>Go see Shape of Water >Its easily one of the most lovely films of the year. Del Toro really knocked it out of the park this time >Go to Sup Forums >no threads to be found.
What the fuck guys? I wanna talk about the most touching film about interspecies sex that doesn't involve Undyne ever made.
Leo Peterson
She's ugly. I don't wanna see her fuck the swamp thing
Blake Powell
just interracial propaganda, like Pan was Satanic Communist propaganda
Robert Reyes
Once you see her buck naked and fingering her calm in a bathtub within the first ten minutes, she suddenly becomes 100% more boner friendly.
I was really surprised by how frank it was in the eroticism department.
Eli Lewis
Theres been a few threads lately but not much, the problem is no-one has seen it because its release is so limited, its also not even showing in the UK. Screener might be out soon.
Lucas Roberts
I hope it picks up some steam here.
There's mad meme potential with Michael Shannon's character.
Nathan Walker
This desu
Oliver Thomas
I hear you see glistening scaly fish man cock rail this chick in full glorious 35mm, true?
Colton Perry
Saw the trailer and had no interest. Looks like a Wes Andersen / Cohen Brothers film with QUIRKY characters and a QUIRKY plot that you can't help but love because it's so QUIRKY because she wants to fug the water monster.
David Gutierrez
Dude, this is nothing like a Coen Brothers/Wes Anderson film.
This is more in line with Del Toro's native language works, albeit with a happy ending and the most organic use of Golden Age of Hollywood nostalgic.
Jonathan Barnes
Well then the trailer did a shit job promoting it, because the plot seems to be about how a plain-jane librarian helps a sea monster escape and I couldn't give a fuck.
Carson Howard
That comes of a great relief to me, I'd thought I'd gone off him after Pacific Rim.
Jacob Mitchell
It gets pretty dark in places, but not in nihilistic Devil's Backbone/Pan Labyrinth territory.
Wyatt Martinez
I actually really liked Pacific Rim, but it was a huge turnaround from the shockingly bland Crimson Peak.
Ayden Barnes
Crimson Peak was utter shit. It didn't help that it had so much bad acting, except for Chastain. It also proved Hiddleston's power to ruin everything he's in.
Hunter White
>talking to my sister since she's around for the holiday >"did you see that see monster porn movie?" >Know exactly what movie she's talking about but still confused
I haven't seen it yet. Is there merman sex in this movie?
Jason Scott
If it's legitimately good, then Sup Forums won't have much to shit on, and it'll fall under the radar. Even Blade Runner 2049 threads are dying out for pretty much this reason.
William Williams
Michael (((Shannon))) is a sniveling cuck.
The Trump curse will be upon him soon.
Ian Foster
Really didnt like that ending Rest of the movie was great though
Andrew Hernandez
fuck the hell off with your fake and gay "Trump Curse" crap.
Isaiah Perez
>cucked out of Hellboy 3 >cucked out of Mountains of Madness >cucked out of Pacific Rim 2 >cucked out of The Hobbit >now this
Bentley Baker
>watching movies at the cinema
Josiah Roberts
>main character is mexican >her co-worker is a sassy black woman >her best friend is closeted gay >the antagonist is bigoted white male Why should I watch this? I am obviously not the target audience.
Christian Gonzalez
That sounds perfectly reasonable.
Joseph Howard
>Fox They just made 60 billion dollars by merging with Disney. I doubt they'd even notice.
Brody Powell
>Oscar bait film >Needing money
It's going to be rerunning, just like all other Oscar films do.
Joseph Howard
GDT went SJW virtue signalling faggot a week or two ago. The Oscars have snubbed it in favor of Ladybird(?) and the memba muh NaZis!? Churchill biopic. So we're letting him enjoy the non-existent and non-loyal new audience he was courting. Like with TLJ.
Nothing wrong with them wanting a new audience. Not even anything really wrong with shitting on the old audience. The problem is when they try to creep back after it all fails.
Fuck GDT. Fuck his fish-fucker movie. And he's welcome to the New Hollywood he tried to cosy up to. He just better hope some rando female crew member from 15 years ago doesn't decide that he sexually assaulted her.
Leo Sanchez
Go away reddit
Asher Ortiz
You just earned the ire of the curse, fella.
Owen Gray
>white woman rejects her own kind, free's and sides with a literal monster It checks out.
Jonathan Phillips
No, it got snubbed. It's...dead in the water.
Anthony Baker
>happy ending Did you see the movie?
