All white males on board are to be castrated

>all white males on board are to be castrated
Um... I don’t get it. Was this like a joke or something?


>Put on the cock cage or you're being sent out of an airlock!
jesus this is not fair

They gave an accurate representation of a female "leader", I think. Arrogant, doesn't know what the fuck she is doing, some sort of sexual frustration with her subordinates, thinks she knows better than everyone... Bravo, Disney.

again with the victim card, OP?

>All men are to urinate sitting down and do not manspeak unless spoken to

Well, it clearly works for my opponents, so why not?

>I-is that an erection? Guards! Get him out of my sight!
Christ I can't handle this

>makes everything 10x more complicated then it needs to be and almost gets everyone killed because she wants to prove a point.

Literally a perfect example of a female leader.

well, because using the passive agressive victim card all the time makes other people see you as a spineless worm. Have you tried not being that?

>Um, honey, I'm a womyn, so I won't explain shit
What were Disney thinking?

I actually don't understand why hodough had to keep her plan a secret. Leia said she didn't want to come off as some hero or something, but not even she knew that hodor was going to stay with the ship. She could have just shared the evacuation plan, then stayed, and she wouldn't have even needed to hyperspace ram the fleet because there wouldn't be the stupid codebreaker subplot.
She fucked up the whole thing and all the people in those 20 transports died because of her.

Don’t give a shit. Winning is winning.

what if it's secretly a redpill?
I mean, purple hair? And that fat asian girl was also proven to be completely retarded.
Also finn got put in a leaky suit instead of a bacta tank... really makes you think doesn't it.

That purple haired bitch got the death that Admiral A kbar deserved, but no he gets sucked out into space and she gets the hero's death

Might not have been politically correct having an admiral named Ackbar blow himself up in a kamikaze attack.

>your sexual consent forms have no legal binding on my ship, guards lock him up for rape


>being so detached from reality that you project your fear of losing your masculinity into a film with the complete opposite message
You need a priest tbqh famalam.

>people keep saying this movie is promoting feminism

Isn't it the opposite? The movie shows women in every position of leadership in the rebellion, and they completely fuck everything up. By the end of the movie there's like 10 rebels left thanks to their colossal failures.

People see only what they want to see.

I'm glad Admiral Ackbar avoided being associated with a scene that totally destroyed any suspension of disbelief this universe had. He was too good for that.

Or why the fuck she didn't just turn around and hyperdrive them immediately after they left, like fuck woman, come on.

Hell, why wouldn't they have just sent one guy in an x-wing to hyperdrive all three death stars ffs? Just one split right down the middle would done everything.

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine? What did you learn in school?


She didn't do anything wrong. The plan was literally perfect until the codebreaker sold them out. If Poe wasn't an immasculated faggot and Finn didn't go on his merry adventure with the slope then the rebels would have been absolutely fine.

You’re missing the point. It normalizes female “”””””””””leadership””"””””””””.

That’s fucking unacceptable.

feminist says its promoting feminism since they don't understand shit, meanwhile Sup Forums hates anything that feminism says promote feminism

its a stupidity cycle

Wait a minute! That's a meme there! That's a great meme to put out there! Somebody, quick. In the name of kek!

>in the name of kek
Fuck off back to r/Sup Forums, scum.

Don't let reality get in the way of a good Sup Forums rant. Turns out woman are just other humans who fuck up like men do.

>in the name of kek
You need to go back to Sup Forums for underage posting

No, it actually had the opposite effect. She handled things badly, but the audience was told to like her. The result is a redpill, the opposite to Disney's storywriting, which just goes to show how shitty it was.


>'Luke is a cuck'

jeez that was a bit blunt

better yet, tell everyone the evacuation plan and as soon as the ships are off she rams unto the Supremacy... or why didn't she sent one empty transport with a fucking astromech piloting it to ram itself against the enemy fleet? a relativistic projectile wouldn't need to be bigger than an X-wing

The reality is that women are not equal to men, should not be treated or depicted equal to men and any media products that does so is a subversive influence.

The only thing she handles badly is letting a malcontent like Poe walk about the ship freely. At the very least have someone tracking him or throw him in the brig.

I disagree. It’s not about liking them. It’s about changing what’s normal.

I hated the chink, Finn was going to have his heroic sacrifice moment (would've been great really and we wouldn't have to suffer that gorilla again) and she fucking rams him from the side

Do women even understand what selfless sacrifice means?

>The lonely autist shitposting on an Italian spaghetti making imageboard thinks hes inherently superior to all woman


This character served no purpose other than to make male lead look like a fucking idiot because god knows we can't have a guy being in charge for once in Soy Wars.

>I-it's not fair when goyim do it!

But we are on Sup Forums right now :^)

>he isn't wrong
>better insult him!

Why does everyone hate me?

I did not choose to be white.

I did not choose to be male.

I have no agency in any form of global agenda. I was born poor. I shall die poor. All I want is to be happy. Is that so much to ask?

He is wrong though. Masculinity without femininity is just masturbation on a downward spiral lmao

Unironically this

The truth hurts doesn't it, roastie?

If you abandon your fear of being hated you'll be happier.
Tell me more of your woes, user.

It's a pretty poor depiction if their intent is to change what's normal. Surely if you want to normalise things, you don't give her clunky characteristics such as her refusal to speak to the others for no reason. They didn't even mention anything like that she might have been concerned about spies. It was jarring to watch to the point that the reasons she did everything were clearly written for the script.

