(((They))) don't seem to like how he's been edited and memed into the spokeman for the TLJ backlash it seems. We need to protect him, bros.

Fuck (((them))), they killed Michael Jackson's legacy and now this?

Oh shit no no no no no,Kennedy was not amused after the premier.

So it WAS pure pottery what happened to Luke's character


force abortion? so he tried holding his hand out at his girls bump till it went away lmao

fuck Mark Hamill, that's what he gets for dealing with the (((Devil)))

Here we go. Public assassination is their style.


>force abortion


So let me get this straight. This broad goes and gets knocked up and wants to extort a famous family for child support, they don't want anything to do with that shit, and she's the victim?

As much as Sup Forums likes to think he's "based" Mark's personality always struck me as a little off balance.


How many layers of yellow press are you on?

>son gets prostitutes pregnant

Classic boomer parenting there from Hamill.


>with jews you always lose

list your trusted sources

>your son get's an ex-porn actress from tinder pregnant after dating for 3 months and now she wants your son to pay child support
I would have done the same.

>Force Abortion

cheeky brits

Based Mark ain't down to waste the family midichlorians on some scrub pussy

Post an archive link, retard

Mouse sends his regards.


Force Abortion sounds like a pretty niche Dark Side power.


>Force Abortion
Is this a Light Side or Dark Side Power ?

The guy on the right has a fucking monocle. The guy on the left looks like a proletarian pleb.

Hhahahah I read the title as "A force abortion"

Lul seriously though:

>"Chen said she took two pills to end the pregnancy, but they didn’t work."

So she agreed then threw them up in the bathroom so she could gold dig child support?


I was wondering why (((they))) aren't ruining Hamil's life yet, after he said TLJ is shit so many times. Some denegerate porn star whore hysterical for attention is all they could come up with? Amazing

Firstly, she seems extremely unpleasant, it's hard to sympathize with her at all.

Secondly, it doesn't really feel like they forced her at all -- "pressuring" isn't force.

This reeks of desperation.

>This is the best picture they could find of her to make her look innocent and sweet.

Really gets your noggin' a joggin'.

Force Abortion is just Force Choking the fetus

Obviously. All he probably said was that it would be wise to consider abortion. He most likely had a fatherly talk with her and was very open about it, as he usually is with his thoughts. Of course this bitch turns around and says he tried to force her. Women are the worst.


>Abortion is fine, nothing morally wrong with abortion!
>A man told a woman to get an abortion?? Evil!

>I publicly shittalk a franchise worth 50 billion dollars
>character assassinated and slandered to fuck 2 weeks later

never seen that coming

>Chen returned to the United States in May and ended her relationship with Nathan shortly afterwards, she said.

Well May the perpetual cycle of poverty and gold digging be with you cunt.

When I read the title I thought Mark was fucked in the head and tried to do a force abortion on her gf.

>The virgin moderate vs the chad progressive


the left loves abortion
but now they are suddenly catholic saints?

Exactly. She gets all the reproductive rights, the Hamill family just didn't think it was a good idea to have the kid. Only sketchy part is tricking her into going to an abortion consultation, and that was his wife not him.

He can bend the knee to Trump and then I'll help him. I don't even give a fuck about Trump but if Hamill were to even pay him positive lip service, then it would be a clear indicator he wishes to become /ourguy/. Only then should he gain Sup Forums's patronage.



>your son getting a tinder thot preggo
Mark did the right thing

The article only shows one side of the correspondence between Mark's son and the ex-girlfriend: it's all from Mark's family. It's all basically saying that if you have the baby you can expect no money from us.
Where's anything she said?
Also a porn actress hasn't had abortions before? C'mon bruh

Yeah it's weird why do UK news outlets do that?

I was about to post the same thing lmao. Utter trash.

>published September 2016
lol who cares so

Is it like the opposite of Anakin's force conception?

because only women have the right to chose

>Published: 17:11 GMT, 11 September 2016

Holy fuck. Disney are going after him because he dared to call out TLJ as shit. This couldn't be more transparent. No fucking wonder no one wants to say a word against them.

>force aborition
So this... is the power of the green milk..

this is actually what i interpreted when i first read the link

>Call out the jew
>Immediately career is ruined
really doodles the noodle

You sound like such a faggot.

Sorry Mark but until you walk back some of your progressive toadying you're on your own.