Oliver Thomas
Brandon Nelson
I would've been dead a long time ago if that was the case, Trumpcuck.
No one takes that crap seriously except short bus autists like you anyway.
Levi Fisher
Ladybird wasn't that good of a movie, though.
It was pretty much "Emo Hipster Edge of Seventeen" but without what made "Edge of Seventeen" great.
Nathan Reed
t. buttblasted Franco partisans No one will remember you
Michael Bennett
Fuck are you smoking? I wanted to fuck that white bitch up the ass the entire movie.
Always thought Sally Hawkins was cute, The Shape of Water made me realize she was hot.
Zachary Smith
As expected, the art direction and Michael Shannon carried the movie. It was pretty good, but some parts were stupid it flat out unnecessary. Was the racist, homophobic pastry chef really needed at all? We already understood that Richard Jenkins was a failure when good advertising work wasn't accepted. It felt like blatant pandering and took me out of it instantly.
Aaron Turner
You must be legitimately retarded.
John Bailey
We'll always remember the Marxists getting BTFO. Now bow to your king.
Dominic Thompson
I'm not giving my money to a fat Mexican white-hater who clearly stole most of the film from other sources. Looks pretty though; I'll pirate the DVD.
Jason Parker
You were speaking RUSSIAN, Bob!
Jace Diaz
this but unironically
Angel Hernandez
What made Edge of Seventeen great?
Samuel Perry
It didn’t take itself serious.
Liam Miller
Neither did Lady Bird?
Zachary Gonzalez
The angst was a little out of control in Ladybird and it overall had a semi-pretentious air to it.
Luis James
Nothing pretentious whatsoever about Lady Bird. Did you think Napoleon Dynamite was pretentious? You're acting like angst wasn't the main point of Edge of Seventeen either.
Tyler Long
Why would they let maids near a top secret creature anyway?
Blake Carter
That was one of the really really stupid parts of the movie.
Caleb Hall
Because maybe you can appreciate art and entertainment even if it doesnt cater to your every whim?
Andrew Roberts
A mute masturbating cleaner falls in love with a literal animal and people say this is good
Aaron Sullivan
It's pretty great though
Matthew Watson
>everyone says she fucks the fish >no one describes it
What's the fucking point of viral marketing
James Lewis
>unironically saying no one will remember Franco and the falangists when they were the ruling party of spain for nearly a century and their legacy continues on in the modern Spanish government (ignoring EU cuckery) なに?
Cameron Rodriguez
Somebody has to clean the lab. What, you think the scientists are gonna do it?
Gavin Flores
yes she gets FISHED
Justin Adams
if you're really curious...
she gets naked, closes the shower curtain then it jumps to the next night where Zelda asks if she did it
Nolan James
DelToro has never made a great film but this looks interesting Not sure why they don't just release this shit on VoD no one is watching it in theaters
Oliver Hernandez
Really want to see it but, all my friends think the premise is "too weird".
And what's this about it being snubbed?
Brandon Fisher
>just learn to take the bad with the good man Nah, especially when the bad is just a diversity checklist to be filled and could've easily not been there had Del Toro thought twice about putting politics in everything.
If you can ignore it then hey kudos to you, but propaganda automatically takes me out of a movie and I'm left with blue balls thinking what it could have been if not for the current trend of every movie needing a real-life moral lesson of acceptance as if they're meant to be educational, not like you said, entertainment.
Kayden Williams
It was wide-released yesterday. I was the only black person in the theater and everybody was old.
Lucas Torres
>Really didnt like that ending Why not?
Ethan Cox
Eliza isn't Mexican, she's just white.
Jeremiah Fisher
>It was pretty much "Emo Hipster Edge of Seventeen" but without what made "Edge of Seventeen" great.
Holy shit, I'm glad I'm not the only one that thought Ladybird was a less good version of Edge of Seventeen. And is it just me or was the pacing way too fast? It was like before you could digest what was happening something else was happening, a lot of scenes felt meaningless too.
Jacob Smith
Not him but it kinda just happens. Not much buildup. The climax of the movie is the Samson/fingers scene, in my view.
Jack Cox
>lot of scenes felt meaningless too Name one
Leo Clark
it was beautiful. I loved it.
Adam Gonzalez
imagine being this triggered by non white people
Noah Turner
You mean when he was talking to Zelda? The Shape of Water is MOTY for me, but I do wish there had been a bit more to the ending, it should've been longer.
Jaxson Rodriguez
Nice trips.
