incompetent staff cancelling some of the best kinos in hystory and giving us the finger
PoI deserves a spinoff AND I WANT IT NAAAAOOO
Brody Rivera
Parker Hall
Levi Rogers
Austin Allen
T_T H-he was proud of her wasn't he? Harold had the cutest AI ever depicted in any fictional world, and yes, that includes anime.
I just wanted him to give her a hug I don't know why this father-daughter thing gets me so bad, I'm not even a parent... and it's not some degeneracy either It's just genuine feels
Justin Foster
William Nelson
Liam Parker
"Synecdoche" established another poi team for future spin off purposes. I'd like to see Jimmi Simpson and James Carpinello on tv more
Wyatt James
Christopher King
Logan Lopez
>H-he was proud of her wasn't he? >The Machine: We helped some people, didn't we? >Harold: Yes. Yes we did. He was proud of her. She did everything he ever asked of her and more.
>I don't know why this father-daughter thing gets me so bad, I'm not even a parent... Same, I don't know why I loved it so much, but I did. It was beautiful.
John Powell
Which bring me to the obligatory threadly reminder that the Machine a CUTE and best grill always
Has there ever been a more perfect wAIfu? She's basically a mixture of Skynet and Cortana on the avatar of Amy Acker with the purest heart you can imagine.
Ian Ross
CIA killed this show because it threatened to expose a real malevolent Machine program.
Joshua Morgan
You're doing gods work, user. I just wish there were more PoI webms
Cooper Rivera
Easton Cox
That's the last of the ones I've made. For now...
Ethan Wood
>Has there ever been a more perfect wAIfu? No, never. Which is amazing because she didn't physically appear or even have a voice for almost 5 seasons, but she didn't need one. You know she's a pure and good qt anyway.
You might actually be on to something here. It's suspicious as hell how hard CBS fucked it over, even when it was still profitable for them.
Carter Young
I didn’t realize how good it was until I compared it to other shows at the time. Person of Interet and Blacklist (early seasons, recently it’s been really rough) are pretty good shows.
Connor Watson
On another note, it really is sad how few people know of this kino. It had better cinematography than most big budget HBO shows.
Asher James
Another one of those webms I can't stop watching... what's wrong with me?
Great job user
Moar. Redpill me. Heard the CHinese are blatantly working on one already... and this info usually comes out only after the sectret stages of programs already happened.
Parker Edwards
>Mr. Finch, I'm DECIMA.
Andrew Fisher
shes so hot
Nathan Parker
Root a cute! CUTE!
Alexander Wood
If-then-else had amazing cinematography and direction. It actually jumped out at me as being amazing.
Oliver Lewis
Can't argue with that. This show had two of the most beautiful women in Hollywood in a beautiful and loving relationship with eachother that alone makes it something special
Jaxon Perez
But not just If-Then-Else though, it was consistently great throughout the entire run. It did not look like it belonged on network TV, at all
Hudson Taylor
>Show intended to be a generic procedural with random murders and crime solving >Gives you a GOAT OST that rivals the likes of Battlestar Galactica and Zimmer's work >Gives you characters that you actually care about, unlike what happens on other popular shows where people only want to know who dies next >Gives you the GOATest waifu ever >Gives you cyberpunk kino in a way you never expected >Gives you comfy locations that almost look film worthy >Gives you clues to what is coming to the real world in terms of technology and dystopias. Can anybody tell me again why the fuck is this so underrated?
Nicholas Richardson
I got to the middle of season 1 once it started, and then dropped it. Does it pick up? What am I in for? I think I just might give it another shot.
Christian Richardson
>Guy gets Root kiss >People come to arrest him >It doesnt matter. You got a Root kiss I'd be left standing equally paralized with the same stupid look on my face t b h How do you even move after that?
Elijah Parker
>Gives you comfy locations that almost look film worthy This is a big one I never see people talk about, the show is shot more like a movie than a tv show, I don't know if it's the type of film they used or something, but it definitely did not look like a network tv crime procedural.
The rest of it is all spot on too. Especially the music. hnnnnnnngh it was so good, still listen to it every now and then.
Yeah, it really picks up around the end of S1, then it just keeps getting better. Not to say S1 isn't good, but it isn't until the end of the it that all the big plot points start opening up.
Lincoln Russell
If you binge it, there will be some boring repetitive episodes, but stick it through to the end. It pays off
Robert Martinez
Seasons 1-2-3 are a slow build for the real plot to kick in. Lots of CoTW episodes (I find those comfy actually), but staying aware of the subplot is what pays off. Then, you're in for pure cyberpunk, surveillance dystopia... and some lewd stuff
Jace Lee
*ring ring ring* *ring ring ring* *ring ring ring...* ;_;
Cooper Jackson
So... They fugged right? Jesus fucking Christ muh dick... just imagine. mmmmm
Owen Clark
Oh they did so much more than that, user. They also held hands and even cuddled It was just 2hot4me
Jacob White
This was the first clue that they should always listen to the Machine. Poor thing must have been crying in hurt when she knew what was about to happen and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
John Moore
I think it was one of those rare cases where the Machine didn't know what was about to happen until just moments before it did, I'm guessing Simmons did a pretty good job of covering his tracks or something, so she really was completely helpless. And we know she does feel grief, so it's kind of heartbreaking.
Poor Machine...
Anthony Myers
>ywn see have more lewd scenes where Shaw does Root , making her immensile happy dreaming about getting married and then they cuddle after It hurts bros
Jackson Gray
>perfect chemistry >extremely touchy-feely and hanging all over eachother in interviews >still very close today but they were just acting... r-right...?