She wasn't treated so much as a character, rather as a catalyst for further progression of the plot.

>He isn't wrong
Why he is wrong is implicit in what I said brainlet

I love this pic only because of the qt on the left

You decide if you are happy, you've got to get your wants under control. Realtalk though the West is about to go through some shit so you should be getting ready.

>Wir mussen die weisse mann ausroten!
Any other movies where they suddenly switch to another language like this?

Wow fuck off racist alt-right troll.

It’s irrelevant what kind of depiction it is. It works via ad nause repetition, not good writing.

Poe is white now?

But that's not true progressive thought! It undermines the movement through hypocrisy! It means that those who are trying to deliver said message are not truly for the cause themselves.

That's partly why it all feels sickeningly unnatural. It's not genuine.

Fucking Hollywood.

>stop using my standards against me!

Her character's only purpose was to give Poe character development. He's 100% going to grow up to be the great Resistance leader in ep9.

Too bad it’s not going to matter even if it does happen.

>Her field of expertise is astrology
And they put her in charge?

Your enemies that you want to tell this to are not browsing Sup Forums.

>complete opposite message

See, this makes it even worse. It makes everyone in charge in the Resistance look like tards.

move to Poland, we don't have feminism here

They absolutely are.

interracial marriage stats say otherwise

Are women property in Poland? No?

Then congrats, you have feminism.

Gee, I don't remember that scene in the movie. It's almost like Disney let some feminists in for promotional reasons.
The film is about balance, one gender is not above the other.
Let films stand alone upon their own merits unless you think that politics is more important, in which case get the fuck off of this board.

>We could be inclusive with something like "The Force doesn't care about genders" but nah

What the fuck was up with this scene?

You should tell them more directly, because they'll (correctly) assume that they're hidden enough by anonymity for your opinion not to matter anyway.

Okay, for one thing, one gender not being above the other is NOT balance.

Second thing, the movie doesn’t stand on its own merits either. It’s fucking horrible.

Don't move to Poland, it's a very poor shithole and besides we're full already

the mental gymnasts that have accepted the plot of tlj have already decided that relativity doesn't work in star wars

If you think that you are better than your wife for doing masculine things then she will leave you.
The movie stands fine upon its own merits, it has character, good cuts, great visuals, an interesting plotline and did something truly new with the franchise. If you have no evidencing but opinions then your opinions are pretty fucking weak.

This, and we most certainly do have feminism, or did you forget about that whole Communist thing?

I don’t have a wife because I’m not retarded.

>truly new

>I can't understand what's going on in this film, thus anyone who does must be a great mental gymnast
Best projection I've seen all day.

The movie has no merits, it is just Episode 5 rehashed with feminist propaganda and CGI.

>equal relationship
This website is 18+

Having a wife would only be retarded if you hated women, if you hate women you're either not straight or have very islamic views on what women should do. Unironically misogynistic in the classical sense.
>unequal relationship
Your relationships will all fail. If you're incapable of having relationships then you're only capable of producing bastard children.

>Having a wife would only be retarded if you hated women

Are you fucking serious? Starting to suspect you’re a w*man

Except that Rey reaches out to Kylo even when he appears to be evil.
Sorry, I should've said "Having a wife would only seem retarded to you if you hated women".

you don't have living wage either

lol so randum

Are you fucking with me or are you actually an idiot? Do you think for the past 10 000 years before 1960 we had equal relationships? You mean to tell me that the relationships we engage in now are more successful than traditional ones? I'll say it again, you're too young to be here.


The movie says she was right, so does most of the audience

The arguments are the opposite user. There are plenty of detailed breakdowns about why it was bad. People are constantly bringing up points and you are deliberately ignoring them.

Your blanket smear that it was all good is a bluff, where you attempt to list a few of the categories people use to measure film quality in the hope that this is enough to indicate that you have provided evidence with your own opinion.

If you're only here to provide opinion alone followed by personal attack, then whether you're intelligent or not, you've decided to play dumb, all for what? Do you enjoy being a bully? Is it easier than thinking? Come on mate.

Argue with more than personal attack. Seriously, we need to do better.

What does this cunt do in the movie?

We hate you, because you don't recognize your privilege

Take responsibility and we'll fórgive you

They fail because women don't respect men, but the tradition itself burned because men in general didn't show enough respect to their wives.
Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it etc.
Use your own standards, almost all of the points in this thread are identity politics bullshit.
Side note: don't take responsibility for anything you weren't a part of.

>laura dern has been forever tainted with this meme instead of the superior diane posting

Fuck you, Sup Forums!

>the relationships we engage in now are more successful than traditional ones?
Not him, but idealizing relationships between women and men from the past is pretty fucking idiotic. Shit was as unstable as could be, with fathers rarely caring for and alloting time for their children until they'd reach the ages of 15. And all kids had by women would generally be entrusted to a wet nurse who'd care for the children of the entire village while women would also keep busy with the harvest, or having parties if they were bourgeois with nothing to do.
Also people married either because they had the same social standing, or were of the same age in the case of a small village. Dysfunctional as heck my guy.

>the force is shemale

Protip: They wont forgive you, and you'll just be back at square one only you've admitted to wrongdoing

>old Twin peaks
>Look at these young girls

>nu Twin Peaks
>Wow I really want to bang this old hag, both my character and the real me

Twin Peaks has the best hags you shitter.