>I fear she will die in childbirth
>tell her to get an abortion

>tried force abortion
>force abortion
These retards knew what they were doing when they made this headline.

Forgot picture

I just read the article.

Hamill didn't do anything wrong. The only thing they even have on him in this article is that he said 'no one wants the baby.'

>asking child support for unborn daughter
>claims she believes the family thinks she is gold digging

fresh meme comming right up

What you fail to realize in your innocent youth is that this board was pro-Skywalker long before it was pro-Trump or anything related to the GOP.


why did this thread receive any replies

Trump, whether you like him personally, is trying to save this fucking country. every celebrity slinging arrows at him is an enemy of the people. it has nothing to do with Trump himself, it has to do with the American people he represents. Mark Hamill chose his side and now he's being thrown to the wolves. and if you think him making a few snide comments on twitter isn't big deal, you clearly don't understand the stakes.

Holy shit it's happening the mouse is on a rampage



>until mark hamil wont suck israels cock im not inrerested
and Sup Forums claims to be against (((them)))

Antinatalism is Light Force


You're so delusional. What a pussy. What kind of bellicose faggot seriously sits there and types the sort of shit you just squeezed out of the asshole that is your brain?

This article is over a year old. All of you are fucking retarded.

I guess (((they))) are going after him, now.


>literally Virgin and Chad

Hahah, it so fucking obvious that ((they)) are baiting for anything they can get their hands on to salvage this shit. You have to laugh at it because otherwise you have to confront the sheer terrifying implications of this shit. You are witnessing a power structure losing its grip and desperately trying to find something that works to bring the sheep back in line. Seriously look at the timeline of events. These scumbags would rather double down, triple down, quadruple down, on their attempts to socially engineer the public opinion than just admit they were wrong.
-Start with the bought and paid for critics claiming they were literally shaking as they left the theater: failed
-Claim that bots and Russian hackers were to blame for the film's low scores: failed
-Claim anyone who didn't like the new movie is racist, sexist; and outsider from the tribe: failed
-Claim the original movies had their flaws too in an attempt to mitigate or draw attention away from this film's enormous problems: failed
-Unleash the shills: failed
Probably a couple I'm missing...Now though? They're literally trying to kill the actual reputation and fanbase of the dude who played Luke Skywalker because he has some integrity for not shilling a bad product. ALL of this rather than just saying "we fucked up." It should terrify you because these organizations and individuals have this power, it should terrify you because they are this deranged, and it should terrify you because they think you are stupid enough to fall for it.


I've been pro skywalker all my 24 years but when he starts throwing his weight around in the aid of politics then my opinion of Mark Hamill the actor becomes "lukewarm" (geddit??? Luke (lel) WARM)

Reminder that Mark is strongly liberal and, in his own words, actually liked everyone else's story, just not his own.

>Chen, a former porn actress, says she met Hamill’s son Nathan Hamill, 37, a toy maker, on Tinder and went on a first date on New Year’s Eve last year.
what timeline am I in?




Did you ever hear the tragedy of Mark Hamill the Wise? It's not a story that Disney would tell you. It's a Sup Forums legend...

What's with right wingers and constantly framing everything into some kind of hysteric conspiracy theories?

Remember when Force Awakens was coming out and Mark seemed to happy and suddenly full of life

Also, literally no one brought "Russian hackers" into the TLJ backlash debacle. Literally the only ones who did is /tvpol/ posters, in their dumb satirical strawman arguments.

Why is it people have examined the evidence and come to a conclusion? Get of my bwoard nstry nazi's reeeeeeee

This baby killing monster needs to be stopped!

Aside from the histery, what did he say that is wrong?

Oh wow, they are trying to kill Luke. HA.


Mark "Infant Annihilator" Hamill has got a lot of explaining to do.

They're going to have to try harder than this to bring down Mark.

Mark Hamill was an actor of Hollywood, so talented and so wise, he could use his acting abilities to influence directors to create... kino. He had such a knowledge of Luke Skywalker that he could even save the franchise he cared about... from dying.

>Heheh the DARK SIDE of Mark Hamil


Oh boy if Disney cuts him from ep 9 over this (yea he's dead but you know he was still gonna be in it as a ghost) it'll be shit

The shills couldn't have sunk lower if they'd tried.