John Oliver caught lying about Net Neutrality
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jew spam
>It’s like getting a pet walrus: You think it’s stupid now, wait until you learn what a bucket of sea cucumbers costs. You’ve not prepared for that!”
truly the thinker of our time
>Releases 30 minute video
>cute animal analogies
>redditors caught defending ISPs because Trump loves them
Thank you Comcast for correcting the record!
This statement makes no sense.
I mean why go with such a small channel then?
Yikes. It doesn't take 30 minutes to mischaracterize net neutrality, unless you need all that time to cherry pick and mischaracterize enough real life events to build a whole false reality where NN is a bad thing.
Obama didn't come up with NN neutrality out of nowhere as a powergrab. ISPs were caught throttling traffic, censoring information, and otherwise abusing their power in the same ways that we are now afraid they will do without NN.
inb4 it's okay because he's just a (((comedian)))
Brainlet here, should I be for net neutrality or against it?
you fags voted for the biggest goy in the history of the world, enjoy getting all your alt-right websites taken down because corps aren't gonna allienate the rest of the world to pander to your faggotry.
>implying the ATT censoring a pearl jam concert has anything to do with NN
t. brainlet. also, NN wasnt what you think it was
wow literally nothing will change
Against regulation of the free market.
reminder that netflix was throttling itself
I don't have a horse in this race, but I don't understand how repealing Net Neutrality would lead to the situation in the bottom.
>pepe is supposed to be the good guy
Here's how you know that's polshit
nothing will change its just 14 year old redditors thinking the INTERNET IS DOOOMEEDD!11!11
OK, but what about the people who think it will get better? How would that work, hypothetically?
How about you do your own research for both sides a day decide for yourself? It's people like you that makes democracy fail.
I didn't vote for Trump. I just couldn't make heads or tails of your statement. Reddit was pretty much pro-Bernie.
they think that the free market will make it better
which is also retarded because nothing will change
Blah! This was meant for
you should be for it like the rest of the brainlets and make the cause look bad
Stormfront or daily stormer or whatever was already taken down while Net Neutrality existed. What's your point?
John Oliver is such a horrible little conniving rat.
How can anyone stomach to listen let alone LOOK at him?
This. They have literally already tried to do this. The fucking leading telecom in Germany was just found trying to do the same thing. Our rates are going to go up. To deny this is to deny the very nature of reality. Yet, some people actually think telecoms won't try to milk this for everything it's worth. Some motherfuckers are dumb as shit.
Nice ad-hominem.
It's actually a pretty good question. You would think they would get someone beautiful and charismatic like Jon Stewart to be their libshit mouthpiece, not someone you instinctively want to punch in the mouth.
I live in a country without net neutrality. (Australia)
Our internet fucking sucks and literally companies make deals with ISPs to throttle and unmeter certain traffic. On my ISP, Netflix is the only viable streaming service because of deals made with the ISP.
It astounds me that Chuds are so anti "liberal" that they literally become anti Net Neutrality for no reason. It's fucking crazy shit.
That's the thing though. He doesn't appear like that to most people. He looks offensive to you because you hate him.
I live in a country without net neutrality and we don't have that problem because we have 2 ISPs and if one of them fucks up, people will move to the other.
No he definitely looks like that, you just don't think so because you agree with him ;^)
See in the states we have multiple ISPs , but they are all specific to certain regions. So you where ever you live you have one choice.
This. I live in South Africa and we have no net neutrality laws. It's a fucking shithole down here.
He's ugly regardless of political affiliation. Look at those teef.
Did he seriously use a food analogy?
I've never even watched the dude's show although I've seen him back in the day on The Daily Show. He has a good sized fanbase that can't be denied. You just hate him. That's cool.
>legalizing censorship is fine because they haven't censored anything I care about yet and never will. Also you're wrong but I don't need to say how or why.
>What is net neutrality?
Yes, and? Throttling is still bad, and it's still allowed without NN. Netflix did a bad, we don't want ISPs to do the same bad.
He is objectively unappealing with fucked up rat teeth and typical beady anglo eyes. I know liberals like to intellectually play around with relativism especially when it comes to things like standards of beauty and competence but in no way is John Oliver anything other than down right weasily in both physiognomy and character.
This thread is testicular cancer
>it's another one of these young voiced americans putting on a spooky tone and talking about the death of the white race over flashily edited stock footage
You can be ugly and still have fans. Steve Buscemi's built his career on being ugly.
