
>The Last Jedi
What movie is he going to hack to make people hate it next?

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Black Panther

> "little boys, little boys here I come" look


>he has been the president of russia 3 times in a row

why Russians can't grasp the concept of democracy?

Merkel has been chancellor of germany for almost the same amount of years

Check out Germany my nigga

if putin is behind me hating ghostbusters and the last jedi i'd say hes pretty based

I don't believe Russian elections are rigged, he's just really popular.

That's why the US has term limits, if not our own democracy would be pointless because that nigger Obama would be president forever

>I don't believe Russian elections are rigged
its historical fact that putin has rigged at least 2 elections. that much i do know. the man was in the KGB, and so were most of his staff

So who was the guy that the Russian people secretly wanted to be President and actually got the 60%+ of the vote Putin regularly reels in?

probably one of these guys


Um, but they elected him. Putin is just popular.

>because that nigger Obama would be president forever

kek, the state of USA


Was there bullshit shenanigans in the elections to make Putin’s victory more overwhelming than it would be otherwise? Yes. However, there is no candidate that has had anywhere near the amount of support needed to actually beat Putin. He’s a popular president.

Obama was seen as a christ-like messiah even in Europe, some european leaders tried to market themselves as "just like obama"


Black Panther then Ocean's 8

didn't he deport millions of illegal immigrants? But somehow Trump doing the same thing equates to white nationalistic fascism?
Americans are clinically retarded, they can't look at facts without an ideological lens

Did you not even look at the filename

Yeah I was the one who established that Obama was seen as a literal god among men even in europe, that was all coming from american propaganda though which basically described him as a christ-like figure sacrificing his life to help the poor
I was wondering how americans reconcile the fact that Obama did the same exact things that every american president does, and yet they call one good and one evil and present them completely differently in their press coverage
If you took humbridge with my comment on how americans are retarded don't worry, europeans are just as retarded, only in a different way

Its the best they have.

Sounds like Nixon.

>doesn't realise that Putin's already groomed several successors

He resigned from the KGB during the Yeltsin debacle, he at least has principles.

George Bush Snr was a CIA man and had no principles, US politicians do not any outside experience as long as they are eloquent and can tow the bosses line.

This desu, if Panther significantly underperforms the mouse is gonna have a real bad time.

You're retard. Everybody knows they are rigged... it's barely hidden. Of course he would win in a fair election now anyway.

t. russian

The only movie that did not disappoint recently was Mad Max. Jurassic Park is dead, Star Wars is propaganda, marvel is quip factory, DC is an over managed mess, star trek is propaganda.

Star Trek is a fucking webseries, it doesn't get deader than that

memes aside, people don't hate TLJ

>why Russians can't grasp the concept of democracy?
That's literally how it works on every major western (((Democracies))) except the USA. you're the exception, not the rule.

Just trying to be Russia very own FDR.

>historical fact
>that much I do know
Okay random idiot on the internet, I believe you

Dude he's just competent, the economy, diplomacy and safety are way better under him than under previous leaders

Russians tried other things and all failed, they got no reason to elect other option yet.

I only personally know one person who's seen it and he hated it

Ocean's 8 is going to bomb, it's obvious. I reckon Black Panther will do well though

>arresting and persecuting your opponents

Then Venezuela y also a democracy

>altright sadbrains lower perfectly fine movie score out of spite
>normalfags become cautious and don't watch the film
>i-it wasn't us guys! see box office proves it!

Trump dogwhistled nativism everytime. No, dogwhitling needs subtlety, he wa just openly xenophobic. That's why little Sup Forumsturds love him, they saw him as a last line of defense against muh white genocide.

There is also ending DACA, and building a retarded wall that does nothing at solving the immgration problem. Both thing that Obama wouldn't have done, despite deporting tons of immigrants, as it was his job to do.

Rigged or not, he will still win.

All people I know, who have seen the movie, range from 'ok' to 'good' . But I don't know any starwars fans, just regular movie goes

>alt right can change the public opinion on a movie
>but they still can't get me a qt gf
i hate you guys

But Rian Johnson didn't work on the Ghostbusters film.