>For some time now, there’s been a nagging sense that all might not be well behind the scenes of Disney’s Star Wars Universe. The Force Awakens and Rogue One seemingly washed away the stale memories of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy, but a string of high profile departures from the forthcoming sequels and some very divisive reactions to The Last Jedi have somewhat undermined that. Now, it looks like things could get even worse, as a source close to the production of Solo: A Star Wars Story has revealed the company is bracing itself for that film to fail significantly.
The power to spend billions in advertising is insignificant next to the power of the JUST
I sincerely hope Disney's misery is only beginning.
>Mfw I realize that I'm living in the timeline where the mouse can't control itself
I won't see it.
The mouse will burn down every franchise and blame internet trolls for box office performance.
They flew too close to the sun
and death to disney.
I'm sure this plus the E8 situation will lead to no significant changes at Lucasfilm whatsoever
>The Force Awakens and Rogue One seemingly washed away the stale memories of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy
>releases 21 days after Avengers
"Oh it was just action movie fatigue."
Everyone said Wonder Woman would bomb, Sup Forums would have bet on it if it could, but it was a surprise success financially and "critically".
why would they cast someone who can't act?
I'm not even sure I'll pirate it. The book (or was it books? I dunno it's been a decade or more) were fine and surely will be better than this shit.. they had glowing space dragons flying around the caverns of kessel, gundark bar fights, gambling, and best of all Han started as a low level imperial that awol'd because the Empire in practice wasn't like the Empire propaganda told him about.
At least I think that's what happened
You’re doing gods work based dropped user
They didn't learn a thing from the prequels. They thought that Star Wars was impossible to fuck up.
Wow I saw that a month ago and it was embarrassingly bad. They literally had Ares using lightning. Is that fucking canon? That's Zeus's shit
>hollywood accounting coming through, gonna make mills losing mills
He looks nothing like ford.
han solo's one of my favorite characters, and i have absolutely zero plans to pay to see this. if i do see it, it'll be at a relatives house to bought the blueray or just get it from online stream/torrent.
for starters, the actor they cast looks like a fucking faggot. same goes for the rest of the cast. so right off the bat, the overall look and feel of the characters looks "off", like it has this corporatized plastic sheen. fuck it. not even going to bother thinking about sw anymore. just gonna hide these threads. its getting annoying now. i'm not "triggered" just fedup with the monotony.
that guy isn't Han Solo, that's the biggest problem
>we're gonna make 50 years of Star Wars movies
>irreversibly wreck it in 4
>The Force Awakens and Rogue One seemingly washed away the stale memories of George Lucas’s prequel trilogy
Yeah washed away everything that was SW
If they make this one, I will see it in cinema's
I didn't see it myself, but it looked like a surefire bomb leading up to the release just like Solo looks now, so things could change.
Truly he is, don't let em forget
appreciate the archive OP
That's the abysmal difference, what we got back then was prequels that yeah, were bad, but had a spirit, something that made them special, something enjoyable, now?, We got finn and holdo
>shit leading actor who is there thanks to tribalism (literally)
>shit leading actor literally needed a acting coach on set because he was so shit
>whole movie got reshot
>zero hype
Just wait until April for the lack of ads and you know the mouse is abandoning a sinking ship.
What exactly is archive?
linking to the articles via archive.is instead of directly so Jews can't get ad clicks
Here's your new Han Solo, say something nice about him.
I liked it,
it could have helped my expectations were rock bottom.
Now you know why Europe was raped by the black death while the arab was fine. They love for cats probably help too.
Prequels were bad but had Lucas charm, these movies stink of Disney-Marvel
Good riddance the mouse wars are shit outside of kylo anyway
Why does it look like he is trying to hide the fact he is constipated?
>doing anything interesting with Star Wars
Nah, anything Empire related is too risky. Remember, the Empire is now literally a white supremacist organization.
The franchise of a certain rich studio brought forth abundantly. he studio reasoned within itself, saying, 'What will we do because seeing that we have much, we want more?' They said, 'This is what we will do. We will rebuild our franchises, and buy bigger ones, and thereby we will gain more. My accountant will say, "Disney, you have many goods laid up for many years. Take your ease, eat, drink, be merry."' "But box office said to him, 'You foolish studio, tonight your goods will plunder. The things which you have prepared—whose will they be when you are bankrupt?' So is he who lays up treasure for himself, and does not create kino."