Maybe this dickwad could explain all the fake votes the FCC came up with in support of killing net neutrality.
hey dumbass, all major tv stations censor things as well.
>Yes, and? Throttling is still bad,
the meme is that the ISPs will be the ones throttling it, not the actual sites themselves.
>e-card as an arguement
>no one calling this fucking geek out
>the geek just continues with the "Wow you just hate him he's not ugly" bullshit
What happened to this place? This fucking puke of a person needs to be strung out and exiled from this place. You're not welcome you fucking redditor
I wonder why I don't hate Jon. Guess it has nothing with him not being a horrible bucktoothed gremlin.
Nothing will change at first. There's too much bad press, why make your company look bad when you can slowly make the changes you want once the attention dies down?
>I still don't think anything will change because I'm a brainlet/cuck/libshit
This. God I hate John Oliver's face so much.
>the meme is
The meme is irrelevant, I'm talking about reality, fuckboi.
>pampered fratboy shill
Best one for the Conan "/ourguy/" O'Brien
Shane MacGowan is arguably one of the most fucked up looking people in the music industry and he's world renowned for his talents and 'no fucks given attitude' as well as anything else.
Really the idea the looks alone are why we hate the rat John Oliver is absurd
because FCC is so corrupt is the reason we need to not let them govern the internet.
>le government bad corporations Good!!!!!!
americans are fucking pathetic.
May as well link snopes
>these other guys do this bad thing so let's let everyone do the bad thing
>t. sven mohammadson
May as well admit attacking the messenger is the closest thing you've got to an argument :^)
>whiter than you, muhammed
good goy, corporation GOOD gobernment BADD
>get shot
>go to hospital
>charged 50k+ for life saving services
>can't pay
>sent to debtors prison
I appreciate the links and info, at least. Thanks user
what's going on in Rolette, NC
Always do the opposite of what the big telecom companies want.
I cant wait until this shit is over. Politics are a joke on both sides. What happened to America.
thats an actual quote
im sure there are 500 more about unicycles and.... stuff
thats how long it takes when its 100% jokes
>california, texas, arizona, florida
>white genocide is just a meme they said
fuck off Netflix, Jewgle, Facebook shill
t. encyclopedia dramatica expert
Looks like French Canadians
Non-whites enter the country from both borders
>this bothers the Sup Forums contrarian
>we want less governement!
>free speach!
>leftists and faggots agree
>free enterprise!
>nothing will change!
Yeah fuck having utilities and shit it's 2017 people.
what about Catron, NM
>dude you need to be for this 2 year old legislation that helped nothing cus uh ya know it might kill off free porn even tho porn wasn't hurt at all in the 25 years before this obama legislation
Ideally the free market would work but the government has too many grubby mitts in the ISP market at this point for things to work themselves out naturally
The FCC needs to go next.
I don't like the scare-mongering tactics of the NN crowd, but I haven't seen a good argument for getting rid of NN from a consumer standpoint. Any help there?
>Always do the opposite of what the big telecom companies want.
Yes goy, ignore those mean ISPs, listen to our liberal silicon valley conglomerates instead, we truly have your interests at heart!
ISP will throttle retard normies using netflix leaving more broadband for me to shitpost with.
yeah, i sure would like the internet to be more like tv.
So should we get fucked by the government or corporations? Which is worse?
Has nothing to do with ISPs though. The dumb fag that owns the site kept breaking domain host after domain host's ToS and they got tired of dealing with his shit.
This. We're screwed either way. This whole net neutrality thing is a meme.
>all major tv stations censor things as well
Because they aren't common carriers, dumbass.
The corporations can only fuck us because the government shoved their greedy mitts into the matter, thereby giving the corporations control in the government.
We're screwed by the government either way.
Damn look Larry I found great JEWelry in this pawn SHOP we should check it out they have GREAT CRITICS and DISNEY merchandise you won't regret it
the argument by anti-NN is that before NN there was nothing wrong with the internet. ok. was there anything wrong after NN was implemented? no. so why it needs to change then?
Yeah so how does NN affect the alt-right in any way? The sites are gonna taken down regardless.
Democracy will ALWAYS fail. Humans are imperfect and there is no surefire way to provide a balanced system of government because of that fact alone. AI would be a savior, or a destroyer. Probably both.
>Reddit was pretty much pro-Bernie.
The_Donald has more subs than almost every socialist/left-leaning subreddit combined.