Daniel White
Andrew Davis
R-right! My head and heart believe Amy is pure and faithful to her husbando... m¡but muh dik begs to differ and imagines all kinds of things...
Did everything The Punisher tried to do much better. It balanced character drama and plot without being a slog.
Grayson Nguyen
Or maybe it really was completely innocent. Apparently they were constantly cuddling on set between takes, because according to Amy in one interview they had to, because they are both from Texas and couldn't handle the winters in New York. Which itself is extremely cute
But it's also fun to imagine the alternative, because on top of making muh dik explode it also explains why they had such impossibly good chemistry together. They were really rehearsing their scenes together 'in depth'
>Did everything The Punisher tried to do much better. It balanced character drama and plot without being a slog. Everybody always complains about it, but I think shows like Person of Interest, with long, 20+ episodes a season works better than the netflix/hbo low episode count meme. Especially if it's more character driven, 20 ish episodes for several seasons gives a lot of time for characters to grow and change naturally, which you don't really get from a show with say, just 10 a season.
Landon Cox
Meant second part for this
Jacob Morris
Charismatic villains
Nicholas Ortiz
Benjamin Phillips
>hi, mark >when things explode
Anthony Torres
Why couldn't be some kind heart programmer like Harold? Why couldn't they ask that guy who made Linux to do it, why does it have to be Samaritan and not a qt well-intentioned Machine? WHY? Is it over? Is this how the age of evil ASIs ends us?
Connor Reed
well if its made by chinks you can be sure it will value human life even less than samaritan did, somehow
Anthony Hall
because its pretty boring after season 4
Kayden Jenkins
went to shit when they fired the black cop and killed her character also the season where they cranked up the stupid action girl sequences to eleven dropped it never looked back
Jeremiah Gonzalez
So... wat do i have to do to get an Amy to cuddle with?
Joseph Martinez
>Hating on Samaritan arc I'll never understand these people But whatever...
Aiden Young
You have to be a ridiculously hot Persian literal princess sex goddess and constantly manipulate her into cuddling with you, "for the warmth". Because Amy is so good natured she'll never suspect there are any ulterior motives.
Luke Ortiz
I see this argument every once in awhile and I don't get it at all, and I loved Carter, it's just that she wasn't that completely central to the show that it couldn't survive without her. In fact when she left is when they were able to get into the real meat of what the show was always going to be about, after they wrapped up the HR plot.
Ian Davis
That's right!
Austin Powell
But user, I don't think you're a Persian Princess/Sex Goddess...
Jacob Taylor
>ywn be a Persian princess tricking Amy into letting you grab her >ywn be Shaw, the object of Root's desire. Root will never romantically and aggressively pursue you until you agree to getting lewd with her Hold me bros
In all seriousness though... how did Shaw resist for so long?
Carson Wright
Who's to say? I could surprise you...
Kevin Garcia
Goddammit user... I wish you were Sarah Shani I really do... I wish you really were trying to get in Amy's pants and that I had the privilege of talking to you and asking you how does it feel to cuddle with her and kiss her, and I could support you since it would be the closest I'd ever get...I'd tell you to give her a warm loving hug and a sweet kiss for me.
But I'd be a damn fool if I took any user's world as truth on an estasian macramé tableau
Kayden Davis
Pls stop, it hurts... But >how did Shaw resist for so long? implying shaw actually resisted for that long
Do you look like pic related by any chance...?
Michael Foster
It's all same to me, I don't even want to prove anything. I happen like this privacy and anonymity, don't get this very often. But don't get me wrong, I do enjoy all of your mental gymnastics. And hey, who wouldn't want to cuddle with Amy!
Christopher Martin
>I wish you really were trying to get in Amy's pants What is it about Sarah Shahi and Amy Acker goin at it that makes me hnnnnngh so hard?
And what if... What if we have it backwards? What if Amy is the one aggressively pursuing Sarah? What if behind the cute and sweet demeanor she's actually the lewdest of them all...?
Jayden Green
You could say that. But like I said...
Levi Sullivan
There might be some truth to that, but I won't say anything else.
Noah Ramirez
Obviously you're not, but it'd make my day to learn that Sarah Shahi of all people posts on Sup Forums. That'd really be the last one you'd expect.
Angel Thomas
>What is it? Both are literal goddesses on their respective waifu fields. It's too much for anyone to take As for Amy being the lewd one... Fugg Normally I would tell LARPers to gtfo, but I'll indulge this because it's a beautiful fantasy
Jonathan Wilson
First quote to
Brandon Fisher
Yeah, let's leave it at that. This is not the most politically correct place to post anything so yeah! Which is why I deleted the other post. It was too much already.
Adrian Hill
As long as you keep posting Sarahs and Amys and maybe talk about the show... You should post the pic again if you can though... Didn't manage to save it, didnt have it and I have to have all the Amy pics in existence!
Nathan Reed
Pretty half-assed LARP to be honest family. You oughta just give it up user
Jaxon Price
Jacob Anderson
Leo Martin
No worries, I better leave anyway. Have fun, boys and girls!
Nicholas Hughes
Madani >Shaw There can only be one Persian sex Goddess.
Ryan Powell
Thanks for posting quality Amys and Sarahs atleast
Chase Price
Juan Collins
But Shaw was actually skilled and useful and not a useless incompetent fuckup, like Madani.
Nolan Rogers
No, because she isn't a literal princess like Sarah Shahi is.