I personally thought it looked boring / monster looked to much like Abe Sapien. But if a random stranger on the internet said it's good I'll give it a shot.
Easton Myers
Yep that scene is my favorite in the movie, along with his final talk with the general. I actually think the movie could have been a little shorter, and they could have removed every scene when the racist homophobic pastry chef, a character so effectively worthless if I ever have seen one.
Andrew Sullivan
no one will remember this garbage movir
Elijah Hall
It was pretty shit desu, very nice aesthetic but the story and writing sucked balls.
Logan Green
Its obv a happy ending.
Owen Hughes
Lmao dumb Marxists separatists got BTFO eternally and you're still whining. Barcelona is Spanish, deal with it. The majority agrees
Nicholas Lee
>Black priest telling the mom he felt suicidal >Jonah Hill's sister talking to the teacher
Lady Bird might be an authentic retelling of Greta Gerwig's life, but it felt like it was about nothing. The main conflict obviously seemed to be between Christine and her mom but there was no closure. Or rather the closure was undercut by the quick editing. She learned to love her mom again and tried to apologize, then it just ended as soon as she clicked end on her phone.
Caleb Smith
imagine being this triggered when you realize people enjoy watching films about their own people and culture
Aaron Stewart
>He just better hope some rando female crew member from 15 years ago doesn't decide that he sexually assaulted her.
Hahaha too true
Brandon Wright
I liked the chef and the scene served to make whatshisname remember who he was. I understand that the movie might've felt heavy-handed to a lot of people, but I thought it felt natural.
Brandon Cook
imagine being this triggered by white people
Justin Moore
>paying to see human women fuck fish
Bentley Peterson
>>Black priest telling the mom he felt suicidal Gives insight into her mother's job and what she has to deal with. Also explains what happened to the priest. >Jonah Hill's sister talking to the teacher You can't be serious. That romantic failing of the character is important for that character's development, as well as being a counterpoint to Lady Bird when she experiences her own failure later that night. How did you not grasp that? Serious question.
Nicholas Adams
The advertising scenes served that purpose. The pastry chef was just a gross political frivolity.
Jackson Sullivan
>i can't enjoy a film unless it's a fat white guy from Wisconsin riveting stuff
Thomas Jones
I'm going to see it right now, what am I in for?
Dominic Perez
They don't agree. Arrimadas is a fascist arsehole.
Cooper Cook
Robert Morales
Seems like it'll be a good movie but really it feels like the stars aligned to shit on it coming out. >extremely limited theater release that was further hurt by TLJ pushing shit for its 4 week theater domination run >Del Taco is already on the outs in hollywood >Del Taco tries to jump on the race baiting shit that so many hollywood types just can't resist jumping on, on twitter further hurting his potential viewer base.
I don't care if you're liberal, conservative, a black supremacist, or an alien nazi, if you're famous and have to live off the common folk to make your money its never wise to try to alienate a portion of the people that buy your shit.
Ryan Gonzalez
i just got back from seeing at the theater. i can't believe they showed erect fish dick on the big screen. i'm going to need some time to process all of this.
Liam Rodriguez
>I'm still triggered about people wanting to watch things made by their own kind and culture
Lincoln Barnes
>miscegenation propaganda >"the most lovely film of the year"
Ryder Edwards
They were wholly unnecessarily revelations and didn't impact the film in any way.
Jose Perry
It's actually hardly ever white people who bitch about this, meanwhile non-whites, especially black people, piss and moan about it constantly.
It's just for some reason white people are the only ones who can't do it without getting called racist for doing it or being told there's something morally wrong with them feeling that way.
Joseph Roberts
is this the same character from hellboy?
Isaiah Moore
>They don't agree M8, 98% of the people that voted in the illegal referendum voted "yes" to separate. But guess how many people voted? Less than 41% Barcelona. That's not even close to a majority. The majority sees how much damage the ousted separatists have caused. You're done lmao, the international community already moved on the next social outrage issue of the week and will no longer buy into your bullshit.
Easton Ward
Ok, not true. Enjoy your wholly shit viewpoints.
Sebastian Taylor
Jo no sóc independentista imbècil, el que no vull és putos fatxes peperos reciclats governant.
Ayden Thomas
Damn Abe Sapien has a nice ass.
Alexander Lee
nope this is a wholly generic fish man from south america.
The Funny shit is Del Toro lost the right to do Hellboy movies meaning he could no longer do Abe, then at one point he was attached to all the Universal Monster movies including the Creature from the Black Lagoon but lost that as well,