(Pro tip: you can’t)
Try to name a worse fanbase than Star Wars
death grips
rick and morty
h.p. lovecraft
Capeshit, but it's all in the same vein
any anime
net neutrality
bethesda games
richard and mortimer
Steven Universe
Home Stuck
All wrong. They at least have the decency to be HAPPY.
At least they are appropriate to watch/read/listen to over 18
this is you
The Rick and Morty fanbase who are self-proclaimed 'nihilists' which is code for lazy and apathetic
Harry Potter for constantly trying to virtue signal through fictitious characters. Thanks Rowling.
Rick and Morty, a show about faux intelligence for people who want to feel smart.
Doctor Who. Tumblr is always trying to get the characters to fuck.
Supernatural, Tumblr also always wants the characters to fuck.
Steven Universe
Doctor Who
Sophia Lillis fans in Sup Forums
Sneed Posters
I enjoyed Doctor Who a lot 7 years ago when I was 13 years old but that's surprising that people are still into it.
Tennant's run is kino have to admit. Smith's run was pretty convoluted (the whole being inside of a robot that looked like him thing).
Unironically Donald Trump fans. Have you ever seen a more obnoxious group of people? Like they will actually spam the fuck out of you if you say anything bad about the thing they like, even when its completely constructive and in a serious discussion. Haven't seen fanboys this adamant in a long time.
My dick's fandom
They suck very hard
In fairness though, the star wars fandom have an advantage over say the Sonic, undertale, fnaf and Rick and Morty fandom simply due to the fact that it was around longer than any of them.
>t. avid reddit user
Anyone who watches anything on Twitch
you just mad that our show got a dedicated board.
>stock responses
>lol he mad