I fucking love Shibas
why are they releasing it in May? not even a full 6 months now pretty soon it will be every 3 months
They really fucked up by not making that Obi-Wan spin-off film that their fans actually want.
it's baring teeth
it's what kikes do before assaulting their prey
>Your empire products sell like crazy, people love dressing like those characters
>Call them white supremacists
>Surprise, merch sales actually go down
Not even cartoon characters are this retarded.
the clone troopers are all Polynesians though
>in b4 America white memes
>Tfw i still have those neat Rots lego sets from back 2006
Wait, what was wrong with the prequels? TFA was unimaginative garbage and rogue one was just fanbait wankery.
The mouse did the impossible, they killed Star Wars.
They wanted Star Wars to be like Marvel. They failed.
If you're going to release 1 movie every year then it better be great or no one's going to care.
Unless you're Marvel, then your shit just gets eaten right up
Even normies see how corporate these movies are now
>clearly a terrible idea from the start
>they only realise until after they've started making it
Reminder that the production budget alone is in the area of $300-400 million after the reshoots are taken into account.
They would probably twist the narrative into "poor clones forced to fight by white people"
>decide to make a film focusing on one of the most iconic characters in cinema history
>cast some kike faggot that Speilberg met at a fucking bar mitzva
>said actor can't act for shit
>fire two directors because they don't shoot the scenes the way they were focus tested
What else could go wrong at this point?
>archiving the link
Dear diary, today OP was heterosexual
I am so fucking thankful this cuck lost the rights to Elric.
Can you imagine the White Wolf being written by this guy?
Not releasing any marketing for your film that comes out in 5 months
Ron Howard can pull it off.
At least he finally admitted that shitskins aren't human.
SJWs always double down
Couldn't be happier. It still howls like hell.
the only thing that will safe this shit is ford dieing during the premier.
Rian Johnson is the spark that'll light the fire that'll burn Disney down
Friendly question, he's not the most handsome man and other shit, but, how do we know that he doesn't act shit?, I've never seen him in a movie
Same, I fucking love rex and gang
then why make the movie? why not make a movie about a new character and a new story in the star wars galaxy
clones are for children, user
>Unless you're Marvel, then your shit just gets eaten right up
The problem is that Disney assumes Star Wars can be treated like a superhero franchise, when Star Wars fans are used to waiting for years or decades between installments, not all of which were perfect but almost all of which were above average or performed a significant function within the larger structure of the Star Wars saga and demonstrated a level of care in worldbuilding that was unlike anything else in cinema.
Now nobody writing these movies gives a fuck about the world where the story takes place and it shows. The characters don't have the resonance that the last two trilogies managed to create (the story of Anakin's transformation into Vader is interesting, even if it could have been executed better, and Luke is iconic and almost perfectly archetypal--Rey is..I don't even know).
The franchise was once handled with care, and now it's not. It's handled like a comic book.
That would be awesome...
Wonder if it would be pre or post order 66?
Would love to see Sheev at his prime...
> they're turning on Star Wars like they turned on the DCEU
>how do we know that he doesn't act shit?
He was in Hail Caesar and ironically, he played a singer that couldn't act. He was actually good
>pointless origin story no one asked for
>change directors when filming is almost done
>have to hire a fucking acting coach for your lead 80% into filming
The surprising part is people are just now realizing this will bomb.
A 71.5% drop Sunday-to-Sunday on Christmas Eve
>Rian plan was to destroy the mouse from inside, make it go bankrupt and sell starwars, saving the saga
Mark didn't want to kill him, he wanted to strangle the mice, >Rian is not the hero we wanted but the one we needed
WW and Jurassic World, can't understand how these turds got such praise
Bitch please, comic books have WAY more care put into them than the sequel trilogy. Heck, have you seen SW comics?
Lifelong SW fan waiting to watch this crash and burn. Fuck this movie.
I don't read comic books
Thanks user.
>Arioch is a white male
>Elric is not an Albino but a PoC
>gets manipulated by evil whitey
Comic book movies get shit out every other month with no regard for quality, though.
Christmas Eve means theater close early. The friday drop is pretty shit though
poor fucking Ron Howard. He was hand picked by George Lucas to direct star wars prequels and sequels and lucas got betrayed and they ditched all his ideas. Then in a scramble they bring ron in to fix han solo. They give rian johnson a 3 picture deal. Ron howard is a decent director. Though, He has to clean up and fix a movie for shit heads who didnt hire him in the first place. No one goes to see ron's movies any more. At least he gave us a hot ass daughter.
And the only rank and file stormtrooper we have ever seen take off his helmet was black.
Playing it safe all the time will eventually ruin Star Wars.
Off yourself
Former Star Wars fanatic here. Not gonna lie: it's been hilarious seeing Star Wars crash and burn. But seriously we can't let them release another one.
>beloved childhood star
>Oscar-winning director
>has a beautiful daughter who's a successful actress
Man, now that I think about it, Ron Howard's got a pretty sweet life, doesn't he?