How can Mary Elizabeth Winstead live with herself?
How can Mary Elizabeth Winstead live with herself?
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she's a puta
This is nobody's business but their own.
>Mary Elizabeth Winstead
literally who?
I get that really obscure reference
How many porn actresses will have to die before this madman is stopped?
They’re public figures - it’s our business too. This is how this works now.
Imagine being so devoid of a personality you obsess over other people's lives.
politicians are public figures, actors are not
Becoming box office poison for being a cunt is every movie goers business. I wouldn't get paid to watch MEW or McGregor again, not after finding out about the way he treats his wife and that she didn't leave Riley if she wasn't happy.
Both cunts, wont watch their movies.
>There's always a bigger fish.
lol, user...she's a woman. believe me she's long since justified it in her own mind
>Riley probably never saw it coming
>Mary Elizabeth Winstead was probably flirting with Ewan for ages
>when SHE felt the time was right for HER she left him
>probably withheld sex and general affection from him for months while she was flirting with Ewan
>Mary has her new life with her fresh boyfriend all set to go, ready for thanksgiving, christmas and whatever else
>Riley is completely emotionally fucked and alone
at least he fucked her when she was in her prime
Man, he must be only lonely guy in world.
>hurr you lifeless losers leave their lives alone they deserve privacy
fuck off the paps have been exposing celebrity shit for years, tens of millions of people are into following this shit for whatever dumb ass reason, why are you acting like this is something new and abhorrent NOW?
Soy boys, when will they learn?
The man brags about how good of a martial artist he is and yet he trains with children. MEW did nothing wrong
good lord im seeing how much this situation sucks now that you've spelled all that out. its all so obvious.
what goes around, comes around
Didn’t he break some kid’s arm in order to win a silver medal or something?
When is Riley going to use his judo to break Ewan's kneecaps?
Things losers tell themselves that never actually happen
It's always been abhorrent, especially tryhard shit like this, mining for drama where this is none.
>millions of people do it, can we do less?
We should strive to do more, user.
>new life with her fresh boyfriend all set to go
Until the alimony system teaches McGregor the important lesson that only women are allowed to abandon their spouses and children for the sake of a fling.
No kind of divine justice exists in this world.
Digits decide when he finally snaps and kills them both.
He's a beta. I spend time with my parents when I'm single during holidays and I have a great time. He's trying to look pathetic for her sympathy. Soyboy tactic
grand standing and acting all moral here isn't gonna do shit you ttard. tell that to the millions of brainlets that follow whatever the fuck the kardashians are doing like a cult and than realize that won't do shit either.
Riley is training. He will unjust himself by taking his revenge
I get that scottish cocksucker
I'm talking about we, you and me specifically.
She doesn't live with herself, she lives with Ewan more. Stop making these threads Riley.
then leave you tool, you still won't stop this from being posted on the fucking celebrity gossip board.
What is there to justify? He’s not entitled to her love or presence, just as she won’t be to Ewan’s when he’s sliding up to the next young trim.
>Fucked her in her prime
>No kids and she's richer than him so he won't be ruined financially by a divorce (unlike Ewan)
>Works in the entertainment industry so can find hot chicks easily, not to mention casting couch game
>Ewans getting sloppy seconds at the expense of destroying his own family and making his kids hate him, plus MEW will surely want kids from him
Why do we feel bad for Riley again?
It's just the result of a pointless, shitty world.
We fucked up the moment we stopped throwing people like this into the meat grinder.
that's not how it works actually lol
Riley please
Honestly man, he never deserved to have her
I never understood how unimpressive unremarkable dudes get gf's so easily
This is how it's supposed to be. I don't feel sorry for him, one holiday alone and he's already in shambles, fuck him. He's weak
>He’s not entitled to her love or presence
It used to be that marrying someone did in fact make them entitled to your love and presence, back before society went to shit
she didnt deserve him
shes a dumb cunt and Ewan is gonna dump her once hes bored
I genuinely feel bad for him. He and MEW first met when they were 17 and broke up when they were 33, basically his entire adult life was spent with this one girl and then she just ditches him. Also I feel bad for Ewan's ex-wife, apparently they had Mary over for dinner multiple times while she and Ewan were still married with several children. It's fucked up.
