Go to cinema

>go to cinema
>this guy sits in front of you
>you and your friends can’t stop laughing for 90 minutes

Anyone else do this?

ermmm, what is so funny here?

>tfw I'm balding but you get used to it and actually when I finally decide to go full shave my head is a decent shape so it'll be alright

I would literally kill myself. Not even kidding. I don’t know how guys go out in public like this. Everyone is looking.

Lets all hope you bald then

>average Sup Forums poster
but I have long luxurious hair

what's going on here?

jesus how old are you?

What is this hairstyle called?

>Anyone else do this?
I'm sure other children do this, yes.

>me at 16
You have to shave your head every day or the stubble grows enough to show the bald spot and it's all a wasted effort.

Why are movie theater memes such a profound vehicle for social awkwardness?

old enough to fuck your father

For the guys who are starting to bald
Brush your hair on every direction about 50 times a day. It helps

So you will be dead by 30?

Literally a normal, non soy male head, I don't see the issue here. All men bald

Yeah, my buddies and I are the ones sitting behind you laughing while you eat crab legs by yourself.

Or just don't give a fuck. That helps too.

This is an 18+ board, user.

The fact that he didn't shaved his head


Wait until it starts happening to you. You won't be so quick to jump right into the Patrick Stewart fast lane.

So, 13 then?

The Tarankino

baldlets, they never learn.

>hair starts receding
>take the blue pill (finasterid)
>stops receding

the Massive Forehead

I don't get it, do people REALLY care this much about a guy balding? It's just hair, girls don't care and you look more mature and masculine

>paying lot of money every month to (maybe) stop balding
>not accepting your path as an older man

Why don't you just throw on some makeup too, queer?

>gets limp dick

its a Sup Forums meme

the argus filch

finesteride is literally like 1 dollar a month, if that.

Skullet 1

>Anyone else do this?
No. Only retards.

You're a slave to the consumable jew

No they don't lol

We need to gas subhuman baldlets, they make us look weak and old and they are trying to introduce their bald genes to healthy populations.

It kills the dick tho

Star Wreck

it's called the "just in case anyone forgot I'm making a movie about charles manson"

this is kind of me right now

should I get a hair transplant?

Didn't work for me, just one the unfortunate non responders I guess

OP, are you going bald? It's ok, plenty of people go bald, you are just one of them.

Uno farto

the obvious failed hair transplant

does it? *looks at massive rock hard errection as a masturbate to anime despite haven taken it for literally years*


>he thinks people with good genes start balding before 70

It's good genes to not get cancer or alzheimers, having either one with a full head of hair won't do you any good.

You or one of your friends is pretty much guaranteed to go bald. I wouldn't be so quick to laugh at the guy who didn't just shave his head out of insecurity like you eventually will.

>masturbate to anime
Good thing you have that full head of hair to impress all those cartoon characters.

I used to male fun of baldlets until I started going bald myself

the scrooge

Anyone know of any baldlet charities that I can donate my thick blonde hair to?
I don't want charities that give the hair to children. Children are naive and don't yet realise how disgusting their bald heads look. It is adult baldlets who are the real sufferers, and I want to help them.

All you idiots caring about hair and fashion, grow up or go back to /fa/.

Being bald and balding isn't all that bad. Combovers and bad hairstyles with thinning hair are much worse. If someone wants to get a hair transplant or a wig, then that's cool I don't blame them for doing something that will make them feel more confident. I have a full head of hair but have many bald bros and love them.

Now, what's really a death sentence, even moreso than height and any other feature, is a weak jaw/chin. It makes men look weak and fragile. Not only does it resemble a lack of masculinity but it's also ugly. Even girls who have to be feminine look ugly with a weak jaw. It defines your while lower face. Having a weak jaw also contributes to lines forming around your lips to make you look like a puppet, a double chin even at low body fat percentages and gives you weak profile and frontal views.

HOLY SHIT the bantz.

You will never be able to pass your hand through you hair anymore, think about that.

Enter: the beard.

t. obese basement dwelling neckbeard virgin that has a walmart shirt on

or save up and get an hair transplant

The 'balding sexual deviants of the World unite'

You'll never be able to pass your semen through a female ever, think about that.

I'm 30 with no sign of baldness. Something to be thankful for I guess.

t. soyboy

You are aware that even when you get a hair transplant that you still have to take fin+min every day for the rest of your life in order for the non transplanted hair not to fall out too?
It's not like hair transplants are a one-off deal and you're set for life

the correct term is hairlet

The "Trying to look like a mad genius ala Kubrick"

weak banter, and good luck getting laid with your ugly skull for everyone to see.

There's hope hairlets

>tfw giong bald and not even 30

feels very bad

depends the degree of the receding. My dad has had the same hairline for 30 years. He could have had a minor hair transplant at 30 and be done until his 60s

I'm 28 and I see so much scalp it's infuriating when I step outta the shower. Looks alright when it's dry though.


kek and with it a free chemotherapy

>tfw full head of hair (dad and grandpa still have all their hair too) but getting a lot of noticeable grey hairs in my early 20's
Anyone else knows this feel? What do?

>Sup Forums is full of hairlets

The soy is real.

Please explain why you care.

Apparently fin, min and nizoral makes your nose smaller, de ages you, removes wrinkles under your eyes and makes your shitty beard even shittier?

Nice try, also taking all of those things are only short term copes for hairlets, they will all inevitably become bald later in their life no matter what.

imagine poisoning yourself like that when your looks were never anything special in the first place

which one's the before?

is this me? I even have a shirt like that

cause long, strong hair looks great and my face is not masculine enough to shave it completely

>being scared because off grey hairs
Fuck off

>tfw going bald and not even 20
i love my dad, but he has the worst hair genes

boi got that Antonin Artaud

I literally have the same haircut... at 32yo
everyday I want to kill myself & avoid to look at my reflection in mirrors

>looks great
What does that matter?

If your face is not masculine I highly doubt that long hair is a good option for you my friend.

Aesthetics. People have already started commenting on it

besides no one wants to fuck/be fucked by a grey haired twink


It's "hairlet", user

Businesses in the front
Party in the back

Why don't you shave it then?

please post pic. I’m not making fun. I just want to see a normal guy with that hairline.


more like medium long

No need for sarcasm you little fuck. Some people have claimed to preserve their youth on finasteride. I heard bad things about minox though. It's all anecdotal so you can't jump to conclusions.

I mean yeah if you're ugly there's no point in having hair. But being attractive makes life easier.

You moron asians have the least hair loss. Soy intake is inversely proportional to hair loss

Real men don't give a fuck what other people think of em