He should be out there penetrating young women
>Ewans getting sloppy seconds at the expense of destroying his own family and making his kids hate him, plus MEW will surely want kids from him
Obi-Wan is seriously heading for a Red Pill awakening at some point.
Literally every twitter or Instagram post of his is "me so ronery" and "why did she leave me". The guy is making it other people's business and needs to change the record.
Moreover, mew is already 33 and she will hit the wall very soon.
She broke up with him before she went for Ewan
His old wife couldn't even bear him a son.
I bet MEW has the nicest butthole
She had been fucking Ewan for ages
>All these Boys of Soy in this thread
That's your assumption
>filmed Fargo season 3 early 2016
>leaves Riley after summer 2016
Oh honey
this is what happens when you score a chick that's just a little out of your league and a little crazy.
been there.
this literally happened to me
Destroying pathetic betas is a women’s right of passage.
I’ve really began to respect Mary these past couple months as she’s thrown off the shackles of an unsatisfying relationship and grown in to a strong woman.
Make 2016 2017
>semi-attractive, fairly successful director gets to sleep with MEW on a regular basis, and allegedly took her virginity.
>Could have any number of 9/10 normie girls, despite being only marginally attractive yourself
>Sup Forums feels bad for him because of their own projection
Dude his life is literally 400x better than anyone that posts on this board.
Let your hate flow through you
He's a soyish trendy faggot, this is why she left him. He's a sad sack that hangs out at the apple store drinking 5 dollar coffees. I bet he walks around with a man purse.
The other guy has more clout and is probably a good guy, aside from being an adulterer
I don't blame her
>tfw Riley sleeps every night and dreams they're still together, going through the motions but it's still the same relationship he's used to for years
>wakes up and realizes it's not real anymore
>she's a phonecall away, but she won't take his call and he gets a voice message with her voice, he still doesn't leave a message
>he gets into a panic and starts calling her every 10 minutes until she picks up
>finally Ben Kenobi answers and tells him to leave her alone and that he's hurting her by doing this
>a Star Wars commercial starts playing on tv at that exact moment
>he tries to strike the tv set but even with his black belt in kid-defeating at a local kara-teh place he can't dent the tv and his chops ineffectively bounce off the screen
>postman slips a letter under the door
>it's a $3.21 payment from a show he wrote 10 years ago
>time to have a sad wank
So this is the power of SUPERIOR BRITISH COCK
This guy could be the poster boy for numales
>their own projection
you mean his own projection? the dudes social media screams "wah wah i'm lonely feel bad for me :C"
>getting cheated on for your partner of 16 years doesn't hurt at all hes fine xD stop projecting
what a tard
This guy gets it. Ewan is going to ravage her butthole for a bit and then drop her once the wall hits. She'll probably go back to beta boy to save herself some money on the alimony payments while sucking off producers to get what little work she can.
Riley it's time to stop posting
>tfw he left a kike who forces her religion on his children for THIS
Can anyone here blame the guy? I mean look at that ass.
>sleeps every night and dreams they're still together
I hope he goes on a rampage and snaps Ewan's arms
>MEW leaves beta husband
>Ewan leaves shrew wife
I honestly don't see the problem with this
He's clearly in the midst of a deep mid-life crisis
>You know that serial cheating foreign born A- list mostly movie actor who finally got busted cheating with the B+ list actress? Yeah, that a-hole. Anyway, he is cheating on the actress with some random retail clerk he recently met. Let us not lose sight of the fact, he is still married too.
He knows he's a cuck
*touches MEW's pressure point*
omae wa mou shindeiru
This is the douchiest couple I've ever seen. They both look like they deserve an ass-beating. That nu-male needs to hurry up with the murder-suicide already.
Breach of contract. Contract Man will save us!
Ewan is /ourguy/
Judging by the Fappening a few years back, doesn't Riley probably have a lot of nude photos of MEW?
It was Qui-Gon Jinn who said that, not Obi Wan.
Nice trips, but a public figure is whoever the public says is a public figure.
Nah she probably let him hold her hand at most
poor guy. he needs to get himself a Mewto.